Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

Lost of people fled when the violent democrat party of groomers showed up
How do you know that?

You can't possibly know that unless you were there, which you weren't.

You're just making it all up, aren't you? You're playing pretend. You're moving the goalposts.

First you said that those people were there.

Then you said that they hid.

Now you're saying that they fled.

You've changed your story twice in as many posts.
You want the Jews to ceasefire and let Hamas continue.
No I don't, you fucking moron.

I want the hostages returned and I don't really give a shit how that happens. If Israel gets them back by doing more rescue operations or if Hamas releases them. Whatever the case may be, those hostages are my primary concern. Second to that is the destruction and dismantling of Hamas.

So eat shit, Nazi fuckface groomer.

You want Biden to ignore Iran oil sanctions so Hamas et. al are funded. I get it.

No fucking idea what you're saying's just trash you heard somewhere else and are repeating it here because you're not original.

Biden is the only one with a viable peace plan, none of you assholes have the brain power to come up with one that would work because you're fucking stupid.
What you don't know could fill the Library of Congress 100x over.

This subject is one of those things you don't know.

You keep making stupid mistakes because you're a stupid person.

Everything you say turns out to be wrong. How is that even possible? How can you constantly be getting things wrong? The only answer that makes sense is that you're a fucking idiot. Most antisemites are.
You are a desperate fool. You even believe that Gaza was part of Egypt. Stfu.
You want the Jews to ceasefire and let Hamas continue. I get it. You want Biden to ignore Iran oil sanctions so Hamas et. al are funded. I get it.

How am I supposed to pick them out of the massive crowd?
This is so fucking funny and so obviously an attempt to avoid debate because you wrote that garbage in response to a direct question to how you could have known there were people there other than Nazis protesting in favor of that statue.

Again, how the fuck do you know that there were people there other than Nazis who were protesting the statue being removed?
You are a desperate fool. You even believe that Gaza was part of Egypt. Stfu.

Instead of lame personal attacks, why don't you just deal with the fact that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about?

You got basic facts wrong, then you tried to play them off as some kind of mind game when we both know you're not capable of that.
No, Egypt ANNEXED Gaza and then lost it in 1967.
No such annexation could ever be legal- and so Gaza was never ' part of Egypt ' as you, wrongly, maintain. You are trying to brazen it out to cover your fool ass. Stfu.
Territory can never be gained by war.

Naughty Jews are going to jail.
I'm not a national socialist, CONSERVATIVES ARE.

That's why 60,000 of you voted for an actual Nazi after learning he was a Nazi.

20,000 Conservatives came out to nominate a Nazi, Arthur Jones, in the IL-3 primary in 2018.

Then, 60,000 Conservatives came out to vote for that Nazi, Arthur Jones, in the general election.

The GOP has always condemned him. He is an exception. No repub wanted to run in an overwhelmingly dem district. He hid his Nazism when he collected signatures in a democrat controlled district.

Both Biden and Obama hate Jews and got elected by socialist democrats.
Trump doesn't support Jews, he thinks they will replace white people with migrants and immigrants.
Facts, reason and logic are against you, Evince.

Clearly, Trump condemned the neo nazis and supports the Jews. It was democrats that screamed when he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, recognized it as the Capital, killed Solemani, recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel. It was you democrat socialist pigs that were filled with hatred for Israel just like now.
So then Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the land since the only reason they are there is because of the colonization done by the Arab Muslim Caliphate.

So you just undermined your entire argument...and you did it in the stupidest way possible.
The Palestinian population of Palestine is well documented by the records of the British Mandate for Palestine. The Palestinians, along with a far fewer number of Jews, were the indigenous Palestinians. UNGAR 181 delineated the legal territory ascribed to the Palestinians. The Palestinian Jews were uprooted from their centuries-old Palestinian civilization and forced to join with the invading European Zionists.
I'm not writing this for you, dumbass - you're too silly to adapt to your errors and move on. There are others reading these pages that are grateful to be given the facts.
Cut your losses- and stfu.
No such annexation could ever be legal- and so Gaza was never ' part of Egypt ' as you, wrongly, maintain. You are trying to brazen it out to cover your fool ass. Stfu.
Territory can never be gained by war.

Naughty Jews are going to jail.
Legal? Egypt invaded and then annexed Gaza which was seized FROM THE EGYPTIAN ARMY by Israel in 1967.

Again, these are BASIC FACTS that you are getting wrong.

From 1948-1967, Gaza was a part of Egypt along with the Sinai peninsula. In 1967, Israel invaded and occupied both. But Israel didn't annex it. Then in 1979 when Sadat and Begin made peace, Egypt discharged their ownership of Gaza.

At no point did the Palestinians ever control that strip.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

I even got you to admit that Jews were indigenous to Palestine BEFORE Israel was founded...another mistake of yours, this time inadvertent. You were trying to say the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant was small but what you actually ended up doing is confirming that Jews have had a presence there long before Israel and are therefore the true indigenous people.
The Palestinian population of Palestine is well documented by the records of the British Mandate for Palestine.
I never denied that some Arabs lived there, but what you're denying is why they are there.

They are there because they are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who are from Arabia, not the Southern Levant.

Do Palestinians identify as Muslim Arabs or not?
UNGAR 181 delineated the legal territory ascribed to the Palestinians.
The Palestinians rejected that along with the Arab nations because they thought they could finish the job Hitler started.

So you started a war, lost the war, now you want the thing you waged a war against, but you only want it because you lost!

Grow the fuck up.
Legal? Egypt invaded and then annexed Gaza which was seized FROM THE EGYPTIAN ARMY by Israel in 1967.

Again, these are BASIC FACTS that you are getting wrong.

From 1948-1967, Gaza was a part of Egypt along with the Sinai peninsula. In 1967, Israel invaded and occupied both. But Israel didn't annex it. Then in 1979 when Sadat and Begin made peace, Egypt discharged their ownership of Gaza.

At no point did the Palestinians ever control that strip.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

I even got you to admit that Jews were indigenous to Palestine BEFORE Israel was founded...another mistake of yours, this time inadvertent. You were trying to say the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant was small but what you actually ended up doing is confirming that Jews have had a presence there long before Israel and are therefore the true indigenous people.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
The Palestinians rejected that along with the Arab nations because they thought they could finish the job Hitler started.

So you started a war, lost the war, now you want the thing you waged a war against, but you only want it because you lost!

Grow the fuck up.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
The Palestinians rejected that along with the Arab nations because they thought they could finish the job Hitler started.

So you started a war, lost the war, now you want the thing you waged a war against, but you only want it because you lost!

Grow the fuck up.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.
I'm not writing this for you, dumbass - you're too silly to adapt to your errors and move on. There are others reading these pages that are grateful to be given the facts.
Errors? You've made all the errors here...from not knowing the history to not even knowing what language is spoken in Iran.

You didn't know that the Arabs rejected this partition you're now saying everyone has to abide by.


You're only saying that because the Arab nations lost. If they had won, would you still be saying that partition is acceptable? Of course not. Because this isn't about Palestinians for you, this is about being antisemitic.
The Palestinians rejected that along with the Arab nations because they thought they could finish the job Hitler started.

So you started a war, lost the war, now you want the thing you waged a war against, but you only want it because you lost!

Grow the fuck up.
You are a foolish blabbermouth. Begone.