MTG - We Need A National Divorce

When masses of people flood the “free” states, they would start having the same problems that caused the other states to make some rules. There is a reason New York and California are Americas economic powerhouses.

Where nobody wants to live.
Bat sh*t crazy MTG is at it again, calling for a national divorce. (I do wonder at times if she really is bat sh*t crazy or this is all just a calculated act.)

She's in Congress which is what makes this different but the thing is, she's saying what a number of other people have said (right and left). Not that this board is proxy for anything but we've had numerous people here say something similar (both on the right and left).

I do wonder now if her coming out like this will cause people on the left to stop saying it (not wanting to be seen as agreeing with her).

(She did come out in a follow up tweet and say national divorce does not equal civil war. So probably along the lines of an economic civil war that Keith Olbermann called for)

A politician who takes an oath to the Constitution who then uses the power vested in her to advocate for the destruction of America. Priceless.
A politician who takes an oath to the Constitution who then uses the power vested in her to advocate for the destruction of America. Priceless.

Oh I see disagreeing with the left now constitutes advocating the "destruction of America".
No, to even wonder if she actually might have schemed the whole thing

And what you call “performance behavior” is found on both sides, but no one specializes at it as does the right, especially at high positions

Cracka pleeeez :palm:

Well when people were free to move out of the shitholes previously known as CA and NY freedom was far.more than a cliche. Wise people had had enough. Maybe going forward to could actually address the topic. Most likely not.

No, it is a cliche, as I have shown you umpteen times, it’s snowbirds, their all back five months later, and those that do leave is, again, as I’ve said, those that the Sinatra song implies, couldn’t make it here

And I’m addressing the topic, you are the one who muddled it with the “freedom” bullshit
No, it is a cliche, as I have shown you umpteen times, it’s snowbirds, their all back five months later, and those that do leave is, again, as I’ve said, those that the Sinatra song implies, couldn’t make it here

And I’m addressing the topic, you are the one who muddled it with the “freedom” bullshit

San Francisco isn’t New York but there’s a lot of similarities. A lot of people here hate the “tech bros” who have driven up prices in the city and driven out a lot of non-profits, activists and LGBQT folks. Hey, this is capitalism is action. But it’s still weird to hear a liberal tell these non-profit, activists & LGBQT folks to basically hit the road and don’t let the door hit you in the way out because you couldn’t cut it.

That’s a far cry from the working class Democrats of my youth.

Edit: I’m not as familiar with New York real estate but older people laughing at people who “can’t make it” in SF is the ultimate irony considering the number of NIMBYs here. These folks came to the city and purchased or got rent controlled properties when prices were low then turned around and prevent new development making the City astronomically expensive and then have the audacity to claim others can’t make it
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This is a violation of her oath in my opinion. She should be removed from her committees.

She swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States - which means she swore an oath to fight the Nazi democrat scum.

Seriously, why don't you democrats move to North Korea or Venezuela? The government you want is already in place. Your paradise awaits.
She swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States - which means she swore an oath to fight the Nazi democrat scum.

Seriously, why don't you democrats move to North Korea or Venezuela? The government you want is already in place. Your paradise awaits.
Your posts are very amusing, not worth much more, but good for a laugh, thanks.
No, it is a cliche, as I have shown you umpteen times, it’s snowbirds, their all back five months later, and those that do leave is, again, as I’ve said, those that the Sinatra song implies, couldn’t make it here

And I’m addressing the topic, you are the one who muddled it with the “freedom” bullshit

I agree freedom is bullshit to leftists