my absence from the forums

Are you serious? I suggest researching the FED a bit before typing another word, here or anywhere.

I suggest following some of your own advise.

Not only is it wrong to saddle later generations with debt so we can receive our own Panem et Circenses, there is only one guarantee on the US Dollar being the reserve currency and that is it will not always be.

We need to prepare for the time that we do not have the reserve currency so that collapse is not certain when it happens, as it will. History teaches us that when we begin to monetize our own debt we are heading down a road that leads to very bad things.

The reality is, Obama was right accidentally when he spoke against the constant increase of Generational Debt. We cannot afford the certain collapse that will come if we ignore the reality. The world will not infinitely support the US dollar as a reserve currency.
The US Constitution does not allow for defaulting on the debt. The government must pay the debt first, even if there isn't a hike in the credit limit.

Maybe that's what is really scaring the teat-suckers...their benefits might get diverted to pay the debt?
we will see why he has stayed in this country for so long.

I bet their are security reasons that we as of yet cant be told.

I trust Obama.

everything he has done shows he cares about this country and its people no matter what all the right wing lies are saying.

When a person becomes president they get to know things we don't get to know.

That is why its SO important to put in a Person of Character.

That is what Obama is.

I know its not fashionable to think your president is a fine human being but sometimes its actually true.

President Obama is a man of great character

No, Desh.

We are there for the same reason the USSR stayed there until they went bankrupt and dissolved, for the Black Sea pipeline which will theoretically be built someday.

In other words, the entire war is and for forty years has been about controlling access to oil.

Obama is just another foolish tool of the oil companies, whose stock holders and directors are the true takers, not the miniscule amount of people on welfare.
We don't have unlimited credit worldwide, this is the reason that the FED is monetizing our debt currently. China refuses to purchase more of our debt. Can you tell me which foreign source is currently funding our debt monetization?

Panem et Circenses. Don't worry, nobody will pay attention to what is so long as they believe that the only way to pay a bill is with more debt. And look over there! Elephants!

Don't make me Laugh.
China wants the renminbi to become the new reserve currency. Why is that Damo? Could it be part of why they refuse to buy more of our debt? No, it is the entire reason.
Nevermind, it is the same reason we have unlimited credit, we print more dollars as we need them.
I suggest following some of your own advise.

Not only is it wrong to saddle later generations with debt so we can receive our own Panem et Circenses, there is only one guarantee on the US Dollar being the reserve currency and that is it will not always be.

We need to prepare for the time that we do not have the reserve currency so that collapse is not certain when it happens, as it will. History teaches us that when we begin to monetize our own debt we are heading down a road that leads to very bad things.

The reality is, Obama was right accidentally when he spoke against the constant increase of Generational Debt. We cannot afford the certain collapse that will come if we ignore the reality. The world will not infinitely support the US dollar as a reserve currency.

Who do you think you are talking to?
I was opposed to Reagan running up the Debt.
I was opposed to Bush running up the Debt.

I was opposed to Quantitative Easing on all levels.

I was opposed to TARP, to the consolidation of the Banks, to the very existence of Hank Paulson (traitor, should be shot on sight)

To Bernake, everything Bernake stands for.

I am opposed to all Central Banks.

Seriously, what do you think you are telling me?

Everything going on right now is theatrics at best.

Every one who suffers as a result of these most ignorant games suffers needlessly at the hands of corrupt men too ignorant to do the jobs they were elected to do.

Everything I promote (and you oppose) moves us further away from dependence upon foreign oil and the need to have the dollar as the reserve currency.

If you ever took off your conservatard clown hat, you would be able to see the bigger picture, the one I describe.

By the way, allow me to advise you that advice is spelled with a c.
Who do you think you are talking to?
I was opposed to Reagan running up the Debt.
I was opposed to Bush running up the Debt.

I was opposed to Quantitative Easing on all levels.

I was opposed to TARP, to the consolidation of the Banks, to the very existence of Hank Paulson (traitor, should be shot on sight)

To Bernake, everything Bernake stands for.

I am opposed to all Central Banks.

Seriously, what do you think you are telling me?

Everything going on right now is theatrics at best.

Every one who suffers as a result of these most ignorant games suffers needlessly at the hands of corrupt men too ignorant to do the jobs they were elected to do.

Everything I promote (and you oppose) moves us further away from dependence upon foreign oil and the need to have the dollar as the reserve currency.

If you ever took off your conservatard clown hat, you would be able to see the bigger picture, the one I describe.

By the way, allow me to advise you that advice is spelled with a c.

Wow, you don't know me at all. Seriously. I think you should hang around and pretend that I support centralized banking and stuff and argue against that. It may make you feel smart and "stuff", but it has nothing to do with reality. Find even one post of mine supporting what you say I support here and we can have a conversation about how you took it out of context.

The most serious thing I have to say, is promoting a debt level increase because you think it is a game is everything against what you supposedly support here in this post. If you do not believe that we need a serious conversation on this, one serious enough that it deserves this kind of attention, then you are not in support of what you purport herein.
Wow, you don't know me at all. Seriously. I think you should hang around and pretend that I support centralized banking and stuff and argue against that. It may make you feel smart and "stuff", but it has nothing to do with reality. Find even one post of mine supporting what you say I support here and we can have a conversation about how you took it out of context.

