MTG - We Need A National Divorce


Well-known member
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

She may be the worst Congressperson ever.

And that would really be saying something, wouldn't it?

I think it's kind of an act. She's a grandstander. She's not in DC to serve her constituents, or work for the common good. She likes headlines, and stirring up controversy, and ticking off liberals. She's a total embarrassment.
She may be the worst Congressperson ever.

And that would really be saying something, wouldn't it?

I think it's kind of an act. She's a grandstander. She's not in DC to serve her constituents, or work for the common good. She likes headlines, and stirring up controversy, and ticking off liberals. She's a total embarrassment.

There’s 435 people in the House. Go interview the average person on the street and I bet they can name very few (not necessarily suggesting that’s a bad thing) except maybe a couple of the most high profile people or the crazy ones who draw attention to themselves. Just putting your head down and doing your job doesn’t gain you notoriety (and we are living in a world where a large number of kids want to grow up and be social media influencers).

But she’s also saying what a lot of people are thinking. That’s more important to me than the fact that she’s crazy. Less and less unifying factors in this country and more momentum moving towards this idea of splitting apart. (It’s not going to happen but the rhetoric for it to is there)
She may be the worst Congressperson ever.

And that would really be saying something, wouldn't it?

I think it's kind of an act. She's a grandstander. She's not in DC to serve her constituents, or work for the common good. She likes headlines, and stirring up controversy, and ticking off liberals. She's a total embarrassment.

According to a recent survey by the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia, 50 percent of people who voted for former President Donald Trump and 40 percent of people who voted for President Joe Biden in 2020 think that the country should split in two. This is an alarming amount by any stretch of the imagination
And yet it is a popular idea among voters. (Not me) And remember we are frequently told more people voted for Biden than Trump so that 50% to 40% split is even closer
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

Nothing personal, but often amazed at how naive you appear at times “cawacko,” and I am not talking college football, of course it is a “calculated act,” she is borrowing Trump’s schtick, any attention is good, even negative attention beats no attention. It is a common strategy of many on the right, the base loves it, and it usually will get you ten minutes on Fox and/or the other right wing media sites

For conversation purposes, the idea of “divorce” is ludicrous and impossible, but if ever was taken serious, the Red State’s would quickly discover they would be getting the short end of the stick
Nothing personal, but often amazed at how naive you appear at times “cawacko,” and I am not talking college football, of course it is a “calculated act,” she is borrowing Trump’s schtick, any attention is good, even negative attention beats no attention. It is a common strategy of many on the right, the base loves it, and it usually will get you ten minutes on Fox and/or the other right wing media sites

For conversation purposes, the idea of “divorce” is ludicrous and impossible, but if ever was taken serious, the Red State’s would quickly discover they would be getting the short end of the stick

It's naïve to question whether she is actually bat sh*t crazy? I don't think so. (And if you think performative behavior is unique to the right then you sir are the one who is naïve.)
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

A smaller federal govt would benefit all of us. Allowing states to do their thing would result in more of what we saw happening with the covid response. A massive migration of people moving from out of control states like CA and NY to free states like FL. When people see what states are doing better people will migrate there. No need for a divorce but there is a need for freedom.
It's naïve to question whether she is actually bat sh*t crazy? I don't think so. (And if you think performative behavior is unique to the right then you sir are the one who is naïve.)

No, to even wonder if she actually might have schemed the whole thing

And what you call “performance behavior” is found on both sides, but no one specializes at it as does the right, especially at high positions
A smaller federal govt would benefit all of us. Allowing states to do their thing would result in more of what we saw happening with the covid response. A massive migration of people moving from out of control states like CA and NY to free states like FL. When people see what states are doing better people will migrate there. No need for a divorce but there is a need for freedom.

The “freedom” rant is always a laugher, as I said before, only the right can take an abstract concept as freedom and reduce it a bumper sticker cliche
And yet it is a popular idea among voters. (Not me) And remember we are frequently told more people voted for Biden than Trump so that 50% to 40% split is even closer

Kind of a sad state of existence that so many people feel that way. It's unfortunate.

I can speak to living in that environment. Unlike say Texas where the state is red but it's largest urban areas (Dallas, Houston & Austin) are blue, California is blue throughout. Living in California is pretty close to what someone on the left would want. Yet we still have huge infighting etc. regarding politics and policies. It is no panacea to 'eliminate' those who think differently than ourselves.

Millions of people vote for Democrats and millions of people vote for Republicans but among those millions for each side are still a divergent set of viewpoints.
The “freedom” rant is always a laugher, as I said before, only the right can take an abstract concept as freedom and reduce it a bumper sticker cliche

Well when people were free to move out of the shitholes previously known as CA and NY freedom was far.more than a cliche. Wise people had had enough. Maybe going forward to could actually address the topic. Most likely not.
A smaller federal govt would benefit all of us. Allowing states to do their thing would result in more of what we saw happening with the covid response. A massive migration of people moving from out of control states like CA and NY to free states like FL. When people see what states are doing better people will migrate there. No need for a divorce but there is a need for freedom.
When masses of people flood the “free” states, they would start having the same problems that caused the other states to make some rules. There is a reason New York and California are Americas economic powerhouses.