Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign

Go look up the Innocence Project you retarded and illiterate fool.

As to the original verdict, of course That is guilty or not guilty. You're running away from your pathetic attempts to diminish the presumption of innocence you sick authoritarian thug.

That's a deflection. The Innocence Project doesn't retry cases, they prove the original verdicts were wrong by digging up DNA evidence.
Any links is about collusion, dodo. You're the only one saying it wasn't about collusion, think about that. Further, like I said, coordination is the legal grounds of collusion.

You're just being silly.

You're just reaching for excuses and making it up on the fly, yurtsiecrite. Let me set you straight with an example.

Three men check their calendars to decide a time where they are all free to have lunch together. That's coordination.

At the lunch the three men discuss the ways and means they can use to have a fourth man whacked. That's collusion.

There was no exoneration of Hillary in Comey's statement. That is just flat out false.

That's how the press reported it.

Comey drafted Clinton exoneration before finishing investigation, GOP senators say
By Tom LoBianco, Pamela Brown and Mary Kay Mallonee, CNN

The point was that the fix was in and he had a letter already to go to let her off the hook prior to even interviewing her.
:rofl2: "Exoneration" was really important to RWNJs for the last three days, until it sunk in that trump was not exonerated.

Same thing. Nobody gets "exonerated" after prosecution. So, it's semantics.
He's been vindicated. He's not guilty. He didn't do it. He's innocent of the charges because the charges were a fabricated story to begin with. It was a fraudulent investigation.
They had it ready to roll in case Trump won the election. The insurance policy. None of this garbage would have come out if Hillary had won.