My prediction for Tuesday night

You could tell the people that weren't giving candy in my mother's neighborhood by their Obama signs. The McCain signs were plentiful, their lights were on and they gave candy. Houses without signs, candy... Obama sign. Stingy. In many you could see them inside they just ignored the door bell.

See? The fiscal conservatives are all on our side.
You could tell the people that weren't giving candy in my mother's neighborhood by their Obama signs. The McCain signs were plentiful, their lights were on and they gave candy. Houses without signs, candy... Obama sign. Stingy. In many you could see them inside they just ignored the door bell.

I'm really starting to think there is something very wrong with you. are you hitting the six packs again?
See? The fiscal conservatives are all on our side.
I just hope the spirit of "Trick or Treat" past comes to visit them all for disappointing my kids. They can't spread the wealth like their candidate promises.

And in my mom's neighborhood, they have enough money to get the increase...
Don't be shocked when McCain really does win Pennsylvania. :)

I hate to say it, but there are a lot of people in Pennsylvania who just don't feel comfortable with a black President. That's not to say all of them are racist. I think everyone has their bigotries, and it doesn't necessarily make them racist.

The above is quite retarded. If the 'reason' someone is not voting for Obama is because he is black, then they are by definition RACIST. They are making a judgement or determination based on the RACE of an individual.

Side note... technically we are all of one race. The bigotry would be based on ethnicity, not on race. But that is another topic.
You could tell the people that weren't giving candy in my mother's neighborhood by their Obama signs. The McCain signs were plentiful, their lights were on and they gave candy. Houses without signs, candy... Obama sign. Stingy. In many you could see them inside they just ignored the door bell.

They did not want to hand out that poison chinese candy to little children, The cons were in copmpassionate fits and did not care as long as it appeared good.
The above is quite retarded. If the 'reason' someone is not voting for Obama is because he is black, then they are by definition RACIST. They are making a judgement or determination based on the RACE of an individual.

Side note... technically we are all of one race. The bigotry would be based on ethnicity, not on race. But that is another topic.

Isn't that amazing? It reminds me of dixie's argument that a white business owner could decide not to hire black people, and it could very well be something other than racism driving that decision. And just because a white person wanted to keep miscegenation laws on the books, didn't mean they were racists - they might have perfectly sound reasons.

Hey Sf, from my readings I am given to understand that Colorado may end up with two dem senators, and nearly all democratic congressional seats, and, give their electoral votes to the dems? That would put you in a state known as "bluer than blue", so welcome, and congratulations! I feel as if I should send something, a balloon bouquet maybe?
The above is quite retarded. If the 'reason' someone is not voting for Obama is because he is black, then they are by definition RACIST. They are making a judgement or determination based on the RACE of an individual.

Side note... technically we are all of one race. The bigotry would be based on ethnicity, not on race. But that is another topic.
What about someone who votes for Obama solely because he is black?
I've heard that far more, you know, let's make history and elect our first black president!

For me he is an extreme Liberal, judging him by his voting record, that is reason enough to oppose him.
What about someone who votes for Obama solely because he is black?
I've heard that far more, you know, let's make history and elect our first black president!

For me he is an extreme Liberal, judging him by his voting record, that is reason enough to oppose him.
Once again Faux outrage boy can't see the difference in black americans voting for the first black president in america and thusly, and wrongly, concludes that it is the same as being a Klan Member voting for George Wallace when Wallace at that time in his life was a virulent race baiter.
Once again Faux outrage boy can't see the difference in black americans voting for the first black president in america and thusly, and wrongly, concludes that it is the same as being a Klan Member voting for George Wallace when Wallace at that time in his life was a virulent race baiter.

I understand that some people will vote for Obama because he is black and some people will vote for McCain because he is white. I don't think you can call one racist without saying that of the other. Or you can say they are both not racist and just voting for someone like them.
I don't really care, I only judge people based on their actions (voting record) and there are far more out there that will always vote for superficial irrelevant shit.

I am just being logical, you are being emotional, as you always are when it comes to race. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding anyway always coming out guns blazing on this? You live in New Mexico, you know nothing of race relations, no wonder you constantly base your concept of it today on what you can remember from the 60's.
Once again Faux outrage boy can't see the difference in black americans voting for the first black president in america and thusly, and wrongly, concludes that it is the same as being a Klan Member voting for George Wallace when Wallace at that time in his life was a virulent race baiter.

