My, How We've Fallen


Well, I suppose these are the infamous third-wave feminists who have been so aggressive in claiming that there was no overt sexism shown against Hillary Clinton, and that they live in a post-feminist reality where voting for the man is the real feminist act.

How pretty they are as they inform us that one of them is “too smart to get raped”, and the other one, apparently the dumb one, was stupid enough to get date raped, but felt “like really like safe with him afterwards so it was no big deal”. Certianly nothing to bother the police with.

This is what feminism has come to. A couple of whores sitting around talking about how many men they f on a given night and why, smart girls don’t get raped, (though I have to admit it would be hard to be raped if you say yes to every man you meet), and how, if you are stupid enough to get yourself “raped” you shouldn’t “play the victim” by making the guy feel, like, really really bad about it, and like, report him to like, you know, like the police.

Yeah, I’m definitely not cool enough for these girls.

Just so you know, one of these drunken whores actually wrote an op-ed for the Washington post explaining why all the cool sluts...err, I mean "feminists" were voting for Obama.
Did you watch any of that drunken interview? How do I keep these "women", or whatever version of the popular drunken slut is big at their teen time, from influencing my girls?
"I always felt very like, safe around this guy even after he date raped me"

LOL these woman are something else.
Did you watch any of that drunken interview? How do I keep these "women", or whatever version of the popular drunken slut is big at their teen time, from influencing my girls?

Yeah I saw too much of it, it made me physically nauseous. I don’t know. The thought of them influencing my niece, who already has too many stupid female influences, frightens me too. I feel like I want to personally go to their east side office and throw down with them. I have never seen two girls who need an ass-kicking more.

But the best thing to do would be to youtube a send-up of these two idiots, it could be really funny, get tons of hits, and ensure that these two are widely viewed as having jumped the shark, and thus fired immediately.
There are some good feminist blogs out there, like Feminista. Unfortunately, we live in a high school world (that’s how bush got into office), and these morons are considered “cool”. The only way to shut them down is to make them not cool.
Funny how when young men talk irresposiblely about sex with strangers people on here chear them on or scoff at them for not responding yet when women speak the same crap they are too stupid to walk and talk at the same time?

These women are a new counter culture of women using sex the same way men have for eons.
you have a point desh and i almost posted something like that. but then i actually looked at what they were talking about and thought about the little girl's who often idolize and behave as they see. To talk about rape as if its not a big deal to me is disgusting.

The sex part.. no big deal.. Many women are easy and out for getting laid only on any given night. THe rape part makes them look like retards.
Funny how when young men talk irresposiblely about sex with strangers people on here chear them on or scoff at them for not responding yet when women speak the same crap they are too stupid to walk and talk at the same time?

These women are a new counter culture of women using sex the same way men have for eons.

I think it was more fun when we (young man as I was back then) were, shall we say, apprehensive, about our first sexual encounter. And when I think of it, yes I know it's generational, I think it was better that way. Well, at least the first time was a memorable experience.
They speak of the amount of times they've gotten pregnant as if it is like washing their hands after going pee.

"The only times I have ever gotten pregnant were when I wasn't using protection..."

"Well, I've gotten pregnant on the pill..."

"Well, Not me. All those times I wasn't using protection..."

blah, blah...
Funny how when young men talk irresposiblely about sex with strangers people on here chear them on or scoff at them for not responding yet when women speak the same crap they are too stupid to walk and talk at the same time?

These women are a new counter culture of women using sex the same way men have for eons.

Funny how you don’t seem to hear them talking about rape Desh. Do you believe that only stupid women get raped Desh? Did you teach your sons that Desh? Do you believe that if a woman is raped Desh, she should not “play the victim” realize that “it’s no big deal”, and don’t report it Desh?

What the fuck are you talking about Desh?
Yeah I saw too much of it, it made me physically nauseous. I don’t know. The thought of them influencing my niece, who already has too many stupid female influences, frightens me too. I feel like I want to personally go to their east side office and throw down with them. I have never seen two girls who need an ass-kicking more.

But the best thing to do would be to youtube a send-up of these two idiots, it could be really funny, get tons of hits, and ensure that these two are widely viewed as having jumped the shark, and thus fired immediately.
There are some good feminist blogs out there, like Feminista. Unfortunately, we live in a high school world (that’s how bush got into office), and these morons are considered “cool”. The only way to shut them down is to make them not cool.

Why do you hate sexual liberation?
you have a point desh and i almost posted something like that. but then i actually looked at what they were talking about and thought about the little girl's who often idolize and behave as they see. To talk about rape as if its not a big deal to me is disgusting.

The sex part.. no big deal.. Many women are easy and out for getting laid only on any given night. THe rape part makes them look like retards.

This thread is an example of what I have been seeing all over the net about this. Women are the chauvinists today. Men seem to get it more than women do.
This is why, prosecutors don’t women jurists on rape trials. This makes me fucking cry.
But I am glad that more men get it than ever did. That is the good development. What has happened to women, is the bad development.
Funny how you don’t seem to hear them talking about rape Desh. Do you believe that only stupid women get raped Desh? Did you teach your sons that Desh? Do you believe that if a woman is raped Desh, she should not “play the victim” realize that “it’s no big deal”, and don’t report it Desh?

What the fuck are you talking about Desh?

Darla, I hate the attitude with women as much as I do with men. They are being just as foolish, self distructive and thoughtless as any man who rationalized their lives to pursue sex at all costs.

What you failed to realize is I dont want anyone to view sex like this and not because Im a prude but because it is an unhealthy way to see yourself wether you are male or female.
Desh I wouldn’t want you on the jury of my rapist. You’d let him go Desh. I really think you’d let him go.

I wouldn’t mind having Damo or Onceler or Chap though.

See you guys later. Break time.
Perhaps women are the cause of our downfall. After women are the primary care givers for children and also most of the educators.
all I know is if i ever had a daughter the biggest thing i would teach her would be independence. I wouldn't EVER want her to have to rely on some guy to take care of her.