My prediction for Tuesday night

take it up with the true boss, ladyt. my hands are tied. (lol @ ib1 still not even addressing this issue as we start up our games again)

Ok, lets look at the map.

If we give McCain all solidly red states, all weak GOP, all barely GOP states and all barely Dem states it equals 227, he would still need ALL weak Dem states to win. All Obama has to win is one weak Dem state.

Basically the same here.
and here,
and here,

This is baring any martial law, cancelled elections, voting machines changing millions of Dem to Rep votes or any other last minute Republicon tricks.
In my doom electoral projection I gave McCain every state Obama wasn't absolutely certain to win, and he won with like 271.

Obama is absolutely certain to win Pennsylvania.

The only real change on the electoral map I see is in suburbia. In the last several Presidential elections urban areas overwelmingly supported the Democratic candidate and southern and rural regions overwhelming supported the Republican candidate. That hasn't changed.

What has changed is suburbia which significantly favored Republican candidates in recent years has taken a big swing towards the center and are now supporting Democrats.
It is easy to spot the Fox viewers right now.
They are all spoutng the bradley effect :)

It's there only hope. It don't look good for McCain right now and it looks quite possible that Dems may get the 60 senators needed for a super majority. Considering only 1/3 of Senators are running, that's a huge indication of how fed up with reactionary right wing policies people are.
Don't be shocked when McCain really does win Pennsylvania. :)

I hate to say it, but there are a lot of people in Pennsylvania who just don't feel comfortable with a black President. That's not to say all of them are racist. I think everyone has their bigotries, and it doesn't necessarily make them racist.

What the hell do you know about Pennsylvania? You've never even been there! LOL
Well sports fans, this weekend I took a little trip out in "RURAL" Missouri (deer season) and I can only determine that by the number of politcal signs that I saw that 99.9% were behind the McCain ticket. These people are the salt of the earth, the heartland of America, God fearing, good people, you know, "MORONS". Just kidding (they are good people), but they're not "PROGRESSIVES". I would be very surprised if Missouri goes "Obama".
Well sports fans, this weekend I took a little trip out in "RURAL" Missouri (deer season) and I can only determine that by the number of politcal signs that I saw that 99.9% were behind the McCain ticket. These people are the salt of the earth, the heartland of America, God fearing, good people, you know, "MORONS". Just kidding (they are good people), but they're not "PROGRESSIVES". I would be very surprised if Missouri goes "Obama".

This evidence is almost good enough to be DANOcdotal.
I'm just telling you what I saw. It's "rural" Missouri, not the cities, not suburbia. They are going "McCain". Last I saw McCain was plus 1 in Missouri. I would love for Obama to take this state, and the country, but I'll believe it when I see it.
You can tell the race of the occupants of a household in MIssissippi based on the campaign sign out front.
You could tell the people that weren't giving candy in my mother's neighborhood by their Obama signs. The McCain signs were plentiful, their lights were on and they gave candy. Houses without signs, candy... Obama sign. Stingy. In many you could see them inside they just ignored the door bell.