My Struggle Against Stupidity.


Verified User
And I assure you, it is a difficult one. For one reason, I think that people prefer living in a state of stupidity. That is, apart from whatever knowledge they may have gained to be a useful tool for a stupid society. For example, somebody wrote a couple of books once. They were called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong." I have never read them. But then again, I don't need to. I know exactly where the author was coming from.

I hate to say it. But more than likely, this applies to everybody here. Obviously the reason for this ignorance is our government. It is probably because the stupid are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. One example of this stupidity is that you probably think we live in a Democracy. But our system of government is actually a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. Though to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.

I will give you an example of why you are more than likely stupid. And have probably been conditioned to prefer that state. It is a quote by somebody who used to be the director of the CIA. Likely with the backing of the NSA and other such government agencies. The quote I will show you is probably a sentiment that existed long before the person I will show held office and still persists. In fighting it, you would have an easier time going up against the Mafia. Who's moral standards are about the same. Also, just about every forum I know of is either directly or indirectly run by those governmental agencies. So don't expect too much truth from me here. Just as at most other forums, it wouldn't be allowed. Reading the quote, you would have to actually be insane to think they are doing you any sort of service.

I hate to say it. But more than likely, this applies to everybody here.
It doesn't apply to me. I do my own thinking. Your premise is erroneous.

Obviously the reason for this ignorance is our government.
Nope. People do it to themselves. Too many are too lazy to think for themselves. They will only devote just enough cognitive effort to finding someone to do their thinking for them, and no more. The Democrat party offers thinking as a service, and everyday stupid people just outsource all cognitive functions to them.

Once this happens, the Democrat party instructs them to believe they are victims and that they are unhappy. The Democrat party orders them to HATE all political opposition as RACIST!, homophobic, misogynistic, RACIST!, gun-crazed, transphobe, RACIST!, anti-LGBTQIAPPIPMGTSLVMOZRBTTASC+, anti-immigrant, xenophobic and RACIST! The now-mind-controlled instantly OBEY and start gibber-babbling every WACKY thing they are told to regurgitate. American Jews were quick to put themselves into Democrat slavery, recognizing right away that the DNC will always echo their incessant cries of persecution and victimhood. American "blacks" were thankful that the Republicans ended their Democrat slavery ... only for many to strangely prefer the comfort of Democrat slavery over the Republican doctrine of individual responsibility. They found the Democrat chants of "you are victims" to be so soothing that they all forgot that it was the Democrat party that had enslaved them previously and that still wants them enslaved. "Trans" individuals definitely prefer to blame others for their own gender confusion, and the Democrat "you're a victim" resonates with them so much that they think slavery to the Democrat party is somehow a good thing. Homosexuals are so put at ease by the way the Democrats care so very much about them, and how they recognize that "you fags are victims" and "Christians HATE you dikes for being the carpet munchers you are" that they never stop to notice that Christians, Republicans and Conservatives aren't the ones hurling slurs.

So yes, there are many stupid people out there but they do it to themselves. They are too lazy to think for themselves which renders them too stupid to learn.

It is probably because the stupid are easier to rule.
That you got correct. It's why the Democrat party targets the stupid and the lazy.
It is a quote by somebody who used to be the director of the CIA. Likely with the backing of the NSA and other such government agencies.
Nope. This is way off. The Intelligence Community is not engaged in domestic disinformation programs. I don't know why you think they are.

The Democrat party uses the media outlets that they control, e.g. CNN, MSNBC, now Fox News, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, St Louis Post Dispatch, etc ... to accomplish this. These are the agents of the disinformation campaign. The Intelligence Community is who provides accurate information to the government. The government requires the Intelligence Community to exert superhuman effort to scrutinize all information whereas journalists, who are supposed to be doing likewise, don't perform any sort of scrutiny at all ... and We the People just don't care enough to hold them accountable.
Nope. This is way off. The Intelligence Community is not engaged in domestic disinformation programs. I don't know why you think they are.

The Democrat party uses the media outlets that they control, e.g. CNN, MSNBC, now Fox News, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, St Louis Post Dispatch, etc ... to accomplish this. These are the agents of the disinformation campaign. The Intelligence Community is who provides accurate information to the government. The government requires the Intelligence Community to exert superhuman effort to scrutinize all information whereas journalists, who are supposed to be doing likewise, don't perform any sort of scrutiny at all ... and We the People just don't care enough to hold them accountable.

The intel community plants lies in the media on a daily basis, they spent years telling the bold lie that Trump was controlled by Putin as just one example.
The intel community plants lies in the media on a daily basis, they spent years telling the bold lie that Trump was controlled by Putin as just one example.
The Intelligence Community does not do this. The Democrat party does this. The Democrat party makes all sorts of claims about the Intelligence Community, but the Intelligence Community doesn't have any sort of domestic propaganda program any more than NASA monitors Global Warming.
It doesn't apply to me. I do my own thinking. Your premise is erroneous.

Nope. People do it to themselves. Too many are too lazy to think for themselves. They will only devote just enough cognitive effort to finding someone to do their thinking for them, and no more. The Democrat party offers thinking as a service, and everyday stupid people just outsource all cognitive functions to them.

