My prediction for Tuesday night

I am also not voting for Obama nor am I voting for McCain. McCain pissed me off. As for Obama, never again will I vote for a person for President if it means their respective party has complete control. Both parties have shown time and again they cannot be trusted with such power.

That said, while I do not condone anyone voting FOR a person strictly based on race, it is far more understandable for someone to vote FOR a person based on race in this situation... than to vote against someone based on race. Also, before you go out and comment that people could vote for McCain simply because he is white.... that is not quite the same and you know it. That said, I would obviously prefer everyone vote based on the issues and what their individual preference would be rather than voting based on race/religion/gender etc...

Are you going to vote third party, or just not vote in the Presidential at all?
You wouldn't know logic if you got hit in the head with the complete works of Plato. I live in a state where the majority racial population is hispanic. So I actually know what it is like to live somewhere where white people are not the Majority. And you are right we don't have racial problems here to speak of. But this is not the only place I have lived in the US. I have lived in Kansas, where when I was there the Topeka ISD was still found to not to be in compliance with Brown. I have in lived in Augusta Georgia, and worked for 4 years on a Towboat that went throughout the south and the midwest. I also lived for 2 years with a black woman and been at a restaurant where no one would come to our table and give us a menu. I also have experienced this country's treatment of minorities in the judicial system, where I have worked on more death penality cases involving black defendants than any other race, and where I have experienced first hand the dispirate treatment of the black defendant with drugs versus his white counterpart. You think just because I live in New Mexico I don't anything about race relations outside of what I read about the 60's
By race relations and the topic we were discussing I think you understand we are talking about black-white race relations, not hispanic and your experience here just validates what I said, that you base your vision of race relation today on your experiences from a long time ago.

when you are the moron that thinks the ONLY think Nazi Germany was about was the mass extermination of Jews and therefore our treatment of black americans can't be compared to it.
You are lying, I never said "ONLY". Of course they did more, but genocide was the worst they did and America did not.

But what I really see is that you were too chickenshit to take me on on this subject when I wrote it. Shit you posted all around it. You live in this simplistic black and white world where if our treatment of Blacks doesn't include gas chambers and concentration camps then its not the same. Try to get the faux outrage tears out of your eyes and look a little closer.
It's not a matter of the method in which oppression or killing was done, it's the scale.
I already said PAST treatment was bad, hell it was terrrible, but it was NOT Nazi Germany and genocide.
Are you going to vote third party, or just not vote in the Presidential at all?

It has been a tough race, but in the end, Bugs Bunny has won my write in vote. Daffy is still a bit pissed about it, but he'll get over it.

I will not be voting third party either. Barr is a joke and the Green party is just a tad too far to the left for me to support.
I am also not voting for Obama nor am I voting for McCain. McCain pissed me off. As for Obama, never again will I vote for a person for President if it means their respective party has complete control. Both parties have shown time and again they cannot be trusted with such power.

That said, while I do not condone anyone voting FOR a person strictly based on race, it is far more understandable for someone to vote FOR a person based on race in this situation... than to vote against someone based on race. Also, before you go out and comment that people could vote for McCain simply because he is white.... that is not quite the same and you know it. That said, I would obviously prefer everyone vote based on the issues and what their individual preference would be rather than voting based on race/religion/gender etc...
I get what you're hinting at and yes morons like skinhead who vote for a white guy for their own obvious racist reasons are worse but there are black panthers who hate whites who will vote for Obama too.

I personally think race has been far less an issue than both sides thought it would be, it speaks to the growing character of America. But I also think the left has been keen to try and still portray race views as if they were still stuck in the 60's and that America is as racist as ever. Socrates is a good example.
You wouldn't know logic if you got hit in the head with the complete works of Plato. I live in a state where the majority racial population is hispanic. So I actually know what it is like to live somewhere where white people are not the Majority. And you are right we don't have racial problems here to speak of. But this is not the only place I have lived in the US. I have lived in Kansas, where when I was there the Topeka ISD was still found to not to be in compliance with Brown. I have in lived in Augusta Georgia, and worked for 4 years on a Towboat that went throughout the south and the midwest. I also lived for 2 years with a black woman and been at a restaurant where no one would come to our table and give us a menu. I also have experienced this country's treatment of minorities in the judicial system, where I have worked on more death penality cases involving black defendants than any other race, and where I have experienced first hand the dispirate treatment of the black defendant with drugs versus his white counterpart. You think just because I live in New Mexico I don't anything about race relations outside of what I read about the 60's when you are the moron that thinks the ONLY think Nazi Germany was about was the mass extermination of Jews and therefore our treatment of black americans can't be compared to it. But what I really see is that you were too chickenshit to take me on on this subject when I wrote it. Shit you posted all around it. You live in this simplistic black and white world where if our treatment of Blacks doesn't include gas chambers and concentration camps then its not the same. Try to get the faux outrage tears out of your eyes and look a little closer.

Wow soc, that is an interesting post. What year was it that you were with your girlfriend and they wouldn’t come to your table? I don’t think you are older than I am, that’s shocking to me.

I don’t know how the history here can be disregarded by anybody. When I watched the convention and they had John Lewis talking about his time in the civil rights movement, and then Dr. King, and you realized, that was forty years ago! That was forty years ago. And then, for me, I felt as if I watched the arc of history in the background, as it arched towards the nomination of a black man for President. That was the night I felt in my heart he would win. I couldn’t stop crying! And I’m white. Forty years ago Barack Obama would have had to sit on the back of buses in this country. Jesus.
Wow soc, that is an interesting post. What year was it that you were with your girlfriend and they wouldn’t come to your table? I don’t think you are older than I am, that’s shocking to me.

