Minimum Income

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Yes, there are always exceptions and non-standard circumstances. I was referring to minimum wage jobs and a legally mandated minimum wage. NOT skilled jobs that already make far more than the average.

In some job categories we DO have a labor shortage of QUALIFIED applicants. Often we approve foreign nationals a visa expressly for the purpose of filling these jobs. It's a sad fact that there is a disconnect between needed job skills and education and the jobs we urgently need to fill. And this needs to be fixed. But, that also is not what the minimum wage addresses.

The minimum wage is simply a way to assure those at the bottom tier of our employment ladder make sufficient wages to be able to have a minimum acceptable standard of living. THESE people do not have the power or money to individually negotiate for better wages. Especially in today's anti-union environment.

Do why don't the unskilled minimum wage earners go and sign up with the desperate for workers labourers union?
$51. Or more per hour is decent money.
But the work is hard!!
I have seen reports of sweating!!
Pretty sure unskilled workers don't get paid $51 an hour. But I'm willing to be proven wrong - is there a link to the job posting for Boston's local 223?
I know lots of people that don't mind a little sweat. Heck, a lot of sweat. Ever done stoop labor in the fields? Please provide a list of job openings for $51/hour available to them with no prior experience or education. Shucks, I might be on the next plane.
If they don't have skills, why don't they learn them? Then they can apply for $51/ hr.

How exactly? When living paycheck to paycheck (as, according to the last number I saw, close to 50% of Americans are), and being faced with outrageously expensive education, this is often not an option.
You're missing the point. This article relies on the opinion that working and earning an livable income are human rights.

The problem with your socialist pathetic article is it ignores the FACT human rights come harnessed to human responsibilities such as the human responsibility to get up off of your fucking ass, get trained and educated enough to have some value to and for a job and thereby a livable income. It ignores the fact that there’s little to no incentive for many lazy bastards to take that responsibility upon themselves when socialist government hands them a survival out of the pockets of ambitious and industrious folks.

Of course, the means to attaining a society based on that prinicpal relies on the minimum income

But socialism promotes the folly that hierarchy/government is not necessary and humanoids can become a totally agreeable totally democratic gang of drones and undirected robots operating on the false principle of “the good of the collective.” A minimum wage requires “enforcement.” Only in the world of insane socialism, pie-in-the-sky is enforcement unnecessary and irrelevant.

So I suppose you’d have us believe that a minimum wage would be created by a democratic referendum election organized by nobody because there is no hierarchy/government and the vote gets counted by nobody because there never was any organized election, because there is no hierarchy. Right?
Re - getting skills to be able to get the $51 an hour job - 007 posted that
Here in Boston, local 223 are screaming out for unskilled workers, paid in excess of $51. An hour real time.
We are all curious about these jobs, want to see the posting link, etc. So it's not a question of having to get skills to get these jobs, supposedly. But no evidence yet they exist.

Re RoseCaptain going to college before starting a co-op - good move. If you can do it, get your education first. It's very hard to go to school while working; but I admire people who can do it.

Re college costs - I recently checked out my alma maters and was shocked - basically tuition has quadrupled since I went there. NO WONDER today's kids aren't able to afford to go without a lot more loans than I got. Yes, I had scholarships, work study, and I worked outside the school - but I did get some loans. But not nearly as much as I would have needed today.

Any old geezer who says "why can't kids just work their way through school the way I did?" hasn't looked at current costs.

I was lucky enough to be able to go to private colleges. If I was going to college today, I'd have to go to the local state university. Would have been fine, but not as good as what I was able to do and I would still come out with more debt than I did.
Pretty sure unskilled workers don't get paid $51 an hour. But I'm willing to be proven wrong - is there a link to the job posting for Boston's local 223?
Unions don't advertise.
Prevailing rate for a LABORERS union worker is 32 bucks an hour, with benefits valued at 19 an hour, health, dental, annuity and college funds.

The union hall is empty. Has been for a decade, getting a labourer from the hall, for an approved contractor is near impossible unless you are filling a large number of placements.
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