Once this happens, the Democrat party instructs them to believe they are victims and that they are unhappy. The Democrat party orders them to HATE all political opposition as RACIST!, homophobic, misogynistic, RACIST!, gun-crazed, transphobe, RACIST!, anti-LGBTQIAPPIPMGTSLVMOZRBTTASC+, anti-immigrant, xenophobic and RACIST! The now-mind-controlled instantly OBEY and start gibber-babbling every WACKY thing they are told to regurgitate. American Jews were quick to put themselves into Democrat slavery, recognizing right away that the DNC will always echo their incessant cries of persecution and victimhood. American "blacks" were thankful that the Republicans ended their Democrat slavery ... only for many to strangely prefer the comfort of Democrat slavery over the Republican doctrine of individual responsibility. They found the Democrat chants of "you are victims" to be so soothing that they all forgot that it was the Democrat party that had enslaved them previously and that still wants them enslaved. "Trans" individuals definitely prefer to blame others for their own gender confusion, and the Democrat "you're a victim" resonates with them so much that they think slavery to the Democrat party is somehow a good thing. Homosexuals are so put at ease by the way the Democrats care so very much about them, and how they recognize that "you fags are victims" and "Christians HATE you dikes for being the carpet munchers you are" that they never stop to notice that Christians, Republicans and Conservatives aren't the ones hurling slurs.

So yes, there are many stupid people out there but they do it to themselves. They are too lazy to think for themselves which renders them too stupid to learn.

That you got correct. It's why the Democrat party targets the stupid and the lazy.

I noticed the meme that were at the bottom of your reply. Obviously what I said does apply to you. But don't take it too hard. There are plenty like you. Now if you wish to speak at a couple of forums where the truth is actually allowed, let me know.
Nope. This is way off. The Intelligence Community is not engaged in domestic disinformation programs. I don't know why you think they are.

The Democrat party uses the media outlets that they control, e.g. CNN, MSNBC, now Fox News, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, St Louis Post Dispatch, etc ... to accomplish this. These are the agents of the disinformation campaign. The Intelligence Community is who provides accurate information to the government. The government requires the Intelligence Community to exert superhuman effort to scrutinize all information whereas journalists, who are supposed to be doing likewise, don't perform any sort of scrutiny at all ... and We the People just don't care enough to hold them accountable.

Don't believe me? Look up the quote by William Casey for yourself.
I noticed the meme that were at the bottom of your reply. Obviously what I said does apply to you. But don't take it too hard. There are plenty like you. Now if you wish to speak at a couple of forums where the truth is actually allowed, let me know.

Are you here to promote your own forum because I am pretty sure that violates the rules here.....
Are you here to promote your own forum because I am pretty sure that violates the rules here.....

No. I did try to create my own forum once at one of those places that allow you to do so for free. The whole aim of it was to be a forum where free speech and speaking the truth was allowed. After my first truthful thread, they closed it down. The pieces of shit. Neither is it likely to be allowed to be spoken here. But as I said, I do know of a couple of forums where the truth can be spoken to a greater degree than anyplace else I've found. But I wouldn't be allowed to tell you of them either. At one forum, in a PM I tried to tell somebody what one of those forums was. They banned me. So much for "private." Those who hold your mind captive do so with an iron grip. The only way I could get away with telling you what those forums are would be for you to email me and ask me. But I don't know if I would even be allowed to tell you what my email address is.
No. I did try to create my own forum once at one of those places that allow you to do so for free. The whole aim of it was to be a forum where free speech and speaking the truth was allowed. After my first truthful thread, they closed it down. The pieces of shit. Neither is it likely to be allowed to be spoken here. But as I said, I do know of a couple of forums where the truth can be spoken to a greater degree than anyplace else I've found. But I wouldn't be allowed to tell you of them either. At one forum, in a PM I tried to tell somebody what one of those forums was. They banned me. So much for "private." Those who hold your mind captive do so with an iron grip. The only way I could get away with telling you what those forums are would be for you to email me and ask me. But I don't know if I would even be allowed to tell you what my email address is.

I dont do email....I almost never do PM....and I take an intense dislike to people who clearly do not wish us the best....which you might have guessed given that I am a JPP CONTRIBUTOR.
I dont do email....I almost never do PM....and I take an intense dislike to people who clearly do not wish us the best....which you might have guessed given that I am a JPP CONTRIBUTOR.

Hmm, the truth is not best for you. That is an interesting philosophy. Disgusting, but interesting.
I certainly dont always agree with DAMO or his Regime....but make no mistake....those who actively seek to hurt JPP are my enemy.
No. I did try to create my own forum once at one of those places that allow you to do so for free. .
Typically, your forum would be empty because bare bones platforms have no features and are hard to navigate.

Vbulletin is one of the best out there.

You've yet to illustrate any of your 'truths'.

You seem to like wasting keystrokes, though.
Typically, your forum would be empty because bare bones platforms have no features and are hard to navigate.

Vbulletin is one of the best out there.

You've yet to illustrate any of your 'truths'.

You seem to like wasting keystrokes, though.

We've heard his spiel before under a different name. He is pro-Nazi.
Typically, your forum would be empty because bare bones platforms have no features and are hard to navigate.

Vbulletin is one of the best out there.

You've yet to illustrate any of your 'truths'.

You seem to like wasting keystrokes, though.

There wasn't anything bare bones about it. I set it up right. I used most of the same categories as they use over at usmb. Next, if I spoke my truths here, you wouldn't be able to argue against them. And I would log in the next day to see the word BANNED.
Typically, your forum would be empty because bare bones platforms have no features and are hard to navigate.

Vbulletin is one of the best out there.

You've yet to illustrate any of your 'truths'.

You seem to like wasting keystrokes, though.

6 comments into this thread, and the first thought that comes to mind- This is the epitome example of the BLIND LEADING THE BLIND- I ever witnessed!

Or it could just be an example of Drunks driving the Drunks home!