Mods Removing Threads

BTW desh jimmy from nyc sent me one of those PM's his first time around here, years ago. It was so vile I posted it though it was against the rules to do so. Damo erased my post because it was against the rules. LOL

So yeah, I'm aware.

I told him if he ever came near me I would kill him

fucking dead

and I would
Yes, I already knew Tommy boy had a lifetime's experience squealing to the lifeguards because someone kicked sand in his face. Anyone who has seen him knows that.

But I have posted here from the first day of JPP and have never heard of this policy before.

I was always told that threads could be locked. Never erased. You have no right to erase the posts of everyone who commented on that thread, and since you've always complied with these no doubt myriad requests, let's hear some more of them.

Give me one more. Tell me one other thread you erased on this board WHERE NO RULES WERE BROKEN.

I guess the lack of response speaks for itself. tommy is a special case. And I mean that is the most pejorative sense. But we at least know that we can all say the most ignorant things imaginable and then when we want it removed because we can't take the responses we can run to the mods and beg and plead to have our ignorance removed and then pretend that we aren't as ignorant as we are and go back to being a fake scientist with a pig farmer research assistant, whose grand intellect is directing our every move, global warming debunker and stooge for the oil and coal industries or what ever we are and have the mods flush the whole thing down the JPP "memory hole." But mark my words tommy, you should have bitten the bullet on that, because your next mistake after starting that ignorant thread was having it removed. What a little weasel. I said yesterday that you are to science what pee wee herman is to weightlifting and that was a complement. You are certainly in a quandary now aren't you tommy, you ignorant troglodyte!

As for an answer to your question, which because it is a good one will never be answered certainly not by Billy!
there you have it damo

this site and cons are hostile to females

these facts adverse crusty dickholes don't even seem to grasp that there is a thing called male menopause.

teaching them cant be done though so they will pretend that fact doesn't exist just like they pretend the republican party has not been CAUGHT repeatedly cheating voters of color to win elections.

right up to the SCOTUS decision of last jan.

facts mean nothing to them.

they hate facts as much as they hate their fellow Americans
I think that request speaks for itself. tommy can put the shit out there but he can't handle the heat that results from his ignorance and imbecility. But thanks for clarifying and confirming just what a sexist dumbass he really is!

Listen you dozy twat, I sent you a PM to that effect. If you can't be bothered to read it then fuck off.
there you have it damo

this site and cons are hostile to females

these facts adverse crusty dickholes don't even seem to grasp that there is a thing called male menopause.

teaching them cant be done though so they will pretend that fact doesn't exist just like they pretend the republican party has not been CAUGHT repeatedly cheating voters of color to win elections.

right up to the SCOTUS decision of last jan.

facts mean nothing to them.

they hate facts as much as they hate their fellow Americans

When tommy has embarrassed himself it is time to remove the thread but it doesn't erase my memory! This day will live in infamy! And tommy will never get over his astoundingly stupid statement that "I checked her profile and saw she wasn't banned that is why I asked [if she was banned]." And I will continue to remind people that he is a fake scientist and his head researcher is a farmer who is only slightly more stupid than her puppet whose strings she obviously pulls, tommy the typical troglodyte and right wing scumbag whose tricks include the "memory hole" and the rewriting of history through removal.

Do you seriously think I give a shit about a fucking psycho like you? I asked for the thread to be deleted, if you don't like that then tough titties.
I guess the lack of response speaks for itself. tommy is a special case. And I mean that is the most pejorative sense. But we at least know that we can all say the most ignorant things imaginable and then when we want it removed because we can't take the responses we can run to the mods and beg and plead to have our ignorance removed and then pretend that we aren't as ignorant as we are and go back to being a fake scientist with a pig farmer research assistant, whose grand intellect is directing our every move, global warming debunker and stooge for the oil and coal industries or what ever we are and have the mods flush the whole thing down the JPP "memory hole." But mark my words tommy, you should have bitten the bullet on that, because your next mistake after starting that ignorant thread was having it removed. What a little weasel. I said yesterday that you are to science what pee wee herman is to weightlifting and that was a complement. You are certainly in a quandary now aren't you tommy, you ignorant troglodyte!

As for an answer to your question, which because it is a good one will never be answered certainly not by Billy!

Calm down dear!! You'll blow a head gasket.
I have seen threads locked, I have seen threads moved to the warzone, I have seen threads moved to "where threads go to die"...

I have not actually seen a thread removed.

Are threads being erased from this board now, and if so on whose decision and for which reasons?

No thread has been erased that I know of. However we will remove threads if the original poster requests their removal. We have since the beginning, as for "trust", that would be a level of trust. Tell me why we should keep this specific thread when we've removed all the others when asked?