The most serious thing I have to say, is promoting a debt level increase because you think it is a game is everything against what you supposedly support here in this post. If you do not believe that we need a serious conversation on this, one serious enough that it deserves this kind of attention, then you are not in support of what you purport herein.

What the fuck did you think I was trying to tell you?
Show where I said any of the things you accuse me of standing for in your last two posts.

At the same time I can find dozens of posts in which you oppose electric cars, the lowest hanging fruit in any effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil, the ONLY chance we have of averting the consequences of our pending loss of reserve currency status.

By the way, your lame sarcasm gains you no points whatsoever.

Prove I will not shithead.
I don't know how, though'm all for it. No chance for a viable 3rd party either, as long as we don't think of anything but (D.) v (R.)

Been a revolutionary in my younger days, 'till I figured out no one gives a damn.

I love that. You fought the good fight, carry on, brother.
What the fuck did you think I was trying to tell you?
Show where I said any of the things you accuse me of standing for in your last two posts.

At the same time I can find dozens of posts in which you oppose electric cars, the lowest hanging fruit in any effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil, the ONLY chance we have of averting the consequences of our pending loss of reserve currency status.

By the way, your lame sarcasm gains you no points whatsoever.

You cannot find a post of mine where I oppose electric cars, you can find one where I point out that they are very often not ready for prime time, or are (like the TESLA) expensive even with subsidies, but you cannot find one where I do not support it. In fact you'll find hundreds of posts where I have flat stated that I support everything and anything that gets us off the foreign energy teat. Although I do it without the stupidity that they currently produce less "greenhouse gasses"... Energy comes from somewhere and electric energy for the larger part comes from coal and the amount they use produces as much or (often) more of those gasses.

You've said, right here in this thread, that people are "playing a game" and told somebody that does not support continued monetizing of the debt how they should "learn about the FED", which leads me to believe that you think that they should rubber-stamp that credit limit increase that Obama says is necessary or we'll "default" (can't, even he can't change that the constitution says he has to pay that debt).

I stated, right after 9/11, literally the day after, that the President has a unique opportunity to create a "moon-landing" type program to get off foreign energy in a matter of years using all means at our disposal (LNG, drilling, solar, electric transport, research for hydrogen, nuclear electricity, whatever it takes).
Maybe that's what is really scaring the teat-suckers...their benefits might get diverted to pay the debt?

Doubtless. The reality is the hammock we've created instead of a safety net would be crippled by such a vote. The republicans will never do it though, even they understand that the proles demand their panem et circenses and they desperately want to have power. What is right doesn't even factor into the thoughts of either party.
You cannot find a post of mine where I oppose electric cars, you can find one where I point out that they are very often not ready for prime time, or are (like the TESLA) expensive even with subsidies, but you cannot find one where I do not support it. In fact you'll find hundreds of posts where I have flat stated that I support everything and anything that gets us off the foreign energy teat. Although I do it without the stupidity that they currently produce less "greenhouse gasses"... Energy comes from somewhere and electric energy for the larger part comes from coal and the amount they use produces as much or (often) more of those gasses.

You've said, right here in this thread, that people are "playing a game" and told somebody that does not support continued monetizing of the debt how they should "learn about the FED", which leads me to believe that you think that they should rubber-stamp that credit limit increase that Obama says is necessary or we'll "default" (can't, even he can't change that the constitution says he has to pay that debt).

I stated, right after 9/11, literally the day after, that the President has a unique opportunity to create a "moon-landing" type program to get off foreign energy in a matter of years using all means at our disposal (LNG, drilling, solar, electric transport, research for hydrogen, nuclear electricity, whatever it takes).

You are really going to make me grave dig?
What the fuck did you think I was trying to tell you?
Show where I said any of the things you accuse me of standing for in your last two posts.

At the same time I can find dozens of posts in which you oppose electric cars, the lowest hanging fruit in any effort to reduce dependence on foreign oil, the ONLY chance we have of averting the consequences of our pending loss of reserve currency status.

By the way, your lame sarcasm gains you no points whatsoever.

And where do you think the electricity for those electric cars are supposed to come from? Dandelions?

Your boy is shutting down coal fired plants as fast as he can and the left wing enviros are trying to go after fracking to shut down natural gas.

Now if we could use the gas that comes out of Dante's and Darla's collective pie holes then you may have something
Doubtless. The reality is the hammock we've created instead of a safety net would be crippled by such a vote. The republicans will never do it though, even they understand that the proles demand their panem et circenses and they desperately want to have power. What is right doesn't even factor into the thoughts of either party.

Actually the Tea Party is trying to do the right thing, but they are being attacked by both sides. This is why McCain needs to get ass cancer and die a horrific death. You would think he would have learned his lesson with the way the media turned on him during the 2008 campaign. But, no like a beaten wife he keeps coming back for more
I stated, right after 9/11, literally the day after, that the President has a unique opportunity to create a "moon-landing" type program to get off foreign energy in a matter of years using all means at our disposal (LNG, drilling, solar, electric transport, research for hydrogen, nuclear electricity, whatever it takes).

Then any post you have ever made about electric cars on this forum should have a positive bent even if pointing out flaws in a constructive manner. This is your claim?