What’s really funny is that African Americans vote democratic anyway, by 90%, and until this year, those votes were always for white guys. The case kinda falls apart right there.
What’s really funny is that African Americans vote democratic anyway, by 90%, and until this year, those votes were always for white guys. The case kinda falls apart right there.

It actually doesn't, you are only talking about 90% of those who vote. Far more are voting this year (some for the first time) and yes some will be voting because they can vote for someone like them.
Who cares though? I don't personally think they are racist. There was an Italian mayor candidate who ran in the city I used to live in and guess who the Italian area of town decided to support?
Some people do this, it's unfortunate as I don't know how we ever expect to get to less government consistently when people vote for shit like that, but are they racist? I would say no.
Isn't that amazing? It reminds me of dixie's argument that a white business owner could decide not to hire black people, and it could very well be something other than racism driving that decision. And just because a white person wanted to keep miscegenation laws on the books, didn't mean they were racists - they might have perfectly sound reasons.

Hey Sf, from my readings I am given to understand that Colorado may end up with two dem senators, and nearly all democratic congressional seats, and, give their electoral votes to the dems? That would put you in a state known as "bluer than blue", so welcome, and congratulations! I feel as if I should send something, a balloon bouquet maybe?

a .45 caliber bullet would be better suited.... :)
What about someone who votes for Obama solely because he is black?
I've heard that far more, you know, let's make history and elect our first black president!

For me he is an extreme Liberal, judging him by his voting record, that is reason enough to oppose him.

I am also not voting for Obama nor am I voting for McCain. McCain pissed me off. As for Obama, never again will I vote for a person for President if it means their respective party has complete control. Both parties have shown time and again they cannot be trusted with such power.

That said, while I do not condone anyone voting FOR a person strictly based on race, it is far more understandable for someone to vote FOR a person based on race in this situation... than to vote against someone based on race. Also, before you go out and comment that people could vote for McCain simply because he is white.... that is not quite the same and you know it. That said, I would obviously prefer everyone vote based on the issues and what their individual preference would be rather than voting based on race/religion/gender etc...
I understand that some people will vote for Obama because he is black and some people will vote for McCain because he is white. I don't think you can call one racist without saying that of the other. Or you can say they are both not racist and just voting for someone like them.
I don't really care, I only judge people based on their actions (voting record) and there are far more out there that will always vote for superficial irrelevant shit.

I am just being logical, you are being emotional, as you always are when it comes to race. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding anyway always coming out guns blazing on this? You live in New Mexico, you know nothing of race relations, no wonder you constantly base your concept of it today on what you can remember from the 60's.
You wouldn't know logic if you got hit in the head with the complete works of Plato. I live in a state where the majority racial population is hispanic. So I actually know what it is like to live somewhere where white people are not the Majority. And you are right we don't have racial problems here to speak of. But this is not the only place I have lived in the US. I have lived in Kansas, where when I was there the Topeka ISD was still found to not to be in compliance with Brown. I have in lived in Augusta Georgia, and worked for 4 years on a Towboat that went throughout the south and the midwest. I also lived for 2 years with a black woman and been at a restaurant where no one would come to our table and give us a menu. I also have experienced this country's treatment of minorities in the judicial system, where I have worked on more death penality cases involving black defendants than any other race, and where I have experienced first hand the dispirate treatment of the black defendant with drugs versus his white counterpart. You think just because I live in New Mexico I don't anything about race relations outside of what I read about the 60's when you are the moron that thinks the ONLY think Nazi Germany was about was the mass extermination of Jews and therefore our treatment of black americans can't be compared to it. But what I really see is that you were too chickenshit to take me on on this subject when I wrote it. Shit you posted all around it. You live in this simplistic black and white world where if our treatment of Blacks doesn't include gas chambers and concentration camps then its not the same. Try to get the faux outrage tears out of your eyes and look a little closer.
I am also not voting for Obama nor am I voting for McCain. McCain pissed me off. As for Obama, never again will I vote for a person for President if it means their respective party has complete control. Both parties have shown time and again they cannot be trusted with such power.

That said, while I do not condone anyone voting FOR a person strictly based on race, it is far more understandable for someone to vote FOR a person based on race in this situation... than to vote against someone based on race. Also, before you go out and comment that people could vote for McCain simply because he is white.... that is not quite the same and you know it. That said, I would obviously prefer everyone vote based on the issues and what their individual preference would be rather than voting based on race/religion/gender etc...
Yes SF but you live in Colorado so you don't know shit about race relations either. Just bow to False Outrage boy's much deeper knowledge of all things racial.