my absence from the forums

Do they, Why don't you provide evidence of the taxes paid to the US treasury by Exxon/Mobil?
Don't forget to subtract their subsidies etc. and show the net receipts.

According to S&P's Capital IQ, some the largest oil companies in the U.S. have the biggest tax rates around

ExxonMobil: 39.4%

Looking purely at U.S. income tax expenditures clearly doesn't give a full picture of what these major oil companies are paying in tax.

There are a couple things to consider when looking at these numbers. First, these are global oil companies, and not all of the taxes they pay are in the United States.

Also, there are several taxes that are specific to the oil and gas industry that are not normally accounted for in income taxes.

For example, oil companies need to pay $0.08 per barrel of oil for a trust fund that's used to pay for oil spills, and they need to pay royalties for any oil that produced on federal lands. When you figure in these additional taxes to Exxon's tax bill, you get a figure in the U.S. of $12.1 billion.

With operations in more than 43 countries, each country wants a piece of that pie through its own taxes, royalties, and so on. When all of these things are tallied up worldwide, Exxon dolled out $102 billion to governments in 2012.

The reality is that oil companies, especially Big Oil (Exxon, BP, Shell, etc.), really don’t get any federal subsidies, if that term means “getting money to do something,” as Harold Hamm, CEO of Continential Resources reminded Congress in September when he testified that, ”Some call the expensing of ordinary business expenses a “subsidy.” Now my recollection of what a subsidy means is when you are given money to do something. I guess when I drilled 17 dry holes in a row I missed that pay window. No one sent me a check.”

The truth is that the oil and gas industry receives the same kinds of tax treatments that every other manufacturing or extractive industry receives in the federal tax code.

Tax treatments in question are not “subsidies” that are in any way outside of the mainstream of tax treatments commonly available to all U.S. industries.
According to S&P's Capital IQ, some the largest oil companies in the U.S. have the biggest tax rates around

ExxonMobil: 39.4%

Looking purely at U.S. income tax expenditures clearly doesn't give a full picture of what these major oil companies are paying in tax.

There are a couple things to consider when looking at these numbers. First, these are global oil companies, and not all of the taxes they pay are in the United States.

Also, there are several taxes that are specific to the oil and gas industry that are not normally accounted for in income taxes.

For example, oil companies need to pay $0.08 per barrel of oil for a trust fund that's used to pay for oil spills, and they need to pay royalties for any oil that produced on federal lands. When you figure in these additional taxes to Exxon's tax bill, you get a figure in the U.S. of $12.1 billion.

With operations in more than 43 countries, each country wants a piece of that pie through its own taxes, royalties, and so on. When all of these things are tallied up worldwide, Exxon dolled out $102 billion to governments in 2012.

The reality is that oil companies, especially Big Oil (Exxon, BP, Shell, etc.), really don’t get any federal subsidies, if that term means “getting money to do something,” as Harold Hamm, CEO of Continential Resources reminded Congress in September when he testified that, ”Some call the expensing of ordinary business expenses a “subsidy.” Now my recollection of what a subsidy means is when you are given money to do something. I guess when I drilled 17 dry holes in a row I missed that pay window. No one sent me a check.”

The truth is that the oil and gas industry receives the same kinds of tax treatments that every other manufacturing or extractive industry receives in the federal tax code.

Tax treatments in question are not “subsidies” that are in any way outside of the mainstream of tax treatments commonly available to all U.S. industries.

Rune says that you are very intelligent. even if you are a troll, so he can't really dispute the Motley Fool figures. I wonder why that trust fund wasn't used to clean up the Deepwater Horizon spill? People like Rune become totally irrational and unhinged when it comes to any discussion about energy.
Rune says that you are very intelligent. even if you are a troll, so he can't really dispute the Motley Fool figures. I wonder why that trust fund wasn't used to clean up the Deepwater Horizon spill? People like Rune become totally irrational and unhinged when it comes to any discussion about energy.


Actually the Tea Party is trying to do the right thing, but they are being attacked by both sides. This is why McCain needs to get ass cancer and die a horrific death. You would think he would have learned his lesson with the way the media turned on him during the 2008 campaign. But, no like a beaten wife he keeps coming back for more

This post made me laugh. My karma hurts.
This post made me laugh. My karma hurts.

You know Damo, I haven't said anything directed at you because nothing I have been talking about is about you. Though you may have taken it that way, you're wrong.

But now you are encouraging this pos? So you want a rape board here.

Actually the Tea Party is trying to do the right thing, but they are being attacked by both sides. This is why McCain needs to get ass cancer and die a horrific death. You would think he would have learned his lesson with the way the media turned on him during the 2008 campaign. But, no like a beaten wife he keeps coming back for more

You know Damo, I haven't said anything directed at you because nothing I have been talking about is about you. Though you may have taken it that way, you're wrong.

But now you are encouraging this pos? So you want a rape board here.


This completely explains his position. It is sickening.
Why do you respond to this cretin, your Karma isn't just hurt, it has been mortally wounded.

Yes, quite sick indeed. You should realize that to even gaze upon such filth as that begotten by ILA is incredibly damaging to your spirit.

Extremely disappointing.
Let me know when you can link up to some.

In the meantime, keep the squalling down.

You agreed to the rules when you signed up, same as everybody else.

Don't like 'em?


With no question whatsoever, ILA posted about underage sex with a relative. That is a definite ban.
With no question whatsoever, ILA posted about underage sex with a relative. That is a definite ban.

Big money probably thanked the post. He spends 24 hours a day on this board following ILA around like his little chained up bitch. I bet ILA has a dog collar on the little bitch.
Big money probably thanked the post. He spends 24 hours a day on this board following ILA around like his little chained up bitch. I bet ILA has a dog collar on the little bitch.

Now that you mention it, I know BIG Money's M.O.

I am sure he spotted the offence and instructed his new BFF to edit it and ILA actually managed to edit it fast enough to not get caught.
Either way, it is clear that ILA's filth will continue to be tolerated here, to the detriment of the entire forum.
Now that you mention it, I know BIG Money's M.O. I am sure he spotted the offence and instructed his new BFF to edit it and ILA actually managed to edit it fast enough to not get caught. Either way, it is clear that ILA's filth will continue to be tolerated here, to the detriment of the entire forum.

Guess you'd better quit violating Rule 15 and quit JPP, then.

Will the next time be the first time?

Just wondering.
Now that you mention it, I know BIG Money's M.O.

I am sure he spotted the offence and instructed his new BFF to edit it and ILA actually managed to edit it fast enough to not get caught.
Either way, it is clear that ILA's filth will continue to be tolerated here, to the detriment of the entire forum.

I saw BIlly's post to you on TOm's thread. It is post # 63 on this thread: