Minimum Wage 1968=$1.60. With grown and distribution it would be $21.16 today?

Labor is controlled by employers as it should be in a non-communist economy. Perhaps you can show the dynamics of bribing the government for private enterprises to control their labor. Start in 1776 with the Wealth of Nations and the free market and supply side economics our economy was founded upon.

There is a market in labor as well. It's called the labor market. And it's currently corrupted.

The recent Citizens United court decision has allowed corporate money to flow unfettered into political campaigns. It's legalized corruption, and tilts all laws in the favor of corporations.

You don't actually believe in free markets. You actually believe in fascism, the union of corporate and government power.
There is a market in labor as well. It's called the labor market. And it's currently corrupted.

The recent Citizens United court decision has allowed corporate money to flow unfettered into political campaigns. It's legalized corruption, and tilts all laws in the favor of corporations.

You don't actually believe in free markets. You actually believe in fascism, the union of corporate and government power.

There is a labor market, but that is not the labor calculated in production. Two separate labors. I think the only corruption in the labor market are what is left of the unions screwing around with letting the market set it own prices and wages.

Why focus on Citizens United? All the court did was put corporations back were they were over 200 years ago. Constitutional rights for corporations is not a new concept: Dartmouth College v. Woodward and Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company are a few examples. Also would you be OK with the police coming into your place of business and going through your files and computers without a warrant?

It is an interesting statement that I don't believe in free markets coming from someone who is guided by the Communist Manifesto regarding economics and labor. But I believe in the free markets setting prices.
There is a labor market, but that is not the labor calculated in production. Two separate labors. I think the only corruption in the labor market are what is left of the unions screwing around with letting the market set it own prices and wages.

Why focus on Citizens United? All the court did was put corporations back were they were over 200 years ago. Constitutional rights for corporations is not a new concept: Dartmouth College v. Woodward and Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company are a few examples. Also would you be OK with the police coming into your place of business and going through your files and computers without a warrant?

It is an interesting statement that I don't believe in free markets coming from someone who is guided by the Communist Manifesto regarding economics and labor. But I believe in the free markets setting prices.

The rate set by the labor market is the one used in the calculation of labor costs in the costs of production. And that labor market is corrupted by laws which favor corporations and not workers.

Old concepts can be stupid as well, the belief in a flat earth is old as well. You wanna take up that battle?
The rate set by the labor market is the one used in the calculation of labor costs in the costs of production. And that labor market is corrupted by laws which favor corporations and not workers.

Old concepts can be stupid as well, the belief in a flat earth is old as well. You wanna take up that battle?

That would be true 100 years ago. But not now. Wages and productivity has separated since the mid 1970s with technology. Labor costs, wages, and productivity are not as connected as they once were.

Explain the laws that favor corporations over workers? But stay within the confines of constitutionally guaranteed property rights and case law. You can start with private property rights with Locke for a better understanding of why they are protected by the Constitution.
That would be true 100 years ago. But not now. Wages and productivity has separated since the mid 1970s with technology. Labor costs, wages, and productivity are not as connected as they once were.

Explain the laws that favor corporations over workers? But stay within the confines of constitutionally guaranteed property rights and case law. You can start with private property rights with Locke for a better understanding of why they are protected by the Constitution.

But labor costs are still determined by a labor market. Im not talking about everything involved in productions costs, im talking strictly about LABOR COSTS, you dissembling fucktard.
But labor costs are still determined by a labor market. Im not talking about everything involved in productions costs, im talking strictly about LABOR COSTS, you dissembling fucktard.

Labor costs are controlled by how many people are hired by a company. Labor costs for a particular skill could be $15 per hour, but that does not mean X amount of people will be hired by any one company to produce product Y. Labor costs are restricted to a company, not the labor market.

The Google is letting you down.
He doesn't care. He thinks the Left shouldn't be looked at because they use comedy. Yet the Right uses fear, anger, hate and paranoia to drive their turd brained zombies.

