More Guns

Running away from you? lol, pos. I had you on ignore but changed it. Your idiocy is too entertaining.

Thus proving you not only lied but are a fucking moron. Keep posting and you'll keep proving you are as new as you claim, idiot.
Never put Mr. Tiny Penis on ignore. His leftie bullshit is far too entertaining.

Jakemax loved to suck RW dick before he was banned, Herr Winziger Schwanz. Keep being nice to "Bill T" and maybe he'll want to suck your dick too. :thup:
Extensive background checks,
Violates the 4th and 5th amendments.
including social media.
Violates the 1st, 4th, and 5th amendments.
Restrictions on certain weapons.
Violates the 2nd amendment.
Restrictions on manufacture, sale, and transport.
Violates the 2nd, 9th, and 10th amendments.
No open or concealed carry.
Violates the 2nd amendment.
Increased penalties for proxy purchase.
Violates Article I, and the 2nd, 9th, 10th, and 16th amendments.
Federalize all firearms laws making them federal offenses rather than the hodgepodge of state laws.
Violates the 2nd, 9th, and 10th amendments.
None of these are unconstitutional.
They are ALL unconstitutional. You just deny the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. You support The Oligarchy.
Notice, however that all people were law abiding gun owners, including mass shooters. Until they weren’t.
The same is true with knife owners, baseball bat owners, people with two empty hands, drivers, doctors, and government officials.
Not a one.
Blatant lie.
Assault weapons bans took place in the 90s. Constitutional.
Unconstitutional. It violates the 2nd amendment.
Heller says restrictions on manufacture, sale and transport. Constitutional.
Unconstitutional. It violates Article I, and the 2nd, 9th and 10th amendments.
Background checks. Constitutional.
Unconstitutional. It violates the 4th and 5th amendments.
Restrictions on where guns can be carried. Constitutional.
Unconstitutional. It violates the 2nd amendment.
I don’t know which Constitution you’re reading or what SCOTUS rulings you are aware of, but those I listed apply in the US.
The Supreme Court has NO AUTHORITY to change the Constitution of the United States or any State constitution.
The Supreme Court is NOT THE CONSTITUTION.

Can’t refute a single one of my claims, so you resort to that shit.

Fucking loser. Uninformed, willfully ignorant fucking loser.

He already has, liar. So have I. You just want to deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
I see in your twisted leftist lump of meat that passes as your mind, changing ones mind is the same as lying.
Another lie from JPP's newest(?) lying scumbag. I'm not a leftest. I've never voted Democrat. Just because I'm left of a far right racist piece of shit anti-American Trumper like you only makes me a "leftist" in the eyes of JPP's biggest RW losers.
Aw, yes, the face she makes when she meets the fun switch......

Guntards! Unbelievable!


Go shoot a 12 gauge, assface.
Another lie from JPP's newest(?) lying scumbag. I'm not a leftest. I've never voted Democrat. Just because I'm left of a far right racist piece of shit anti-American Trumper like you only makes me a "leftist" in the eyes of JPP's biggest RW losers.

You're a demented sicko, brah. I hope you cannot possess firearms.
Extensive background checks, including social media. Restrictions on certain weapons. Restrictions on manufacture, sale, and transport. No open or concealed carry. Increased penalties for proxy purchase. Federalize all firearms laws making them federal offenses rather than the hodgepodge of state laws.

None of these are unconstitutional.

Notice, however that all people were law abiding gun owners, including mass shooters. Until they weren’t.

Oh, STFU you fucking moron. Crazy people out themselves way before all that shit is necessary.