Monica Lewinsky Asks Bill Clinton....

Did you view the video provided that proved you wrong, Walter?

I feel your pain with your difficulty understanding the posts from the right. Perhaps your primary education is the causation.

Perhaps, with hard work, you can limit your boo boos to two (2) per day.

You do know there is a congressional slush fund to pay off this type of shit to keep it from going public.
Take your head out of your ass wally and just admit this is all political.!
You must have triggered Mr. Tiny Penis again. They are having a terriple night.


Walter was 0-5. I was watching the Brave's game and not really engaged but he committed 5 boo boos.

Do you think he is really an adult? Perhaps he is a teenager being home-schooled. If so, I am going to give him a Mulligan.

The Braves have won six (6) in a row...they be (sic) on fire and they are missing their ace pitcher, catcher and second baseman.
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Walter was 0-5. I was watching the Brave's game and not really engaged but he committed 5 boo boos.

Do you think he is really an adult? Perhaps he is a teenager being home-schooled. If so, I am going to give him a Mulligan.

The Braves have won six (6) in a row...they be (sic) on fire and they are missing their ace pitcher, catcher and second baseman.
Do you really think he is getting educated.
Do you really think he is getting educated.

It appears he isn't but he gets a "D" for effort.

He says that he has trouble following the informative and helpful Right-Wing posts.

Perhaps a tutor? (sic) no predicate.

My six (6) year old grandson drove in the winning run today and received the game ball. He is in the first grade but reading at a third grade level. I allow him to read some of these posts and he asks excellent questions and understands many of the posts.

Perhaps he can tutor Walter.
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When Hillary was doing her Secretary of State garbage in the M.E., the Muslims would yell "Mon-i-ca" at her.

True story...I was there.

Who were you in training with.... Al Qaeda or ISIS?

Can you scream "Death To America!!!" and "Allah Akbar!!!" in Arabic?
Who were you in training with.... Al Qaeda or ISIS?

Can you scream "Death To America!!!" and "Allah Akbar!!!" in Arabic?

No, just your Democrat friends in America are yelling death to America and death to Israel.
I have heard nary a one.

You must be one of the twelve (12) viewers of CNN. Try FOX News, they have shown thousands of Hamas supporters (Democrats) in American streets and universities shouting these phrases.

Nine House Democrats voted against a resolution Wednesday that expressed support for Israel and condemned militant group Hamas's attack against the country earlier this month.Oct 25, 2023
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