Minimum Income

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Two bars, you were afraid to go to Daiseys so I picked Jakes.
Then you said your son was coming, so to accommodate him I suggested Jaques.
Then you whined that jakes was an odd place, so I suggested Menton.
It's a restaurant in the theater district.
Do you not comprehend the difference between bar and restaurant.

It's very basic English.

First choice: daisy's.... One of the 25 douchiest bars in all of Boston.... Why am I not surprised?

We'll be at Jake's. see you there if you dare.
Newbury street: fancy upscale shopping street with overpriced stores... Yeah... Those are the sorts of streets where cops like to hang out after a shift!

Or from you, I'm doubting you ever served, you kind of harp on about it a little much.
But perhaps that's how it is for the navy, out there clean, safe and comfortable away from the enemy.
Pink gins and hot scoff!!
Don't forget the ice cream!!
brits drink at sea... We don't.

And regards to my service... If I show you my retired ID card, you can pick up the tab at Jake's. Deal?
You, on the other hand, have insulted my service and my children... Calling one of them incompetent. He wants to talk to you about that, and will.
And my guess is, once you see my son, you'll think twice about calling him fat... And you'll certainly think twice about calling him incompetent. Why you would ever call a military veteran and retiree a coward is beyond me, but you'll get the opportunity to do that as well. Nice lessons in civility to teach your young boys!
Yes you did.
The day I announced the birth of the most recent, one of your veiled threats, kind of like the threats you are making here.
I hope you do carry them out, attempt to at least.
Coward, attacking children, how vile, how liberal.
Your spawn have more than what's coming to them
Yes you did.
The day I announced the birth of the most recent, one of your veiled threats, kind of like the threats you are making here.
I hope you do carry them out, attempt to at least.
Coward, attacking children, how vile, how liberal.

That is a lie. Either provide a link to a post from me that attacks your children or retract the lie.
Because the navy is full of cowards, the like to wear fancy uniforms but avoid real danger.
You said your son was fat.
220lbs and under 5'5" is obese, correct?
Is your son so big that you can hide behind him?

Wherever did you get the idea that my son was 5'5"? He is nearly 6'3".

Again... Calling a military retiree a coward when you know next to nothing about his service is foolhardy... But you'll have a chance to clarify and revise your remarks... Just like you'll have a chance to apologize to my son for calling him fat and incompetent. Let's just hope you avail yourself of the opportunity when it presents itself.
You know what you said, coward. It was a threat against my kids.
You, howey, zappy all the Obamacult on here.
Across several threads.
Not to mention your vile messages.

Not one single threat from me to your children EVER. you have me confused with someone else. Either show where you think I threatened your children or retract that scurrilous lie.

Incompetent fat thug, eh? You ready to call my son that to his face, or do your balls only work behind a computer monitor?
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