My fair share

We also conclude that for the choice argument to be convincing, the advocates need to show more consistent and sustained improvements in the student learning and should be able to explain at an operational level how choice induces schools to improve student performance.

This couple of decades long experience with vouchers is not bringing any proven consistant results dude.
Most of the money goes to people who can already afford to make the choice of a private school and the vouchers cost more in taxes.
Trying to create a "common experience" for students is a goal of unimaginable stupidity.

The goal should be to educate.
Gleening out one comment instead of wrapping your head arround the totallity of the facts gets us no where.
He said concerns about the impact of the voucher program on property taxes in Milwaukee had been verified by the research.

Researchers based at the University of Arkansas said that city property taxes go up for each student who uses a voucher, compared to what would be the case if that student went to MPS, while state income taxes go down, as do property taxes in most of the rest of the state.

More than 18,000 students are attending private schools this year using publicly funded vouchers of up to $6,501 per student.

"Funding inequities caused by this program are creating a strain on Milwaukee taxpayers," Andrekopoulos said.
We also conclude that for the choice argument to be convincing, the advocates need to show more consistent and sustained improvements in the student learning and should be able to explain at an operational level how choice induces schools to improve student performance.

This couple of decades long experience with vouchers is not bringing any proven consistant results dude.

He said concerns about the impact of the voucher program on property taxes in Milwaukee had been verified by the research.

Researchers based at the University of Arkansas said that city property taxes go up for each student who uses a voucher, compared to what would be the case if that student went to MPS, while state income taxes go down, as do property taxes in most of the rest of the state.

More than 18,000 students are attending private schools this year using publicly funded vouchers of up to $6,501 per student.

"Funding inequities caused by this program are creating a strain on Milwaukee taxpayers," Andrekopoulos said.

1) I would like to see the actual research numbers Desh, because the article (as you quoted above) states that property taxes increased BUT STATE INCOME TAXES WENT DOWN.

2) That publicly funded voucher number is just a bogus argument... how much per student is the public funding for students attending public schools?

As for this....

""Funding inequities caused by this program are creating a strain on Milwaukee taxpayers," Andrekopoulos said"

Says the Superintendant of Milwaukee PUBLIC Schools... which just so happen to be getting their ass kicked.

Keep in mind Desh.... I went to Marquette. Which is downtown Milwaukee. I lived there and coached many of the kids at the Y who were a part of the voucher program. Their parents love that program. It allowed their kids to get out of the shitty MPS system and get better educations. Which is why MPS is bitching.
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studies show that private schools are not all they are cracked up to be.

So we pay more in taxes, we dont improve anyones education much and people who already can afford private schools get a tax break..

Not such a deal huh?

"The Center on Education Policy, however, is an advocacy group for public schools, so it didn't look into why holy-order schools are succeeding where others fail."
"The center also downplays another finding: While controlling for SES eliminated most public school/private-school differences in achievement test scores, it did not eliminate differences in the most widely used test of developed abilities, the SAT. (As I explained more fully here, developed abilities are those nurtured through schoolwork, reading, engaging a piece of art, and any other activities that spark critical thinking. Developed abilities aren't inborn traits but honed competencies, more akin to athletic skill gained through practice rather than raw IQ. By contrast, achievement tests measure the amount of material students have committed to memory in any particular field.) Combined with high-school grades, SAT scores are the best predictor of how kids will do in their freshman year of college. And the data in the new study shows that private-school students outperform public-school students on the SAT."
"Isn't that just because richer private-school kids can afford to be coached more before the SAT? No — remember that this study carefully controlled for socioeconomic status. Rather, it appears private schools do more to develop students' critical-thinking abilities — not just the rote memorization required to do well on achievement tests."
"In short, today's study shows that sending your kid to private school — particularly one run by a holy order like the Jesuits — is still a better way to ensure that he or she will get into college. Just don't expect all education experts to agree."

Did you even read your own article Desh???,8599,1670063,00.html

studies show that private schools are not all they are cracked up to be.

So we pay more in taxes, we dont improve anyones education much and people who already can afford private schools get a tax break..

Not such a deal huh?

Again.... you do NOT pay more in taxes... If the Federal government pays 8k per student regardless of where the student goes... public OR private... then the government is paying the same damn amount.

The fact that Milwaukee property taxes went up while their state income taxes went down doesn't tell us shit. Especially given the fact that Milwaukee property taxes went up every damn year I lived there.

The voucher program IS NOT just for people who can afford private schools. Many inner city kids in Milwaukee used the program to get the hell out of the MPS system. The number of magnate schools and private schools shot up dramatically when the voucher program started.

The new study’s comparative analysis of standardized tests scores suggests not. The data show that children who transfer to private schools using MPCP vouchers fare no better than their peers who stay behind in so-called “failing” schools.

“The baseline results indicate,” reports the study, “that MPCP students in grades 3 to 5 are currently scoring slightly lower on the math and reading portions of the [state scholastic aptitude test] than their [public school] counterparts.” Results from students in grades 6-9 were statistically equal.
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The new study’s comparative analysis of standardized tests scores suggests not. The data show that children who transfer to private schools using MPCP vouchers fare no better than their peers who stay behind in so-called “failing” schools.

“The baseline results indicate,” reports the study, “that MPCP students in grades 3 to 5 are currently scoring slightly lower on the math and reading portions of the [state scholastic aptitude test] than their [public school] counterparts.” Results from students in grades 6-9 were statistically equal.


""The center also downplays another finding: While controlling for SES eliminated most public school/private-school differences in achievement test scores, it did not eliminate differences in the most widely used test of developed abilities, the SAT. (As I explained more fully here, developed abilities are those nurtured through schoolwork, reading, engaging a piece of art, and any other activities that spark critical thinking. Developed abilities aren't inborn traits but honed competencies, more akin to athletic skill gained through practice rather than raw IQ. By contrast, achievement tests measure the amount of material students have committed to memory in any particular field.) Combined with high-school grades, SAT scores are the best predictor of how kids will do in their freshman year of college. And the data in the new study shows that private-school students outperform public-school students on the SAT.""

The new study’s comparative analysis of standardized tests scores suggests not. The data show that children who transfer to private schools using MPCP vouchers fare no better than their peers who stay behind in so-called “failing” schools.

“The baseline results indicate,” reports the study, “that MPCP students in grades 3 to 5 are currently scoring slightly lower on the math and reading portions of the [state scholastic aptitude test] than their [public school] counterparts.” Results from students in grades 6-9 were statistically equal.


"Rather, it appears private schools do more to develop students' critical-thinking abilities — not just the rote memorization required to do well on achievement tests.""
Again.... you do NOT pay more in taxes... If the Federal government pays 8k per student regardless of where the student goes... public OR private... then the government is paying the same damn amount.

The fact that Milwaukee property taxes went up while their state income taxes went down doesn't tell us shit. Especially given the fact that Milwaukee property taxes went up every damn year I lived there.

The voucher program IS NOT just for people who can afford private schools. Many inner city kids in Milwaukee used the program to get the hell out of the MPS system. The number of magnate schools and private schools shot up dramatically when the voucher program started.

They are recording the impact on school funding. It takes money out of the system and they end up making up for it in property taxes.

"Rather, it appears private schools do more to develop students' critical-thinking abilities — not just the rote memorization required to do well on achievement tests.""

what did NCLB have to do with this result?