my absence from the forums

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i am sick and tired of the repugs that are like spoiled kids that demand that everyone do things their way or they will take their ball and bat and go home.

legislators have a duty to serve their constituents, but they also have a duty to serve their country.

the shutting down of the government and the threat to not pay the nation's bills are not the actions of statesmen (and stateswomen) and do not have the best interests of our nation at heart.

since they are unable to pass legislation through normal channels, they have resorted to blackmail to try to get what they want.

this is obscene.
obviously defaulting is really bad

but there is a small part of me that just wants to see shit get burned down.

call it the 10%

The problem is, takers really need a good slap upside the head. Not only do takers take, but they do so smugly and arrogantly. They believe they are entitled to other peoples money. They believe it is rightfully theirs. It would be kinda nice to finally punish them and wreck their shit.
obviously defaulting is really bad

but there is a small part of me that just wants to see shit get burned down.

call it the 10%

The problem is, takers really need a good slap upside the head. Not only do takers take, but they do so smugly and arrogantly. They believe they are entitled to other peoples money. They believe it is rightfully theirs. It would be kinda nice to finally punish them and wreck their shit.

and in doing so take the rest of the nation down with them.
obviously defaulting is really bad

but there is a small part of me that just wants to see shit get burned down.

call it the 10%

The problem is, takers really need a good slap upside the head. Not only do takers take, but they do so smugly and arrogantly. They believe they are entitled to other peoples money. They believe it is rightfully theirs. It would be kinda nice to finally punish them and wreck their shit.

This. We NEED to force a true, legitimate crisis, at the Constitutional level.
Grind, I assume you're talking about the takers like the oil companies with their huge subsidies? or the investment bankers whose income is taxed at a lower rate than other people's incomes? You ARE talking about takers like that, right?
Grind, I assume you're talking about the takers like the oil companies with their huge subsidies? or the investment bankers whose income is taxed at a lower rate than other people's incomes? You ARE talking about takers like that, right?

Not just them, ALL takers. Grind is against corporate welfare the same as he's against personal welfare. But you aren't. You're only against it for companies/industries you don't like.
Grind, I assume you're talking about the takers like the oil companies with their huge subsidies? or the investment bankers whose income is taxed at a lower rate than other people's incomes? You ARE talking about takers like that, right?

You mean the oil companies that provide you a standard of living you could have never dreamed of?

Make no mistake, I don't support rent seeking from anyone, but give me an oil exec over a welfare queen any day

When did being on welfare become noble. Time was in America people were embarrassed to except welfare.

People like you think you are entitled to others money
You mean the oil companies that provide you a standard of living you could have never dreamed of?

Make no mistake, I don't support rent seeking from anyone, but give me an oil exec over a welfare queen any day

When did being on welfare become noble. Time was in America people were embarrassed to except welfare.

People like you think you are entitled to others money
Your smartest post ever
i am sick and tired of the repugs that are like spoiled kids that demand that everyone do things their way or they will take their ball and bat and go home.

legislators have a duty to serve their constituents, but they also have a duty to serve their country.

the shutting down of the government and the threat to not pay the nation's bills are not the actions of statesmen (and stateswomen) and do not have the best interests of our nation at heart.

since they are unable to pass legislation through normal channels, they have resorted to blackmail to try to get what they want.

this is obscene.

It's depressing. But I'm always happy to see you here, even if it's just to gripe about cons!

Plus, I'm glad it's just an existential thing and not a bad recurrence of physical problems.
Grind, I assume you're talking about the takers like the oil companies with their huge subsidies? or the investment bankers whose income is taxed at a lower rate than other people's incomes? You ARE talking about takers like that, right?

I am 100% against corporate subsidies, and find the idea of giving billion dollar corporations tax payer money disgusting. BUT that doesn't automatically make them takers, especially if they employ thousands of americans and provide thousands of jobs and economic stimulation. it's all about if you give more than you take in. The net balance one provides to society. My guess is the companies you are referring to are not takers, because there would otherwise be no incentive for the government to invest unless it resulted in some benefit for the economy or society.

What I am referring to of course are the dirty unwashed masses, the proles, who do nothing but take, and those that when they die will have consumed more from society than they have produced. Takers are parasites and offer no value. They are net losers and a societal drain.
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I am 100% against corporate subsidies, and find the idea of giving billion dollar corporations tax payer money disgusting. BUT that doesn't automatically make them takers, especially if they employ thousands of americans and provide thousands of jobs and economic stimulation. it's all about if you give more than you take in. The net balance one provides to society. My guess is the companies you are referring to are not takers, because there would otherwise be no incentive for the government to invest unless it resulted in some benefit for the economy or society.

What I am referring to of course are the dirty unwashed masses, the proles, who do nothing but take, and those that when they die will have consumed more from society than they have produced. Takers are parasites and offer no value. They are net losers and a societal drain.
Let me guess, you don't invest in those companies!