Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign

That's how the press reported it.

Comey drafted Clinton exoneration before finishing investigation, GOP senators say
By Tom LoBianco, Pamela Brown and Mary Kay Mallonee, CNN

The point was that the fix was in and he had a letter already to go to let her off the hook prior to even interviewing her.

:rolleyes: There was no fix. If there was, why did Comey go public at the end of October about finding more emails? IMO he effectively caused her to lose the election.

From your article. Note comments by sources.

"The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges."
Same thing. Nobody gets "exonerated" after prosecution. So, it's semantics.
He's been vindicated. He's not guilty. He didn't do it. He's innocent of the charges because the charges were a fabricated story to begin with. It was a fraudulent investigation.
They had it ready to roll in case Trump won the election. The insurance policy. None of this garbage would have come out if Hillary had won.

When Don Jr. secretly met with Russian operatives to try to get dirt on Hillary, and trump wrote a false narrative to explain it, that was not a fabrication.
Yup. Getting real dirt on the opponent is fine.
Unless one is Hillary who set up and paid for PHONY DIRT on her opponent.

It's not legal to meet with a foreign government to get dirt.

"At issue is a federal statute stipulating that foreign nationals cannot contribute to political campaigns. That law, though, doesn’t just bar cash donations. “The statute’s written very, very broadly,” said Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel under Barack Obama who now teaches at New York University Law School. “It applies to promises of support — promises express or implied. It applies to independent expenditures, meaning those with express advocacy. It applies to any expenditure, meaning those that may not be express advocacy expenditures but are for the purpose of influencing the federal election. It applies to disbursements. It is extremely broad.”
:rolleyes: There was no fix. If there was, why did Comey go public at the end of October about finding more emails? IMO he effectively caused her to lose the election.

From your article. Note comments by sources.

"The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges."

He had that letter ready to go early on. Plus Hillary spoke in an interview with that goofy Cheshire cat smirk. She was asked "Are you really positive that you will not be convicted?"
Hilary replied, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely positive" (while nodding head).
When Don Jr. secretly met with Russian operatives to try to get dirt on Hillary, and trump wrote a false narrative to explain it, that was not a fabrication.

The Russian woman (Velniyskaya ? something like that) said she had dirt. Turned out it was about a "political baby issue" in Russia. So.....end of meeting.
Hillary deliberately went and paid for that stupid dossier which would never have been exposed if she had won.
It's not legal to meet with a foreign government to get dirt.

"At issue is a federal statute stipulating that foreign nationals cannot contribute to political campaigns. That law, though, doesn’t just bar cash donations. “The statute’s written very, very broadly,” said Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel under Barack Obama who now teaches at New York University Law School. “It applies to promises of support — promises express or implied. It applies to independent expenditures, meaning those with express advocacy. It applies to any expenditure, meaning those that may not be express advocacy expenditures but are for the purpose of influencing the federal election. It applies to disbursements. It is extremely broad.”

LOL. They can meet and talk with whoever they want.
He had that letter ready to go early on. Plus Hillary spoke in an interview with that goofy Cheshire cat smirk. She was asked "Are you really positive that you will not be convicted?"
Hilary replied, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely positive" (while nodding head).

And that proves what? trump said the same thing over and over again and you accepted it from him.
Are you drunk? He was not on trial.

True; Trump was being smeared in the court of public opinion. Morons on the left don't give a shit about legalities as long as the can give the "appearance" there is massive corruption which only exists in their warped, dishonest, despicable minds.
Jeebus, we've been talking about obstruction of justice, not Russian interference here. What is wrong with you?

LIE and LAME. It only became obstruction when it was obvious the collusion narrative wasn't sticking. It went from obstruction to "foreign agent" when it became obvious that obstruction wasn't going to stick.

Now the lame LIE will be NY is going to indict him and prosecute him as a MOB boss. Seeing a patter here yet; you dishonest leftist asshole?
The Russian woman (Velniyskaya ? something like that) said she had dirt. Turned out it was about a "political baby issue" in Russia. So.....end of meeting.
Hillary deliberately went and paid for that stupid dossier which would never have been exposed if she had won.

That doesn't change the fact that Don Jr. took the meeting in the first place. And the claim that it was about Russian adoption was found to be false. It was the story trump dreamed up and wrote to explain the kid's potentially illegal meeting.
The FBI’s investigation originated with George Papadopoulos, not Christopher Steele

We’ve known since December 2017 that the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began in July 2016 — months before the FBI was even alerted to the existence of the Steele dossier.

The inciting incident, according to Sharon LaFraniere, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo at the New York Times, had to do with WikiLeaks, which published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July 2016. Those emails prompted Australia’s top diplomat in Britain to inform his American counterparts about a conversation he had two months earlier with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign.

During a night of heavy drinking in London, Papadopoulos bragged to the Australian about his knowledge that Russia had political dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton, apparently stolen in an effort to try to damage her campaign,” as the Times put it. Papadopoulos has since agreed to cooperate with the Mueller investigation and was sentenced to just 14 days in jail, even though Mueller’s team in a court filing said he “did not provide ‘substantial assistance.’”

You don’t have to take the Times’s word for it. Even the so-called “Nunes memo,” prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee chair and staunch Trump ally Devin Nunes (R-CA) and released about a year ago, acknowledges that the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign was “triggered” by evidence presented to American officials about Papadopoulos having secretive contacts with Kremlin agents when it was released about a year ago.

In short, the Russia investigation would have existed even if the Steele dossier never did. But Trump and Fox News are not about to let the facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.
Same thing. Nobody gets "exonerated" after prosecution. So, it's semantics.
He's been vindicated. He's not guilty. He didn't do it. He's innocent of the charges because the charges were a fabricated story to begin with. It was a fraudulent investigation.
They had it ready to roll in case Trump won the election. The insurance policy. None of this garbage would have come out if Hillary had won.

It's not legal to meet with a foreign government to get dirt.

"At issue is a federal statute stipulating that foreign nationals cannot contribute to political campaigns. That law, though, doesn’t just bar cash donations. “The statute’s written very, very broadly,” said Bob Bauer, a former White House counsel under Barack Obama who now teaches at New York University Law School. “It applies to promises of support — promises express or implied. It applies to independent expenditures, meaning those with express advocacy. It applies to any expenditure, meaning those that may not be express advocacy expenditures but are for the purpose of influencing the federal election. It applies to disbursements. It is extremely broad.”
