Mods Removing Threads

No thread has been erased that I know of. However we will remove threads if the original poster requests their removal. We have since the beginning, as for "trust", that would be a level of trust. Tell me why we should keep this specific thread when we've removed all the others when asked?

I asked for the thread to be removed as it served no useful purpose and I knew that Dantes and Darla would throw a conniptions, so it's all good. Haven't a clue what Desh has got to do with it but then she isn't the sharpest tool in the box.
No thread has been erased that I know of. However we will remove threads if the original poster requests their removal. We have since the beginning, as for "trust", that would be a level of trust. Tell me why we should keep this specific thread when we've removed all the others when asked?

I've posted here from the first day and seen threads moved and locked, but never erased. Nor did anyone ever state that a thread could be removed.

But it was removed, there's no if, I just double checked after your PM.

The fact that you didn't know about it answered a lot of question, albeit unintentionally on your part.
I asked for the thread to be removed as it served no useful purpose and I knew that Dantes and Darla would throw a conniptions, so it's all good. Haven't a clue what Desh has got to do with it but then she isn't the sharpest tool in the box.

Yeah, I see it now. It was soft-deleted which means I could still see the thread... m'eh.
Do you seriously think I give a shit about a fucking psycho like you? I asked for the thread to be deleted, if you don't like that then tough titties.

Tommy the second you ran squealing to the mods complaining that you had kicked sand in your own face and begging Billy to protect you from your own publically came out as someone who cared very much.
I've posted here from the first day and seen threads moved and locked, but never erased. Nor did anyone ever state that a thread could be removed.

But it was removed, there's no if, I just double checked after your PM.

The fact that you didn't know about it answered a lot of question, albeit unintentionally on your part.

Most of the time nobody cares or notices. In this case you seem to care. But we'll continue to do what we always do. If the originator of a thread asks for its removal we remove. Unless we find some compelling reason to change that policy. (Oh... and if it is while the thread is active. We're not going to go back in time and remove every thread somebody started when they decide to leave or something... Not gonna happen).
I asked for the thread to be removed as it served no useful purpose and I knew that Dantes and Darla would throw a conniptions, so it's all good. Haven't a clue what Desh has got to do with it but then she isn't the sharpest tool in the box.

You begged for Billy to delete it because you humiliated yourself. You then sent out PM's bragging that the mods had done it on your command because they hate Dantes.

Most of the time nobody cares or notices. In this case you seem to care. But we'll continue to do what we always do. If the originator of a thread asks for its removal we remove. Unless we find some compelling reason to change that policy.

I am guessing that "most of the time" the person who asked for it to be removed (if this actually ever happened in the past), doesn't send out PM's bragging that the mods erased it because they agree that other people posting on it are "deranged".

It's certainly not a policy you ever talked up, or you know, mentioned.
You begged for Billy to delete it because you humiliated yourself. You then sent out PM's bragging that the mods had done it on your command because they hate Dantes.

Well, that wouldn't be true. First, we do not hate Dantes... Nor have we done anything differently than we would for any other poster.
Most of the time nobody cares or notices. In this case you seem to care. But we'll continue to do what we always do. If the originator of a thread asks for its removal we remove. Unless we find some compelling reason to change that policy. (Oh... and if it is while the thread is active. We're not going to go back in time and remove every thread somebody started when they decide to leave or something... Not gonna happen).

She only cares because her elaborate ploy to trap me has come unstuck, it's hard to believe she is a middle aged woman and not a sulky teenager.
Well, that wouldn't be true. First, we do not hate Dantes... Nor have we done anything differently than we would for any other poster.

That makes me laugh as Dantes/Darla claimed to have not read the PM. By the way, isn't disclosing the contents of a PM a bannable offence?
Well, that wouldn't be true. First, we do not hate Dantes... Nor have we done anything differently than we would for any other poster.

Damo, you know that is just not true. Last night at our Moose Lodge meeting we all determined that we would do this because it would make them mad. Those who are ovarianly challenged of course were not invited.

Come on, at least lets be honest with them. You can't get anything by Deshy

That makes me laugh as Dantes/Darla claimed to have not read the PM. By the way, isn't disclosing the contents of a PM a bannable offence?

If you hadn't already brought up that you sent it I might care more about it. It can be bannable... but not this time.

Everybody's playing a silly gotcha game right now. There really wasn't much gotcha to be had with either of these.
She only cares because her elaborate ploy to trap me has come unstuck, it's hard to believe she is a middle aged woman and not a sulky teenager.

Actually, what happened is you put up a thread asking if Dantes had been banned, and you did this for no discernible reason. You made a fool out of yourself, and when you tried to blame me, Grind called you a fucking retard who had put up the thread yourself, so you then went crying to Billy begging him to remove it, and then sent around PM's with lies in them claiming "the mods" did it because they don't like Dantes. And there was more than one PM.

You somehow consider this humiliating behavior to be a "win". LOL
If you hadn't already brought up that you sent it I might care more about it. It can be bannable... but not this time.

Everybody's playing a silly gotcha game right now. There really wasn't much gotcha to be had with either of these.

I sent one PM to Dantes which he claimed not to read it yet Darla has. Do you find that credible? I also don't think that mentioning a PMs existence is the same as disclosing the contents. Anyway I am done now, frankly I will be bloody amazed if anybody will take that pair of twats seriously after this.