Mods Removing Threads

because they are hostile to female posters in particular.

not just the staff either.

I wish I could share with the board the PM jimnyc just sent me.

It was so sweet I told I will have to report it to damo

I'm unsure of how that is handled here. If I give you permission, is it then OK to post? Or am I allowed to share since I sent it? I've got nothing to hide. :)
Are you kidding me?

I bet you anything whatever it says (and I have some prior experience with that guy so don't for a minute think I can't imagine), there won't be anything they can do about it.

But now we know that if a white guy here every posts something that he is later embarrassed by, he can run to the mods and they'll erase it for him.

Maybe you can go into a corner and whine? Cry out loud about the big bad men in this world holding you back? I love how women want to post absolute bullshit and use words that sailors would blush at - but then cry about words that men use towards them. Laughable.
I told him if he ever came near me I would kill him

fucking dead

and I would

I would simply laugh in your face while you do absolutely nothing. You're like a disgusting worm. Or worse, a slug. All I need do is pour a little salt on your decrepit ass.
I'm unsure of how that is handled here. If I give you permission, is it then OK to post? Or am I allowed to share since I sent it? I've got nothing to hide. :)

Those of us who are aware of you already know you have no fucking shame. Hell you were calling women whore's years ago. We understand you are a unrepentant misogynist and we also know that means an unrepentant racist so what else you got--a little homophobia for good measure? I got an earful about you and not one word of it was good. Not one fucking word! Now that is what I call a legacy!
I would simply laugh in your face while you do absolutely nothing. You're like a disgusting worm. Or worse, a slug. All I need do is pour a little salt on your decrepit ass.


morgue slab.

they will find your dick in your mouth
Those of us who are aware of you already know you have no fucking shame. Hell you were calling women whore's years ago. We understand you are a unrepentant misogynist and we also know that means an unrepentant racist so what else you got--a little homophobia for good measure? I got an earful about you and not one word of it was good. Not one fucking word! Now that is what I call a legacy!

Good, my name travels! It sure took awhile though. I read like 4 of your posts before I realized you were a lame whiner victim. Next time instead of your ear, stick it up your ass!
I would simply laugh in your face while you do absolutely nothing. You're like a disgusting worm. Or worse, a slug. All I need do is pour a little salt on your decrepit ass.

Here we go and they are off! Do you have any rape fantasies to share because you are not a real man unless you have some rape fantasies to share here. So free your inner misogynist and share your rape fantasy, boy, share it!
Maybe you can go into a corner and whine? Cry out loud about the big bad men in this world holding you back? I love how women want to post absolute bullshit and use words that sailors would blush at - but then cry about words that men use towards them. Laughable.


These broads want to act like men then when they get treated like men they get all Gone With The Wind on you

They should just all snuggle up on the couch together with some Ben and Jerry's and watch The Accused
Here we go and they are off! Do you have any rape fantasies to share because you are not a real man unless you have some rape fantasies to share here. So free your inner misogynist and share your rape fantasy, boy, share it!

Sorry, no interest in that stuff. But I know how you and your flock work. One can even ignore that shit, but you'll repeat it enough and you dolts will eventually believe it to be true. You can call me whatever you please, it matters not.
he is calling me that in PMs

you have my permission to read them concerning this issue

You shouldn't reveal PM info here, Desh. Rule 2. Seriously. Stop talking about your PMs. If you have a problem with a PM report it or forward it to a Mod but don't bring it up on the board.
No thread has been erased that I know of. However we will remove threads if the original poster requests their removal. We have since the beginning, as for "trust", that would be a level of trust. Tell me why we should keep this specific thread when we've removed all the others when asked?

"No thread has been ERASED...however we will REMOVE if..."


More two-faced bullshit from Damo.

Someone explain to me how "removed" isn't "erased".
You begged for Billy to delete it because you humiliated yourself. You then sent out PM's bragging that the mods had done it on your command because they hate Dantes.



What a whiny little coward Tommy's turned out to be.