MTG - We Need A National Divorce

Did that sound like an intelligent in your head?

Are you denying that your terrorist heroes are anti-American?

And for the record can you quote Ilhan Omar calling for the dissolution of the US as a nation?

Can you show MTG calling for the extermination of Jews as a people?

As for you Nazis - you've been calling for civil war/unrest for decades.


Rep. Ted Lieu Warns Trump: There Will Be 'Widespread Civil Unrest' If Mueller Is Fired #Mueller #Trump #Russia

— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) March 20, 2018

Then in 2019, Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro said Democrats would “fight [Trump] and challenge him in every way that we can in the Congress, in the courts, and in the streets and protests,” regarding if Trump declared a national emergency.

In 2019, when Trump was considering declaring a “national emergency” over the then-gov’t shutdown, Rep. @JoaquinCastrotx said if he did, Democrats would “fight him … in the streets”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 8, 2021

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.
Yeah, Aristotle, Locke, Rousseau, and Kant where all conservatives

Leftists understand what freedom means, and understand not being able to get the Sunday brunch at the Golden Corral because of lockdowns ain’t a violation of one’s freedom

Rousseau? :thinking:

You think "The Social Contract" is a "conservative" ideal? Do you consider Hegel "conservative" as well?

I'm not sure the concept of "conservative" existed at the time of Aristotle. But Prior Analytics deals in objective truth, which the American left rejects, so from that point, perhaps.
the difference being, if someone on the left says something stupid, everyone laughs at them, including the left.

That's a complete lie, and the opposite of demonstrable fact.

When Nazi democrats say horrendous things, such as what Omar and Tlaib have said, you of the Reich circle the wagons to protect them. Hell, a democrat can murder his pregnant girlfriend and you of the Reich will protect him (Teddy Kennedy.)

Because you Nazis are a hive, it doesn't matter what an individual democrat does, the entire hive will fight to the death to protect them.

When those on the right say stupid things, they get all sorts of followers and raise tons of money and they get elected to leadership.

Not to call you a fucking liar - but, well you are..

{In October 2018, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Steve Stivers, condemned King as a racist, saying that King's actions and comments were "completely inappropriate" and constituted "white supremacy and hate."[139] The NRCC said it would not help King in his 2018 re-election efforts.[10] Representative Carlos Curbelo described King's comments and actions as "disgusting" and said that he would never vote for someone like King.[140] Senator Ted Cruz called King's rhetoric "divisive" but stopped short of condemning him.[139] Other Republicans, such as House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway, dismissed the idea that King is racist.[139]}

You won't find the Nazi democrats taking any such action - democrats defend Reich members to the death - no matter what they do.
Any verbiage to suggest that I thought that was "fine?"

Show us all the prominent democrats "laughing at him?"

You can't - none did.

democrats NEVER criticize Reich members. The fascist party is an insect hive, any criticism of any democrat will bring attack by the entire hive.
the difference being, if someone on the left says something stupid, everyone laughs at them, including the left.

When those on the right say stupid things, they get all sorts of followers and raise tons of money and they get elected to leadership.

Please. When someone on the left says something stupid the folks on the left trash anyone for noticing and then saying something about it, often calling them racists if that stupid person was of color. You weren't on here saying that person needs to be out of Congress.

We all fully comprehend hyperbole in politics, pretending that you believe that hyperbole is their real policy stance is just... well, pretense.
Are you denying that your terrorist heroes are anti-American?

Can you show MTG calling for the extermination of Jews as a people?

As for you Nazis - you've been calling for civil war/unrest for decades.


Rep. Ted Lieu Warns Trump: There Will Be 'Widespread Civil Unrest' If Mueller Is Fired #Mueller #Trump #Russia

— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) March 20, 2018

Then in 2019, Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro said Democrats would “fight [Trump] and challenge him in every way that we can in the Congress, in the courts, and in the streets and protests,” regarding if Trump declared a national emergency.

