My Struggle Against Stupidity.

We've heard his spiel before under a different name. He is pro-Nazi.
There's comedic value reading one who employs improper grammar/spelling while deriding 'stupidity' on a forum.

In fighting it, you would have an easier time going up against the Mafia. Who's moral standards are about the same.
6 comments into this thread, and the first thought that comes to mind- This is the epitome example of the BLIND LEADING THE BLIND- I ever witnessed!

Or it could just be an example of Drunks driving the Drunks home!
The noob is an attention whore.
There wasn't anything bare bones about it. I set it up right. I used most of the same categories as they use over at usmb. Next, if I spoke my truths here, you wouldn't be able to argue against them. And I would log in the next day to see the word BANNED.
Free platforms don't have the features we enjoy here. No matter how you 'set it up'.

You won't get banned here unless you accuse someone of being a child molester.

You will, however, get ridiculed for your stupidity when it rears its ugly head. (no apostrophe needed)
I noticed the meme that were at the bottom of your reply.
I made them hard to miss.

Obviously what I said does apply to you.
No, it's not. Were you planning on clarifying or are you looking to maintain your level of plausible deniability?

But don't take it too hard.
I find your raving to be mildly entertaining. "Too hard" is how I would characterize my trying to teach someone who is too stupid to learn.

There are plenty like you.
Yet there is no one like me.
What in the hell could I or anybody do to this forum. They could ban me. I can't ban them.

You could set out to disrupt conversations. You could also vilify and demonize JPP members. You could make constant false complaints about rules violations sucking up the time of staff. You could make repeated violations of the rules to the same effect.

And so on.
You spend all your posts yelling you cannot tell the truth instead of using that space to reveal your "truth."

You read my thread. What more do I need to say. You also speak of bringing up the truth. I can absolutely guarantee you, 110% without a shadow of a doubt, it wouldn't be allowed. There just AIN'T NO FUCKING WAY!!! Do you understand? Could I make that point any more clear? Also, if you read my thread, you would know that this government has a firm grip on your mind. Part of the reason being that they have a firm grip on just about every forum out there. If you want truth, you at least some degree are going to have to FIGHT to get it.

Are you willing to fight for something you probably don't want to know to begin with? I doubt it. But if you do, I can direct you to two forums where it can be spoken at least to some degree. Though in one of them, most of what I have written has been sent to a shit hole section they call the "cloaca." Where they can't be viewed unless you join the forum. But at least, unlike most other forums, they still exist. I couldn't even tell you in a PM what those forums are. I did that at one forum and they banned me for doing so. If you want the truth, you are going to have to fight a little harder than that to discuss the truth. You didn't expect your slave masters to make it easy for you did you? The only way I could tell you is if you sent me an email and asked me what those forums are. And even then, I'm not sure I am even allowed to tell you my email address. But send me a PM and ask me. Let's see what happens.
You really need to learn how to properly discern possesive pronouns from contractions.

Especially when accusing others of stupidity.

Yes, I should have said whose. So my grammar isn't perfect. In some of the truths I have revealed at other forums, my grammar was the least of their worries.
Free platforms don't have the features we enjoy here. No matter how you 'set it up'.

You won't get banned here unless you accuse someone of being a child molester.

You will, however, get ridiculed for your stupidity when it rears its ugly head. (no apostrophe needed)

Don't tell me. I'm the one who set it up. It had every feature you would find at any forum. Such as the ability to post a picture without having to use a URL. The only feature it didn't have was to have a google listing for the title of the forum. Over time, that would have probably happened. But it didn't last long enough. Next, don't tell me what I can be banned for. I am an absolute expert on the matter! Speaking the truth is all you need to do to get banned. For example, what if I was to say that you and everybody else here is GUILTY of sucking baby dick. Or that you all were guilty of the greatest genocide in human history. Or that you all were responsible for the brutal murders of tens of thousands of White children here in the U.S. (And I'm not talking about abortions) Etc. etc. etc. etc. And what if I was able to PROVE those accusations far beyond anybody's ability here or anywhere to refute. Do you really think those kinds of truths would be allowed?
You read my thread. What more do I need to say. You also speak of bringing up the truth. I can absolutely guarantee you, 110% without a shadow of a doubt, it wouldn't be allowed.