I don’t know how the history here can be disregarded by anybody. When I watched the convention and they had John Lewis talking about his time in the civil rights movement, and then Dr. King, and you realized, that was forty years ago! That was forty years ago. And then, for me, I felt as if I watched the arc of history in the background, as it arched towards the nomination of a black man for President. That was the night I felt in my heart he would win. I couldn’t stop crying! And I’m white. Forty years ago Barack Obama would have had to sit on the back of buses in this country. Jesus.
2004 in one of those po-dunk restaurants on the side of the highway between El Paso and Midland Odessa. The Waitress told us 5 times she would be right with us darlin or hun or some such bullshit, then I found her sitting down having some ice tea. She told me she was on her break hun and she would be with us shortly after her break. I then complained to the manager who told me I could go up the road and there was a Mac Donalds. To be honest with you when she and I were together I experienced my fair share of stink eye from older black people as well that looked at me like I had stolen something from them. It was also with her family that I was at a picnic with them when the police stopped to hassle them at a park and told me to just go on, this didn't concern me, till I told them that one of the black women over there was my girl friend. But I don't know shit about black and white relations like mr faux outrage boy. He is the modern day great white hope of race relations. Knows more about it than any of us.
2004 in one of those po-dunk restaurants on the side of the highway between El Paso and Midland Odessa. The Waitress told us 5 times she would be right with us darlin or hun or some such bullshit, then I found her sitting down having some ice tea. She told me she was on her break hun and she would be with us shortly after her break. I then complained to the manager who told me I could go up the road and there was a Mac Donalds. To be honest with you when she and I were together I experienced my fair share of stink eye from older black people as well that looked at me like I had stolen something from them. It was also with her family that I was at a picnic with them when the police stopped to hassle them at a park and told me to just go on, this didn't concern me, till I told them that one of the black women over there was my girl friend. But I don't know shit about black and white relations like mr faux outrage boy. He is the modern day great white hope of race relations. Knows more about it than any of us.

I don’t even read his posts, he knows shit about shineola and that’s about it.
Doesn't know shit from Shinola


Possessing poor judgment or knowledge.


Shinola was a brand of shoe polish previously manufactured in the USA. The alliteration and the fact that the two commodities in the phrase could possibly be confused is the derivation. The distinction is well made; only one of them would be good to apply to your shoes and only particularly dim people could be expected to muddle them up. Of course, outside America, most people don't know Shinola from anything at all, as they've never heard of it. Even in America it would probably not be widely remembered but for this phrase.

The 'ola' suffix is popular in the USA as part of trade names, e.g. Crayola, Granola etc. This leads to the pronunciation of Shinola as shine + ola. That spoils the alliteration a little as it would work better as shin + ola.

This phrase is typical of the barrack room vulgarity of WWII, which is where it originated.
2004 in one of those po-dunk restaurants on the side of the highway between El Paso and Midland Odessa. The Waitress told us 5 times she would be right with us darlin or hun or some such bullshit, then I found her sitting down having some ice tea. She told me she was on her break hun and she would be with us shortly after her break. I then complained to the manager who told me I could go up the road and there was a Mac Donalds. To be honest with you when she and I were together I experienced my fair share of stink eye from older black people as well that looked at me like I had stolen something from them. It was also with her family that I was at a picnic with them when the police stopped to hassle them at a park and told me to just go on, this didn't concern me, till I told them that one of the black women over there was my girl friend. But I don't know shit about black and white relations like mr faux outrage boy. He is the modern day great white hope of race relations. Knows more about it than any of us.

Did you ever stop and think that it may not be a problem with anti-black racism and rather with interracial racism? I think you just answered that when you said you get bad looks from black people as well.
You see, discuss this with a level head and you start to see it goes both ways. That was all my original point was about anyway - that there will be people from both races who will vote for their own race and you can't call one racist without saying it doesn't apply to the other.
- Your pal "Faux Outrage Boy"
McCain by a whisker. Obama *might* take the popular vote by a slight edge (49 - 48), but McCain will claim 286 Electoral votes.

Of the swing states, Obama will take Colorado and New Hampshire. (I'm not counting New Mexico and Iowa, neither of which are considered to be a swing states at this point). However, New Hampshire will be VERY close, so it is possible McCain will pick up that state as well.

Due to the Bradley effect and low turnout by new voters in Pennsylvania, McCain will win the state by anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 votes. He will also win Virginia, despite polls which show Obama leading by as much as 10 points.

McCain will win for three very simple reasons. One, the Bradley effect. Two, a relatively high percentage of undecided voters going into the booth (around 14%), the majority of whom I believe will pull the lever for McCain. Three, lower turnout by young/new voters than predicted.

My my, doesnt this look stupid.
Obama won Pennsylvania by an 11 point margin.

O no, Thor. I guess I DON'T know much about the working people of Pennsylvania, because I sort of doubted them for a second, and thought that the margin wouldn't be that large.
Obama won Pennsylvania by an 11 point margin.

O no, Thor. I guess I DON'T know much about the working people of Pennsylvania, because I sort of doubted them for a second, and thought that the margin wouldn't be that large.


When they called PA the second their polls closed, I was thrilled. I knew that meant - no bradley effect. I had a big crash with Va, but then came Ohio and all was well.

Too bad for the sourpusses who were hoping for closet racism to carry the day. We've stepped into the 21st century and it feels good to most of us!
What a great night Soc! I'm so hyped that even being kind of buzzed hasn't made me tired.
I am so jazzed. I went to the brewery early on but with my son's grandparents bringing him home at 7:30 I had to come home and celebrate by myself with a great cigar and a glass of ice t. It is so nice to not be anxious anymore.