In 2019, when Trump was considering declaring a “national emergency” over the then-gov’t shutdown, Rep. @JoaquinCastrotx said if he did, Democrats would “fight him … in the streets”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 8, 2021

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

So i will take that as you acquiescing that you cannot show Ilhan calling for the dissolution of America.

Trump tripled down today or yesterday on his love of Putin and hate of the FBI and US police. The party of hating the Military, the Police and almost all US institutions. And you pretend to be patriots, flol. You guys need to all go back where you came from.
That's a complete lie, and the opposite of demonstrable fact.

When Nazi democrats say horrendous things, such as what Omar and Tlaib have said, you of the Reich circle the wagons to protect them. Hell, a democrat can murder his pregnant girlfriend and you of the Reich will protect him (Teddy Kennedy.)

Because you Nazis are a hive, it doesn't matter what an individual democrat does, the entire hive will fight to the death to protect them.

Not to call you a fucking liar - but, well you are..

{In October 2018, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Steve Stivers, condemned King as a racist, saying that King's actions and comments were "completely inappropriate" and constituted "white supremacy and hate."[139] The NRCC said it would not help King in his 2018 re-election efforts.[10] Representative Carlos Curbelo described King's comments and actions as "disgusting" and said that he would never vote for someone like King.[140] Senator Ted Cruz called King's rhetoric "divisive" but stopped short of condemning him.[139] Other Republicans, such as House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway, dismissed the idea that King is racist.[139]}

You won't find the Nazi democrats taking any such action - democrats defend Reich members to the death - no matter what they do.

Not to call you a liar but i will,

Group of House Dems condemn Rep. Omar for remarks about U.S., Israel, Hamas and the Taliban

You see how that works?

Now what is the GOP doing about Santos? What did they do about Trump? Are they or did they 'circle the wagons' around them?
Please. When someone on the left says something stupid the folks on the left trash anyone for noticing and then saying something about it, often calling them racists if that stupid person was of color. You weren't on here saying that person needs to be out of Congress.

We all fully comprehend hyperbole in politics, pretending that you believe that hyperbole is their real policy stance is just... well, pretense.

Are you suggesting MTG is just a typical congresswoman? God, I hope you are wrong.
She is a special kind of stupid and gets the stage way too much. You far rights should be giving her a seat in the peanut gallery, not the stage.
The Dems you hate like Talib are just doing their jobs. They are not on TV nearly every day.
So i will take that as you acquiescing that you cannot show Ilhan calling for the dissolution of America.

Trump tripled down today or yesterday on his love of Putin and hate of the FBI and US police. The party of hating the Military, the Police and almost all US institutions. And you pretend to be patriots, flol. You guys need to all go back where you came from.

So I take it that you think you can lie your way out of this.

You hypocritically attack MTG for suggesting the Americans and you Nazis "get a divorce," while heroes of the fascist democrats openly call for violence with those like you praising them.

The party of hating the military, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. The party of hating the police, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. MUCH of your assault on the police and on criminal justice is your desire for a national "US Police" (Gestapo). At this time, there isn't one - the STASI is an evil and destructive force, but nowhere near powerful enough to be the Gestapo you yearn for.

You fucking Nazis need a 1945. We defeated you scum then, we will defeat you again.

Never again, scumbag.
So I take it that you think you can lie your way out of this.

You hypocritically attack MTG for suggesting the Americans and you Nazis "get a divorce," while heroes of the fascist democrats openly call for violence with those like you praising them.

The party of hating the military, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. The party of hating the police, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. MUCH of your assault on the police and on criminal justice is your desire for a national "US Police" (Gestapo). At this time, there isn't one - the STASI is an evil and destructive force, but nowhere near powerful enough to be the Gestapo you yearn for.

You fucking Nazis need a 1945. We defeated you scum then, we will defeat you again.

Never again, scumbag.

WW2 being the last war that we won.

Buckle Up.
WW2 being the last war that we won.

Buckle Up.

When Eisenhower spoke of the "Industrial Military Complex?" NAILED IT.

We don't win wars because there is no profit in winning. Much of the problem Trump had with the Oligarchs attacking him was due to his refusal to start a war in Syria when he was ordered to.

