MTG - We Need A National Divorce

were we right to be skittish about nukes in cuba?

Agreed. In those times the Soviet Union who was putting them their had PROVED prior to be a conquering hostile threat and the US had a right to defend themselves from that.

In this instance today, it is Russia who is the hostile conquering threat, so it is their neighboring nations who have a right to defend themselves.

You seem to have bought Russian propaganda, and not recognize a right of self defense is due to the ones who are subject to threat of invasion, and not the aggressor.
we can reject globalism and turn this ship around.

you actually can put toothpaste back in the tube, for all you "globalist fanaticism is inevitable" dipshits.

Sure just hand Putin and Russia Ukraine and all the other former USSR nations in their sphere.

We have all heard your arguments before comrade. That letting Hitler take a few more countries is ok as he will stop eventually.
Sure just hand Putin and Russia Ukraine and all the other former USSR nations in their sphere.

We have all heard your arguments before comrade. That letting Hitler take a few more countries is ok as he will stop eventually.

our death blow is to stop sending them purchase orders and cash.

we can win this with trade war.
Agreed. In those times the Soviet Union who was putting them their had PROVED prior to be a conquering hostile threat and the US had a right to defend themselves from that.

In this instance today, it is Russia who is the hostile conquering threat, so it is their neighboring nations who have a right to defend themselves.

You seem to have bought Russian propaganda, and not recognize a right of self defense is due to the ones who are subject to threat of invasion, and not the aggressor.

we're not ukraine.

we shoud be defending our own border.

get your head out of your asshole.
our death blow is to stop sending them purchase orders and cash.

we can win this with trade war.

"We can", yes.

But that is child like analysis. You need to think this through like an adult now.

Ok, so in your world we never help strengthen and fortify the neighboring countries to Russia. Instead we seek to break Russia economically through trade war. Great.

Now what happens in Step 2. Put on your big boy pants and think it through.

As Russia is starts to be harmed economically due to the trade war, they look at neighboring countries, who cannot defend themselves, as a source of income and wealth. Conquest of others has been the main historical driver of accruing wealth for failing nations.

So the adults in the room (not you) realize you are arguing for a disaster situation with a predictable result. Leave Russian neighbours weak and unable to defend themselves from an aggressive Russia, who will collapse econically, due to the trade war, unless they start taking over the neighboring countries.

You stand back and go 'great plan', while everyone else shakes their head at how painfully naive and dumb you are.
we're not ukraine.

we shoud be defending our own border.

get your head out of your asshole.

Yes, YES, we all know the arguments for no nation joining in to WW2 to stop Hitler. Just 'protect you own border' and don't worry about anyone else.

You do not need to repeat that stupid and moronic talking point here as we all have heard it before. We have all seen the failed result of it prior.
Yes, YES, we all know the arguments for no nation joining in to WW2 to stop Hitler. Just 'protect you own border' and don't worry about anyone else.

You do not need to repeat that stupid and moronic talking point here as we all have heard it before. We have all seen the failed result of it prior.

all these cold war machine arguments are gay and stupid.

you fascist warmongers don't care about americans anyway.

so fuck you and your war.
Hello cawacko,

Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

"Everyone I talk to..."

Most people with brains, awareness and panache refuse to even talk to her. What's left is whomever -will- talk to her, the cult.

She is best kept at a distance. The greater the better.

Talk about a bad idea.

This one is bad on steroids.

1. There is no way to break up the nation amicably - it's not going to happen. Too much is mixed. Families, programs, companies, business.

2. Too many people love America, do not want to see America destroyed. People may feel the division, but they do not like being divided by politics.

3. The prospect of red and blue Americas living interspersed in harmony is ridiculous: it is a recipe for a very bad war.

4. Who gets the national anthem, who takes on the debt, who gets the superbowl, who gets the Navy, who gets NASA. Just for starters.

5. "Shrink the federal government." There would not be one if the nation divides. Each new nation would have their own government. Dumb statement.

6. Totally dumb idea. The Constitution prevents it. We already fought a very nasty war over this. Very few people want to repeat that. Those who do have zero idea what they are talking about.

7. Who gets the purple states?
This dumb tweet may actually have a good effect.

The silver lining, so to speak.

This idea has been kicked around for a while, never got off the ground. Now that this dubiously notorious figure has said this and turned it into a national conversation maybe people will actually consider it, talk about it, try to imagine how to make it happen, realize it is impossible and also realize that our best future lies together and we have to find a way to drop the animosity and become more united.

Maybe now that MTG has embraced this bogus idea it will pretty much kill it once and for all.

And cause Americans to realize we have to find a way to pull together.
Hello cawacko,

There’s 435 people in the House. Go interview the average person on the street and I bet they can name very few (not necessarily suggesting that’s a bad thing) except maybe a couple of the most high profile people or the crazy ones who draw attention to themselves. Just putting your head down and doing your job doesn’t gain you notoriety (and we are living in a world where a large number of kids want to grow up and be social media influencers).

But she’s also saying what a lot of people are thinking. That’s more important to me than the fact that she’s crazy. Less and less unifying factors in this country and more momentum moving towards this idea of splitting apart. (It’s not going to happen but the rhetoric for it to is there)

I am a unifying factor in this country. Adamantly loyal to the very idea of the United States of America, and all her fabulous diversity.

Join me.

Everyone, join me.

We need to pull together again.

We don't have to agree on everything. We are not supposed to. But we do need to be united in a love of this country and all it stands for.
all these cold war machine arguments are gay and stupid.

you fascist warmongers don't care about americans anyway.

so fuck you and your war.

Look dude, we get that republican voters think history is gay and irrelevant. We get they think 'their way' would have ultimately won out with Hitler and the USSR and would work with Russia now. We get that stupidity.

What we will not do, is participate in such stupidity.


your war is the stupidity.

now go eat shit and have a good day.

Says the guy whose best attempt at logic is this equation...

- Do not help any of Russia's neighbors to be able to defend themselves. No alliances, no weapons. No bases.
- Strangle Russia economically in a trade war (which we could do)

- then hope Russia, facing economic collapse and with the second or third biggest army in the world just accepts defeat instead of invading and taking over neighboring nations to bolster their failing economy and get the resources they need.

Your entire position is devoid of logic but i guess it makes you 'feel' like you said something important.

Serious question. Are you Marjorie Taylor Greene, posting under this alias, as i see a lot of similarities in the ability to elaborate an intelligent and defensible argument?
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