Minimum Income

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I guess if 007s not banned for that I might as well leave and go back to my forum.

Howey, I have no problems with vigorous debate that sometimes edges over the line, such as Kane, Damocles, and USF often give me.

But ILA and 007 are just nasty. I'm afraid I will have to add 007 to my ignore list soon; I don't need his kind of nastiness in front of my eyes.

In terms of banning, if they haven't been banned yet, they never will be. I'm not in charge of this forum; it's not my decision; but thank goodness the ignore feature works pretty well.
Howey, I have no problems with vigorous debate that sometimes edges over the line, such as Kane, Damocles, and USF often give me.

But ILA and 007 are just nasty. I'm afraid I will have to add 007 to my ignore list soon; I don't need his kind of nastiness in front of my eyes.

In terms of banning, if they haven't been banned yet, they never will be. I'm not in charge of this forum; it's not my decision; but thank goodness the ignore feature works pretty well.

This forum has specific rules regarding calling someone a pedophile. 007 knows better.
Every post you made us menacing and threatening in that thread.
Yes I know, you parse words like a liberal would, but your words were clear.
I don't need your paltry 10 grand.
I spent that at dinner last week.
You baby threatening stalking fucking weirdo.

I never posted in that thread. I had not even returned to this site for at least a month after the last post in that thread.

You are a lying sack of shit. NOT ONE FUCKING WORD from me in that thread. Not one threat. NADA. i cannot believe you don't have the maturity to admit that you. Fucked up.
You deffo made the threat, the announcement was made in two threads, you made a veiled threat, I called you on it, you tried to deny it then as now.

You threatened my entire family, along with several other liberals here.
I have made copies if each threatening and menacing post/pm you made.
It's all good.
See you in August.
I'm covered!

You claimed I threatened you in a thread. I NEVER posted in that thread.

That makes you a LIAR.

And when, liars are confronted with their lies, and they don't show the grace to admit that they fucked up... Then, not only are they LIARS, but they are PUSSIES as well.

And if you made copies of each threatening post I ever made, you should be able to show us ONE. But you can't, because you're FUCKING LYING ABOUT THAT AS WELL. Paratrooper my ass.... You're nothing but a Boston Fag hairdresser. You were never in uniform. People in uniform are taught integrity... And you. Got NONE.
You threatened my kids.
Where is not relevant, you did it in the threads, in the messages you sent.
so lies aren't "relevant"?

You're a fag hairdresser liar. You've never been in uniform and I have NEVER threatened your kids. If I had, and you had saved them all as you ahain falsely claim, then why not put me to shame by posting ONE message from me that in any way threatens your children? We both know why you don't...BECAUSE YOU FUCKING CAN'T. BECAUSE YOU ARE A FUCKING FRAUD. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU IS FRAUDULENT BULLSHIT. Put up or shut the fuck up. You got nothin'.
Here are my posts in that thread :

enjoy your children 007... they are God's greatest gift to us, and the greatest gift WE give to the future.


paulie... ya got me all wrong here. I was completely sincere. I know what a joy one's children can be. Watching my three kids grow and achieve and succeed has been the most fun and rewarding part of my life.


imagining the dinner conversation is somewhat of a lark, that is for sure!


posting a photo of your luxury Boston condo is certainly not synonymous with threatening to kill your children, do you think?


vicious messages? you must have me confused with someone else living rent free inside your head.

That's the sum total of my posts in this "new" thread. Which one of THOSE is a threat to your children?

Ya know, I think there is a sociological rule at play here; the more proles post the more likely a thread is to be closed. So I guess I'm going to have to start following our resident idiots and move their posts to the proper (rule 14) thread.
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