Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

No, it was part of Egypt because its what Israel seized in 1967.

They didn't seize it from Palestinians, they seized it from Egypt.

This is what I've been saying this whole time...that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

You make dumb mistakes that you try to spin into some kind of mind game. When it's really just fucking ignorance that pours from that fountain of bullshit you call a mouth.

Palestinians are the descendants of colonizers, so therefore they have no legitimate claim to any land in the Southern Levant.
You are quite wrong- as I'm sure you know. In fact , you are nothing but another Zionist blusterer.

Egypt occupied Gaza. Gaza was never ' part of Egypt ' as you claim. You've doubled -down on the falsehood- and for that you are a fool, not ' smart ' at all . Stfu.
Yeah, here's the thing about that...The Palestinians and the Arab nations rejected that partition.

That's why there was a war.

hat's why 5 Arab armies invaded.

That's why the Arabs told the Palestinians to leave.
You are floundering, dumbass. The partition became law by majority UN assent of UNGAR 181. Neither Israel- which didn't exist in 1947- nor the Palestinians had a vote. You should stfu.
Oh so territory can only be legally acquired by means of colonization?

Because that's what the Arabs did.

They colonized the Southern Levant.

Don't make me tap the map again:

Territory can only be acquired by agreement between the high contracting parties. Territory can never be acquired by seizure.
You should stfu. You are becoming an embarrassment to yourself
So let me get this straight...the Jews ethnically cleansed the Arabs, but didn't FULLY ethnically cleanse them so that they could then make up 1/5 of Israel's population 80 years later?

How does that make sense?
You should ask a dumbass pseudo-Jewish ethnic cleanser . Be quite sure though- your own evaluation is worthless
"Jews will not replace us" = Very Fine People
Yeah, Biden ran on that LIE.

It has same meaning as "from the river to the sea". Palestinians are screaming the Jews shall not replace us, ... and the democrats support that. :palm:

Trump was a huge supporter of the Jews.
Don't doubt me. :palm:
I don't hate Jews per se. I hate Jewish assholes. All decent people do.
Bu dividing up Jews into the Good Ones you agree with for now and the Bad Ones you want to see destroyed, you're proving my point that you're just antisemitic trash that can't defend any of your arguments because even YOU know those arguments of yours are bullshit.
Yeah, Biden ran on that LIE.

It has same meaning as "from the river to the sea". Palestinians are screaming the Jews shall not replace us, ... and the democrats support that. :palm:

Trump was a huge supporter of the Jews.
Don't doubt me. :palm:
Trump said Very Fine People on both sides, and one of those sides was full of Nazis.
Also- Palestinians have been in Palestinia since the Neolithic. Palestinian Jews are simply a Palestinian tribe with another dumbass religion.
No they haven't.

Arabs didn't arrive in the Southern Levant until around 800 AD. By that time, Jews had been living there for about 3200 years.

This is what I mean when I say you keep making stupid mistakes that show you don't know what you're talking about.
Some things I know, some things I don't know.
What you don't know could fill the Library of Congress 100x over.

This subject is one of those things you don't know.

You keep making stupid mistakes because you're a stupid person.

Everything you say turns out to be wrong. How is that even possible? How can you constantly be getting things wrong? The only answer that makes sense is that you're a fucking idiot. Most antisemites are.
By and large, the Israeli Arabs are also treated as 2nd class citizens. Just take a look at the West Bank, who is not ruled by Hamas.

You can’t sweep it under the rug that the fucking zionists took their land, homes and businesses. When the war was over, there was no intention of returning them. No right of return.
OK, so now that your laughable claim of ethnic cleansing has fallen by the wayside, even for you, you're now trying to come up with another bullshit excuse to be a fucking loser who's bad at life and has no clue what you're talking about.

You can't even explain why Israel didn't kick every single Arab out! You're here claiming ethnic cleansing, yet you're also saying that there are 2M Arabs who live in Israel.

So there was no ethnic cleansing, was there? If so, why did the Israelis keep hundreds of thousands of Arabs in the country after it was founded? You're claiming they drove them all out, which you also now say they didn't do.

Nothing you are saying makes any sense and you're contradicting yourself. This is what always happens with always follows the same fucking pattern.
In the 20th century, Cletus, the Jews were a SMALL MINORITY in the area called Palestine
Wait wait you're now saying Jews are indigenous to the Southern Levant.

You realize that, right? By saying in the 20th century that Jews were a small minority in the Southern Levant, you're confirming the argument that Jews are indigenous and the Arabs are the colonizers!!!

You people are so fucking stupid all the time., Like there is never a break from your stupidity...this is how you always are.
Are you really as ignorant as you portray or is it just an act for this forum?
Stop trying to deflect and avoid the debate.

You're full of shit, and I'm calling that out and it's forcing you to avoid talking about the thing YOU BROUGHT UP.

Every single post of yours is a lesson in avoidance and cowardice. Your argument is shit and you know it, that's why you make impotent posts like every other fucking antisemite and MAGAt on JPP.

You can't defend your argument so you try personal attacks.

That's because your argument sucks, and because you suck at life.
I’m going to take away all of your land, possessions, and businesses. Then, I’m going to let someone else have most of it and you can have just a portion of what was taken. Pretty fucking great deal, huh?
Again, Israel didn't kick anyone out.

If their goal was to do that, then why did they leave hundreds of thousands of Arabs within their borders?

Because the Nakba is a fucking lie.
You are quite wrong- as I'm sure you know. In fact , you are nothing but another Zionist blusterer.
You literally just said like two posts ago that there was a small Jewish presence in the Southern Levant in the 20th century prior to Israel, which would mean that Jews have been there the entire time!

So you just ruined your "Palestinians are indigenuous" argument by pointing out that there was a Jewish presence there before Israel was founded.

Fucking all are fucking idiots.

I didn't even have to drag these mistakes out of you, you made them on your own without my help.
You are floundering, dumbass. The partition became law by majority UN assent of UNGAR 181. Neither Israel- which didn't exist in 1947- nor the Palestinians had a vote. You should stfu.
You're the ones who keep moving the goalposts and contradicting yourselves by doing things like saying Jews aren't indigenous to the Southern Levant, but then you go ahead and say they are in like the next post.

The partition was rejected by the Arab don't get a mulligan just because you're bad at war.

"Oh we actually want that partition now"'s not on the table because you rejected it.

So you launched a war, lost the war, and now you want the thing you didn't want to accept, but you only want it because you lost!

Talk about floundering! Jesus...
Trump said Very Fine People on both sides, and one of those sides was full of Nazis.
You are siting an edited Leftist propaganda narrative.

Here is the actual full quote ...

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

Are you telling me that you don't know Trump is a HUGE supporter of the Jews and the Jewish nation? That his own daughter converted to Judaism? That 70% of Israelis supported Trump in 2020?
Territory can only be acquired by agreement between the high contracting parties. Territory can never be acquired by seizure.
You should stfu. You are becoming an embarrassment to yourself
So then Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the land since the only reason they are there is because of the colonization done by the Arab Muslim Caliphate.

So you just undermined your entire argument...and you did it in the stupidest way possible.