Why don't you prove it isn't allowed by stating your truth and we'll see if it disappears. Is the government controlling your mind to prevent you from telling your truth? It couldn't be any weirder than other stuff people have posted on this site. Their stuff was allowed.
What irony! You fell for his disinformation. I did not.

1. ALL fetuses should be aborted. FACT!

2. Human caused global warming is a reality. FACT! Not only that, it is far worse than you're allowed to hear.

3. What is more important. An "economy" or the continued existence of life on this planet.

On that last point, here is something for you to consider.

And I assure you, it is a difficult one. For one reason, I think that people prefer living in a state of stupidity. That is, apart from whatever knowledge they may have gained to be a useful tool for a stupid society. For example, somebody wrote a couple of books once. They were called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong." I have never read them. But then again, I don't need to. I know exactly where the author was coming from.

I hate to say it. But more than likely, this applies to everybody here. Obviously the reason for this ignorance is our government. It is probably because the stupid are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. One example of this stupidity is that you probably think we live in a Democracy. But our system of government is actually a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. Though to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.

I will give you an example of why you are more than likely stupid. And have probably been conditioned to prefer that state. It is a quote by somebody who used to be the director of the CIA. Likely with the backing of the NSA and other such government agencies. The quote I will show you is probably a sentiment that existed long before the person I will show held office and still persists. In fighting it, you would have an easier time going up against the Mafia. Who's moral standards are about the same. Also, just about every forum I know of is either directly or indirectly run by those governmental agencies. So don't expect too much truth from me here. Just as at most other forums, it wouldn't be allowed. Reading the quote, you would have to actually be insane to think they are doing you any sort of service.


Believing in conspiracy theories is the height of stupidity. My money quote? Be curious, not judgmental. Belief in these conspiracy theories is akin to belief in God. It solves everything, and you don't have to be the least bit curious. The fact that it defies any sort of logic seems unimportant to you. Instead, you judge those who don't believe as you do and call it a day. It's not only stupid, it's lazy. Which is what the Trump cult has become. Lazy, ignorant sloths. If you want to wage a war on stupid people, start with the man in the mirror.
Why don't you prove it isn't allowed by stating your truth and we'll see if it disappears. Is the government controlling your mind to prevent you from telling your truth? It couldn't be any weirder than other stuff people have posted on this site. Their stuff was allowed.

Well what if I did speak of such things and it disappeared. And me along with it. Would you care? I doubt it. Would you pick up where I left off? I doubt that even more. (Assuming you had the knowledge to do so) I told you what you had to do to find the truth. Either you are willing to do so or you aren't. Also, you want me to say such things here? How about this. You do as I suggested. You go to a particular forum and open up a discussion with me. From there I can direct you to a particular thread. You take the text of that thread and transfer it to a thread you create here. Let's see how long it and you last around here. And there are plenty of threads to choose from. All of which got banned from other forums. Topics such as the Civil War, genocide, war and invasion, racism, criminality, etc etc etc. There are many to choose from.
Believing in conspiracy theories is the height of stupidity. My money quote? Be curious, not judgmental. Belief in these conspiracy theories is akin to belief in God. It solves everything, and you don't have to be the least bit curious. The fact that it defies any sort of logic seems unimportant to you. Instead, you judge those who don't believe as you do and call it a day. It's not only stupid, it's lazy. Which is what the Trump cult has become. Lazy, ignorant sloths. If you want to wage a war on stupid people, start with the man in the mirror.

Did you not read my thread? Widespread stupidity isn't a conspiracy. It is a FACT! For just about everything you think is right or true, just the opposite is almost certainly the case. I even brought up a couple books that were written on the matter. I am also reminded of something Samuel Clemens once said. "It isn't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It is what you're sure of that just isn't so." Also, you don't believe what ex-CIA director William Casey said? Look it up for yourself.
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