Monica Lewinsky Asks Bill Clinton....

Holy shit, do pay attention ffs?? I am referring to Stormy Big Tits!!!!

Hater is a bit slow.

Large fake tits seem to have an appeal given how much money men throw at them, but I always preferred natural women. Obviously Pedo Don disagrees since all of his women, both by marriage and blood, have fake tits.
Hater is a bit slow.

Large fake tits seem to have an appeal given how much money men throw at them, but I always preferred natural women. Obviously Pedo Don disagrees since all of his women, both by marriage and blood, have fake tits.

Trump has always been all about the superficial and would never choose anything natural over superficial, no matter how ridiculous and clownish the superficial looks...

Whatever happened to writing? Why can't you find written proof that Clinton paid Lewinsky hush money? Why do I have to watch a 2 hour video by someone who seems to have schizophrenia to get your point?

It is a simple fact, Clinton never paid Lewinsky a single penny. And it is a simple fact that Clinton was never disbarred.

It becomes hard to prove that Clinton asked Lewinsky to perjure herself, because he broke off contact when she began to be sought to testify.

But continue on with your fantasies.

The fantasies are YOURS, Sybil. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
Bill Clinton WAS disbarred.
You are still locked in your paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
The alt right posters must be so disappointed that internet conspiracy theories, FoxNews opinion pieces, and right wing meme pictures are not admissible in a court of law.

What 'court of law' is that, Sybil? You are hallucinating again.
There is no such thing as 'alt right posters', Sybil.
FOX News is owned and operated by leftists, Sybil.
Where the fuck did you get that bullshit? Because someone is not prosecuted does not mean they were innocent. The DoJ decided to not prosecute Biden or Pence for having some classified documents, was what they did legal?

Biden was never authorized to have such documents. Biden committed espionage. That's an act of treason, Sock.
Trump is authorized to have such documents. He can retain any of those documents he wishes upon leaving. Why? Trump was President. Biden was never President. He was a Senator when he stole those documents.

Trump broke no law. Biden DID.
You are right!
No, he's wrong just as you are, Sock. Patting each other on the back accomplishes nothing.
An act that is not a crime will never make it through a grand jury.
Sure it can. It's not a conviction, Sock.
Four different grand juries in 3 states and DC all reccomended that Trump be prosecuted for his crimes.
What crimes?
Idiots trying to claim Trumps acts were not crimes are wrong.
They are not crimes, Sock. You cannot make up the law on your own.
Even when a grand jury reccomends prosecution a state may decide against prosecution if they think getting a conviction simply isn't going to happen.
The prosecutors are all paid by Democrats and Biden to persecute Trump. They themselves are BREAKING THE LAW.
When you are charged with nearly 100 felonies is when you know damn well they have commited crimes.
Not a conviction, Sock. You know nothing.