It's worse than that. At one point in Capitalism and Freedom (1962), Milty compares children to buildings and automobiles and says that the owners of children should be treated just like the owners buildings and automobiles who are forced to sell them when they can no longer afford the upkeep. Then he goes on to explain why this is a necessary and desired outcome for poor parents but that it is impossible because we don't like separating families and so on. How this all comports with his title Capitalism and Freedom is beyond me.
It's worse than that. At one point in Capitalism and Freedom (1962), Milty compares children to buildings and automobiles and says that the owners of children should be treated just like the owners buildings and automobiles who are forced to sell them when they can no longer afford the upkeep. Then he goes on to explain why this is a necessary and desired outcome for poor parents but that it is impossible because we don't like separating families and so on. How this all comports with his title Capitalism and Freedom is beyond me.

Why not put it in context? THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN EDUCATION
Labor costs are controlled by how many people are hired by a company. Labor costs for a particular skill could be $15 per hour, but that does not mean X amount of people will be hired by any one company to produce product Y. Labor costs are restricted to a company, not the labor market.

The Google is letting you down.

It's funny that you can't understand that labor is a commodity and like all commodities it is sold on the labor market and as such is subject to the same law of supply and demand that governs the price of all commodities. Labor costs are conditioned on the number of people bidding for the particular job at any particular time. If the owner has to seek workers and has to pay them more than they are making somewhere else he will have to bid up labor costs if there is a reserve army of unemployed he can basically offer several people the job and bid down the labor costs because there are people who will be willing to work for a lot less when they are unemployed than they are willing to work for if they are employed or if they able to bid up the price of their labor if they are already working. That is why businesses want a 6% or greater unemployment rate and they also want a "relief" system that is not generous enough to allow people to be too choosey about the employment they are willing to take once they are unemployed. If the unemployment benefits last too long or the food stamp benefits are too generous, the people on these programs might not be as ready to bid down labor costs and support business desires to cut costs by putting even more people out of work. But I don't think you are nearly as smart as your trite pat answers suggest or you wouldn't be saying the stupid shit you said in this comment!
Why not put it in context? THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN EDUCATION

As if that matters when you are comparing children to buildings and automobiles. I don't remember either of them requiring "education" or "schooling," another of his ignorant distinctions.
Labor costs are controlled by how many people are hired by a company. Labor costs for a particular skill could be $15 per hour, but that does not mean X amount of people will be hired by any one company to produce product Y. Labor costs are restricted to a company, not the labor market.

The Google is letting you down.

Your head is straight up your ass on this one. You're just talking about how companies will only use a certain amount of labor, as needed. The costs of that labor are determined by a LABOR MARKET. You're so dishonest you can't even be honest that a labor market exists. I guess then you would have to discuss how its manipulated by corruption. Nice preemptive stupidity, stupid.
Your head is straight up your ass on this one. You're just talking about how companies will only use a certain amount of labor, as needed. The costs of that labor are determined by a LABOR MARKET. You're so dishonest you can't even be honest that a labor market exists. I guess then you would have to discuss how its manipulated by corruption. Nice preemptive stupidity, stupid.

Interesting assessment of me. You are confusing the cost of labor with wages. The cost of labor is what a company is willing to spend to produce a product or service. If the labor is too expensive, then labor is reduced: technology, or shipping overseas.

I asked earlier for you to produce an answer to corruption, but you have avoided.

If you spend as much time learning economics and private property rights rather than practicing your insults, you may learn something.
It's funny that you can't understand that labor is a commodity and like all commodities it is sold on the labor market and as such is subject to the same law of supply and demand that governs the price of all commodities. Labor costs are conditioned on the number of people bidding for the particular job at any particular time. If the owner has to seek workers and has to pay them more than they are making somewhere else he will have to bid up labor costs if there is a reserve army of unemployed he can basically offer several people the job and bid down the labor costs because there are people who will be willing to work for a lot less when they are unemployed than they are willing to work for if they are employed or if they able to bid up the price of their labor if they are already working. That is why businesses want a 6% or greater unemployment rate and they also want a "relief" system that is not generous enough to allow people to be too choosey about the employment they are willing to take once they are unemployed. If the unemployment benefits last too long or the food stamp benefits are too generous, the people on these programs might not be as ready to bid down labor costs and support business desires to cut costs by putting even more people out of work. But I don't think you are nearly as smart as your trite pat answers suggest or you wouldn't be saying the stupid shit you said in this comment!

The labor market is not contained in a US bubble; that is why companies use overseas labor markets. It works to a degree in the US, but their are too many offshore options.

You may want to assess your smarts on the subject matter. What businesses want is to be left alone.
The labor market is not contained in a US bubble; that is why companies use overseas labor markets. It works to a degree in the US, but their are too many offshore options.