Trump is the only president since Reagan not to start a new war. Bush the Eviler had Iraq, Clinton went to war to aid Al Qaeda in overthrowing Kosovo. Whether you blame Bush the Eviler with Desert Storm or Clinton directly, he put us into a global war with the Muslim supremacists. For that reason, I call Afghanistan Clinton's war. Iraq was purely Dubya. Obammy had his Al Qaeda spring. But Trump refused to start a war - and that turned the MIC against him.
When Eisenhower spoke of the "Industrial Military Complex?" NAILED IT.

We don't win wars because there is no profit in winning. Much of the problem Trump had with the Oligarchs attacking him was due to his refusal to start a war in Syria when he was ordered to.

Trump is the only president since Reagan not to start a new war. Bush the Eviler had Iraq, Clinton went to war to aid Al Qaeda in overthrowing Kosovo. Whether you blame Bush the Eviler with Desert Storm or Clinton directly, he put us into a global war with the Muslim supremacists. For that reason, I call Afghanistan Clinton's war. Iraq was purely Dubya. Obammy had his Al Qaeda spring. But Trump refused to start a war - and that turned the MIC against him.

Ya, he was right....but even with his warning most of us missed how rotten and how early Americas elites were. That America has been so warmongering in light of his warning is not surprising, what is I think is how incompetently this warring has been done...I dont remember Eisenhower predicting that.

I am on the side of the WOKE on this matter.
So I take it that you think you can lie your way out of this.

You hypocritically attack MTG for suggesting the Americans and you Nazis "get a divorce," while heroes of the fascist democrats openly call for violence with those like you praising them.

The party of hating the military, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. The party of hating the police, is and always will be you fucking Nazis. MUCH of your assault on the police and on criminal justice is your desire for a national "US Police" (Gestapo). At this time, there isn't one - the STASI is an evil and destructive force, but nowhere near powerful enough to be the Gestapo you yearn for.

You fucking Nazis need a 1945. We defeated you scum then, we will defeat you again.

Never again, scumbag.

Republicans Are Suddenly Very Eager to Defund the Police
That's an interesting perspective and since not everyone is a 100% partisan ideologue I can definitely see how that can happen.

Everything on this board needs to be taken with a large grain of salt but look at the rhetoric here, especially over the past few years. The desire for the country to (essentially) split in two and those we disagree with to die is not an uncommon refrain nor is it exclusive to one side of the political aisle.

Maybe that's inevitable on an anonymous board where the same small number of people talk day after day that it reaches that point, but I don't think so.

I don't pretend to have the answer. There's no single person who is going to unify us all. Our leaders are basically a reflection of the country and there is a fair amount of division. Would love to find a way to talk about more of what unites us but that's becoming difficult to do.

I think most people are just selfish.

They don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than themselves and their own interests.

Nobody is willing to accept a 50/50 split when it comes to politics or policy or what's best for everybody.

They only want what's best for them and their side while as far as they're concerned, everyone on the other side can go to hell.

I don't think this is necessarily a new phenomenon either.

I think people have always been this way, but there was never the internet and social media to expose it so blatantly.
I think most people are just selfish.

They don't give a shit about anything or anyone other than themselves and their own interests.

Nobody is willing to accept a 50/50 split when it comes to politics or policy or what's best for everybody.

They only want what's best for them and their side while as far as they're concerned, everyone on the other side can go to hell.

I don't think this is necessarily a new phenomenon either.

I think people have always been this way, but there was never the internet and social media to expose it so blatantly.

It almost seems like a lifetime ago when people didn't spend hours upon hours upon hours arguing about politics online with people they don't know. The internet and social media really is a blessing and curse where at the same time it has allowed us all (the collective all) to connect yet also caused us to be further divided.
Ya, he was right....but even with his warning most of us missed how rotten and how early Americas elites were. That America has been so warmongering in light of his warning is not surprising, what is I think is how incompetently this warring has been done...I dont remember Eisenhower predicting that.

I am on the side of the WOKE on this matter.

The "woke" are those promoting this faux war in Ukraine to plunder America's wealth.