Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

I never denied that some Arabs lived there, but what you're denying is why they are there.

They are there because they are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who are from Arabia, not the Southern Levant.

Do Palestinians identify as Muslim Arabs or not?
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
Legal? Egypt invaded and then annexed Gaza which was seized FROM THE EGYPTIAN ARMY by Israel in 1967.

Again, these are BASIC FACTS that you are getting wrong.

From 1948-1967, Gaza was a part of Egypt along with the Sinai peninsula. In 1967, Israel invaded and occupied both. But Israel didn't annex it. Then in 1979 when Sadat and Begin made peace, Egypt discharged their ownership of Gaza.

At no point did the Palestinians ever control that strip.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

I even got you to admit that Jews were indigenous to Palestine BEFORE Israel was founded...another mistake of yours, this time inadvertent. You were trying to say the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant was small but what you actually ended up doing is confirming that Jews have had a presence there long before Israel and are therefore the true indigenous people.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
And right on schedule.

The deflection, the avoidance, the cowardice.

It always the never changes with you people.

You can't handle criticism and scrutiny of your beliefs so you act like this.

You're the one saying everyone has to abide by what the UN said in 1947, but the thing is you're only saying that because the Arabs lost the war!!

You wouldn't be saying that if they had won!
It comes as no surprise that a foolish blabbermouth- such as yourself- would rather that there was no international law to emphasize their arrogant stupidity. But there is. Territory can never be gained by war. Gaza was never Egyptian. You are a fool- with a criminal penchant. Suck it up - and fuck off.

Haw, haw................................................haw.
. He hid his Nazism
No he absolutely did not.

He was out and proud!

And by the time November 2018 came around, everyone knew he was a Nazi...but that wasn't enough to stop 60,000 Conservatives from voting for him KNOWING he was a Nazi.

He didn't hide anything. You just don't like the fact that Conservatism and Nazism are basically the same thing.
It comes as no surprise that a foolish blabbermouth- such as yourself- would rather that there was no international law to emphasize their arrogant stupidity. But there is. Territory can never be gained by war. Gaza was never Egyptian. You are a fool- with a criminal penchant. Suck it up - and fuck off.

Haw, haw................................................haw.
You're just an incredibly dishonest person who acts in bad faith...and the reason is because you're fucking stupid.

I don't think you actually believe any of this shit you're saying. I think you're just doing it for effect and to raise your own profile.

You want everyone to accept what was proposed in 1947 but the only reason you want that is because your Arab buddies failed at trying to finish the job Hitler started.

NOW you want the 1947 partition? Well, you're a bit late by about 77 years.
You're just an incredibly dishonest person who acts in bad faith...and the reason is because you're fucking stupid.

I don't think you actually believe any of this shit you're saying. I think you're just doing it for effect and to raise your own profile.

You want everyone to accept what was proposed in 1947 but the only reason you want that is because your Arab buddies failed at trying to finish the job Hitler started.

NOW you want the 1947 partition? Well, you're a bit late by about 77 years.
The facts have been laid out. Your narrative is adolescent wishful-thinking. You are a loser. All Zionists are.
The facts have been laid out. Your narrative is adolescent wishful-thinking. You are a loser. All Zionists are.
You haven't laid out a single fact. You've mentioned a partition plan that the UN approved in 1947, but the FACT is that plan was rejected by the Arabs.

They thought they could win a war against a bunch of Holocaust survivors and Mizrahi Jews, but they didn't.

So NOW, because they didn't, you expect everyone to be like, "oh, it's cool, sure we'll travel back in time 77 years to accommodate you."

"OH, we uh didn't win the war, or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one after that, so...just give us what we didn't want originally and everything will be OK."

Yeah, bullshit.
The facts have been laid out. Your narrative is adolescent wishful-thinking. You are a loser. All Zionists are.
You just can't make a coherent argument. So you retreat to impotent bullshit like this.

The nerve of you to demand everyone abide by this thing the Arabs didn't want anyway, solely because they're losers.



Like, such big losers that they lose every single fucking war they fight.
You haven't laid out a single fact. You've mentioned a partition plan that the UN approved in 1947, but the FACT is that plan was rejected by the Arabs.
You are a flailing dumbass. The Palestinians could not vote and there was no Israel in 1947. It was decided by UN majority and Arab objections were overruled.
They thought they could win a war against a bunch of Holocaust survivors and Mizrahi Jews, but they didn't.

So NOW, because they didn't, you expect everyone to be like, "oh, it's cool, sure we'll travel back in time 77 years to accommodate you."

"OH, we uh didn't win the war, or the one after that, or the one after that, or the one after that, so...just give us what we didn't want originally and everything will be OK."

Yeah, bullshit.
Childish blabber. Stfu
You are a flailing dumbass. The Palestinians could not vote and there was no Israel in 1947. It was decided by UN majority.

The Arabs rejected the 1947 partition because they thought they could finish the job Hitler started.

They thought that their mighty armies, backed by foreign weapons and interests mind you, would be able to kill all the Jews that Hitler couldn't.

Whether or not the UN approved that resolution has no bearing on the Arab nations rejecting it.

So I'm not sure why you think going back to 1947 is going to solve anything when the whole reason we are in the mess we are in right now is because you assholes DIDN'T WANT TO ACCEPT THE PLAN IN 1947.

But you want to accept it now????????? Fuck you. You don't get to wage a failed jihad for 77 years and then come looking for a handout.
Your horse is dead. Quit flogging it.

Every accusation is a projection with you people.

You don't defend your bullshit because you know you can't.

So you invent games or you lean on cliches because when push comes to shove, you're just a know-nothing, Jew hating, inbred loser.
Every accusation is a projection with you people.

You don't defend your bullshit because you know you can't.

So you invent games or you lean on cliches because when push comes to shove, you're just a know-nothing, Jew hating, inbred loser.
You've been presented with the facts. UNGAR 181 passed- without Arabs or Jews having a vote.

Gaza was never ' part of Egypt'. You lied.

You're a loser. Get lost.

Haw, haw.........................................haw.