You may want to assess your smarts on the subject matter. What businesses want is to be left alone.

AHA! now we're getting somewhere. The labor market WAS contained in a u.s. bubble until globalization stupidity set in. The main purpose of globalization was to manipulate the labor market, expanding it to get cheaper labor. Hence globalization is a primarily a manipulation of the labor market, purposefully glutting it. Do you know what glut means?

Business just want to be left alone? Wrong. They want to manipulate the entire society in their favor to maximize their own profit.
AHA! now we're getting somewhere. The labor market WAS contained in a u.s. bubble until globalization stupidity set in. The main purpose of globalization was to manipulate the labor market, expanding it to get cheaper labor. Hence globalization is a primarily a manipulation of the labor market, purposefully glutting it. Do you know what glut means?

Business just want to be left alone? Wrong. They want to manipulate the entire society in their favor to maximize their own profit.

Was, but is not.

Globalization, I am in the middle on that.

Businesses react to taxes, regulations, and various factors. Your argument is not consistent with historical profit margins.
Because you enjoy proving you’re a fucking leftwing moron, hypocrite, couch potato and bullshitter sucking the government tit.

I have a brain, Im willing to challenge my personal views, I'm actually in shape, I don't lie and I'm not on welfare kiddo. Great job staying on topic troll. We all know you don't know a thing bout politics and are only here because you want to rage on people but not in real life. You use this forum as a rage window.
Thanks for the warm welcome to politics.

It is not PROFIT that is important, but how a company can achieve PROFIT. Profit, markets, demand, etc. cannot be controlled, but costs can. Example is the current state of affairs regarding record corporate profits and high unemployment: the labor costs were cut during the recession, and those costs are still in place. Walmart does provide insurance to full time employees, and not part time employees, as do most business. And this is another example of maintaining a desired profit margin for the stockholders via cost cutting.

Small brain, you seem to be new to America. Profit is all that matters to the big business in America today. Workers are the most expensive attribute to business so they target workers first. What you need to learn is that workers are a part of the team that makes the profit. This movement of disrespecting the majority part of the team that makes the profit for the Corporation will end very soon. These big-wig corporations can not be profitable without the team working in the stores, you can bank on that. It's basic ignorance to spit in their face and treat them like replaceable trash. Certain workers are, but not EVERY worker in the worlds most successful Corporations.

I doubt you read this far but I hope you learned something if you did. I know most of you turd brains aren't big on reading. You just repeat what the Fox Say.
Was, but is not.

Globalization, I am in the middle on that.

Businesses react to taxes, regulations, and various factors. Your argument is not consistent with historical profit margins.

You are half correct. Business wants profit, that's why they are in business. They want the cheapest labor available, no way to hide that. No successful Country will ever be able to compete with any other Country on labor cost.

This Country was made great in the Industrial Revolution. Today we have an Outsourcing Revolution. This is NOT Patriotism, this is selling our success for individual profit.
Small brain, you seem to be new to America. Profit is all that matters to the big business in America today. Workers are the most expensive attribute to business so they target workers first. What you need to learn is that workers are a part of the team that makes the profit. This movement of disrespecting the majority part of the team that makes the profit for the Corporation will end very soon. These big-wig corporations can not be profitable without the team working in the stores, you can bank on that. It's basic ignorance to spit in their face and treat them like replaceable trash. Certain workers are, but not EVERY worker in the worlds most successful Corporations.

I doubt you read this far but I hope you learned something if you did. I know most of you turd brains aren't big on reading. You just repeat what the Fox Say.

You do manifest the substance to philistine ratio nicely.

Other than vomiting talking points from the Communist Manifesto, your deep seeded inadequacies of navigating and succeeding the professional world still does not change how the world works. Corporations will be profitable and the people working the stores will continue to work the stores just as they always have. The proletariats are not rising from the ashes like a minimum wage Phoenix.
You are half correct. Business wants profit, that's why they are in business. They want the cheapest labor available, no way to hide that. No successful Country will ever be able to compete with any other Country on labor cost.

This Country was made great in the Industrial Revolution. Today we have an Outsourcing Revolution. This is NOT Patriotism, this is selling our success for individual profit.

Outsourcing is the result of taxes, regulations, litigation, and costs.