More Guns


What's funny is that (.223) ARs don't have much recoil at all.
Another lie from JPP's newest(?) lying scumbag.
You are not JPP's newest lying scumbag, Sock.
I'm not a leftest.
Blatant lie.
I've never voted Democrat.
Yet you support them. You're a liar, Sock.
Just because I'm left of a far right racist piece of shit anti-American Trumper like you only makes me a "leftist" in the eyes of JPP's biggest RW losers.
TDS and assumption of victory fallacy, Sock.
That’s correct. One reason why they’re such an effective killing machine.

How so? What makes them more of an "effective killing machine" than the .308 M1-A? Or the .30-06 M1? What does recoil have to do with anything?
MY 10 year old grandson liked his.

I liked my .220 Swift at that age too. That's why my father gave it to me when I was 12
and could shoot it safely and accurately. It's still the most accurate rifle in my collection.
What's funny is that (.223) ARs don't have much recoil at all.

Which is why the meme is a lie. If that's a real bruise, it was caused by something else. You've probably seen people bruised by recoil. When was such a bruise on top of the shoulder?
There's this:
You're a demented sicko, brah. I hope you cannot possess firearms.
Oh, STFU you fucking moron. Crazy people out themselves way before all that shit is necessary.
Name one you own, carbuncle on the ass of society.

And there's this:
You are largely why I don't come here much. I don't like seeing dogs flop around in the road trying to live, but in the throes of death after being run over by a Mack truck,

and that's basically what you remind me of.

Matt is abusive to everyone who disagrees with him then faults them for his lack of participation on JPP. LOL

I liked my .220 Swift at that age too. That's why my father gave it to me when I was 12
and could shoot it safely and accurately. It's still the most accurate rifle in my collection.

A flat shooting prairie dog killing machine. You were a lucky kid.
Most and most efficient are two different things, Nancy.

Agreed. Nonetheless most "gun violence" in America are committed with a 9mm handgun. Add to that fact that about 2/3s of those deaths are due to a single shot.

The anti-gun Left rallies around the spectacular events which are often mass shootings with a semi-automatic rifle. They ignore the "mass shootings" of gang bangers using handguns and shooting 3 or more people. You are free to guess why. LOL

More importantly is the fact all of these spectacular mass shootings with ARs are committed by mentally ill people. Why go after the gun when the problem is the people who possess them? A better mental healthcare system in America would not only help identify these poor souls but allow them to be treated.

IMO, people who are defined as mentally ill enough to not own guns shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive. Is that why the anti-gunners don't want better mental healthcare? They're afraid they'll lose voters?
Agreed. Nonetheless most "gun violence" in America are committed with a 9mm handgun. Add to that fact that about 2/3s of those deaths are due to a single shot.

The anti-gun Left rallies around the spectacular events which are often mass shootings with a semi-automatic rifle. They ignore the "mass shootings" of gang bangers using handguns and shooting 3 or more people. You are free to guess why. LOL

More importantly is the fact all of these spectacular mass shootings with ARs are committed by mentally ill people. Why go after the gun when the problem is the people who possess them? A better mental healthcare system in America would not only help identify these poor souls but allow them to be treated.

IMO, people who are defined as mentally ill enough to not own guns shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive. Is that why the anti-gunners don't want better mental healthcare? They're afraid they'll lose voters?

At one time, the Democrats went after both. But the Republicans stepped in and canceled both.
What century was that? Yes, the Republicans have become the "Just say NO" party.

Obama used the Social Security disability rolls as part of a background check to screen for people who were deemed incapable of managing their own affairs, ie mentally incompetent. The Republicans overturned that.

There was the so-called assault weapons ban of the mid 90s under Clinton. The Republicans overturned that.
Obama used the Social Security disability rolls as part of a background check to screen for people who were deemed incapable of managing their own affairs, ie mentally incompetent. The Republicans overturned that.

There was the so-called assault weapons ban of the mid 90s under Clinton. The Republicans overturned that.
Yes. Amazing how easily Republicans overturn illegal actions by Democrats. LOL

QED. When did that expire? Why? Note that none of those actions included better mental healthcare for Americans. Sad.