MTG - We Need A National Divorce


I love how simple you are.
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

Both sides are becoming more and more full of shit.

It's quite disconcerting to find one's self both agreeing with and being disgusted by both sides simultaneously.

On balance though, I have to say that as it stands right now, the right is still considerably more full of shit than the left.

Though that probably won't be the case for too much longer.
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

You won't be referring to MTG, now would you??????????? MTG sure fits the definition of "bat sh*t crazy".
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

i strongly disagree with this civil war narrative.

this is the fruition of the divide and conquer agenda. ccp in nature.

and yes it's even wrong when spook tim pool does it.
I agree freedom is bullshit to leftists

Because it is leftists calling for the dissolution of the nation...

Because it is leftist calling for Politicians and Governments to get increasingly in control of businesses and their decisions and cancel free speech rights...

Because it is leftists trying to dictate optional elective courses for adults in College by using government force...

Oh wait, no, that is Republicans doing those things at the urging of their derp supporters.
Because it is leftists calling for the dissolution of the nation...

Because it is leftist calling for Politicians and Governments to get increasingly in control of businesses and their decisions and cancel free speech rights...

Because it is leftists trying to dictate optional elective courses for adults in College by using government force...

Oh wait, no, that is Republicans doing those things at the urging of their derp supporters.

You don't really want freedom no leftist does. You shit stains have no problem using the force of govt to get your way. When or if you can show you have gotten your head out of your ass then I'll consider engaging you further.
Because it is leftists calling for the dissolution of the nation...

Because it is leftist calling for Politicians and Governments to get increasingly in control of businesses and their decisions and cancel free speech rights...

Because it is leftists trying to dictate optional elective courses for adults in College by using government force...

Oh wait, no, that is Republicans doing those things at the urging of their derp supporters.

Well, if we're forced to be completely fair, I'm one hard core leftist calling for partition.
My goal is simply to make everybody happier with government .
It's pretty obvious that we don't all want the same things.
Well, if we're forced to be completely fair, I'm one hard core leftist calling for partition.
My goal is simply to make everybody happier with government .
It's pretty obvious that we don't all want the same things.
An impossible dream, what would you do with the large blue cities in red states?
An impossible dream, what would you do with the large blue cities in red states?

Those people would continue to be unhappy as they are now if they cannot migrate.
There are no perfect solutions.

In general, however, if Texas and New York are not participating in writing each other's laws and tax codes, both will be happier.
I agree freedom is bullshit to leftists

Yeah, Aristotle, Locke, Rousseau, and Kant where all conservatives

Leftists understand what freedom means, and understand not being able to get the Sunday brunch at the Golden Corral because of lockdowns ain’t a violation of one’s freedom
Yeah, Aristotle, Locke, Rousseau, and Kant where all conservatives

Leftists understand what freedom means, and understand not being able to get the Sunday brunch at the Golden Corral because of lockdowns ain’t a violation of one’s freedom

Oh it is but that's only the tip of the iceberg , there is also forcing a useless death stab on people. Tell me now how no one was forced.
She may be the worst Congressperson ever.

And that would really be saying something, wouldn't it?

I think it's kind of an act. She's a grandstander. She's not in DC to serve her constituents, or work for the common good. She likes headlines, and stirring up controversy, and ticking off liberals. She's a total embarrassment.

So, when the congressperson asked an Admiral if the island of Guam would capsize and everyone would drown you thought that was fine, but when someone waxes into the hyperbolic you go into "embarrassment" mode?

So, when the congressperson asked an Admiral if the island of Guam would capsize and everyone would drown you thought that was fine, but when someone waxes into the hyperbolic you go into "embarrassment" mode?

the difference being, if someone on the left says something stupid, everyone laughs at them, including the left.

When those on the right say stupid things, they get all sorts of followers and raise tons of money and they get elected to leadership.
Both sides are becoming more and more full of shit.

It's quite disconcerting to find one's self both agreeing with and being disgusted by both sides simultaneously.

On balance though, I have to say that as it stands right now, the right is still considerably more full of shit than the left.

Though that probably won't be the case for too much longer.

That's an interesting perspective and since not everyone is a 100% partisan ideologue I can definitely see how that can happen.

Everything on this board needs to be taken with a large grain of salt but look at the rhetoric here, especially over the past few years. The desire for the country to (essentially) split in two and those we disagree with to die is not an uncommon refrain nor is it exclusive to one side of the political aisle.

Maybe that's inevitable on an anonymous board where the same small number of people talk day after day that it reaches that point, but I don't think so.

I don't pretend to have the answer. There's no single person who is going to unify us all. Our leaders are basically a reflection of the country and there is a fair amount of division. Would love to find a way to talk about more of what unites us but that's becoming difficult to do.
So, when the congressperson asked an Admiral if the island of Guam would capsize and everyone would drown you thought that was fine, but when someone waxes into the hyperbolic you go into "embarrassment" mode?

Any verbiage to suggest that I thought that was "fine?"
a divorce would be a bad plan......the blue states might demand alimony........


Of course it isn't really possible.

Because of our sellout to China, the deep water ports of the West Coast are vital.

California would be a destitute state if not for the three major ports - San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Add in Portland and Olympia and over 90% of goods from Asia pass through one of them.

The 7th largest economy in the world is driven by 3 ports. IF the Americans split away from the Nazi democrats, the control of those ports would de3fine the economic future of either side.

Of course it isn't really possible.

Because of our sellout to China, the deep water ports of the West Coast are vital.

California would be a destitute state if not for the three major ports - San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Add in Portland and Olympia and over 90% of goods from Asia pass through one of them.

The 7th largest economy in the world is driven by 3 ports. IF the Americans split away from the Nazi democrats, the control of those ports would de3fine the economic future of either side.
