Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

No shit, Einstooge. That’s the area where they were forced to. 750,000+ of them.

How could they have been forced into an area Israel didn't control????

The only way that makes sense is if the Egyptian government colluded with Israel to do that...but they didn't because they were one of the 5 Arab armies that invaded and lost.

If Israel ethnically cleaned Arabs, why are there more than 2M Israeli Arabs today?

If what you're saying is true, and that Israel cleaned Arabs, then why is 20% of Israel's population Arab????

These are all the kinds of questions you will never answer and the reason is because you suck at life.
No, they were not. I don't know what storm God you're talking about, but Jews have only ever worshipped Adonai. That's where the whole "chosen people" thing comes from...chosen to continue the covenant with God.

Palestinian ancestors sought to destroy that covenant, which is why there is a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never once visited.
Fuck the Jews. Sick of hearing about how god only likes them.
In 1948, Gaza was part of Egypt.

You people are so fucking stupid.

Open a book for once in your life, I BEG YOU.
Gaza was occupied by Egypt- not ' part of Egypt ' as you falsely claim.
The legal borders of the Palestinian territory were delineated by UNGAR 181 in 1947.
Territory can never be legally acquired by means of occupation. The Palestinian state is illegally occupied by Zionist scum today.

No need to acknowledge your error. I accept that you're not as bright as you like to believe.
You're not smarter than me. You keep making stupid mistakes that show you don't know anything.

If you want to hate Jews, hate Jews, but don't fuckin' hide it like a little bitch.
I don't hate Jews per se. I hate Jewish assholes. All decent people do.
Like I said before, many times, whenever idiots have lost the argument, they devolve into playing stupid games with themselves rather than confront anything head-on.

The reason you can't have a debate is because you don't know anything.
Some things I know, some things I don't know. Why would I want to debate with a Zionist dumbass ?
Your entire doctrine is predicated upon criminal activity.
Here , have a popular meme;

And they were told by the Arab Armies to make way for the invasion.

But not all of them listened, obviously, which is why there are 2M Israeli Arabs today.

If Israel wanted to ethnically cleanse all the Arabs out, why didn't they do that?
By and large, the Israeli Arabs are also treated as 2nd class citizens. Just take a look at the West Bank, who is not ruled by Hamas.

You can’t sweep it under the rug that the fucking zionists took their land, homes and businesses. When the war was over, there was no intention of returning them. No right of return.
Ancient? Arabs didn't arrive in the S. Levant until around 700AD.
In the 20th century, Cletus, the Jews were a SMALL MINORITY in the area called Palestine. Until the zionist movement started mass migration and land grabs.

Use your own words. Open a fucking book.
No, they were not. I don't know what storm God you're talking about, but Jews have only ever worshipped Adonai. That's where the whole "chosen people" thing comes from...chosen to continue the covenant with God.

Palestinian ancestors sought to destroy that covenant, which is why there is a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never once visited.
Adonai is the substitute word used instead of Yahweh, because they’re afraid to violate the Commandment of the lord’s name. Small case LORD in the Bible is that substituted word.

Yahweh was a minor god, a storm god, in the pantheon of gods with El being the top god. They all morphed together at some point with Yahweh replacing El.

There is no “chosen people”. Only the Jews telling themselves, and apparently you, that.
If Israel ethnically cleaned Arabs, why are there more than 2M Israeli Arabs today?

If what you're saying is true, and that Israel cleaned Arabs, then why is 20% of Israel's population Arab????

These are all the kinds of questions you will never answer and the reason is because you suck at life.
How can you call a Jew ' mutilated ' if you only cut off two legs and an arm ?

Nevermind- the Arabs that remain in ' Israel' ensure that there can never be a Jewish state.
Gaza was occupied by Egypt- not ' part of Egypt ' as you falsely claim.

No, it was part of Egypt because its what Israel seized in 1967.

They didn't seize it from Palestinians, they seized it from Egypt.

This is what I've been saying this whole time...that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

You make dumb mistakes that you try to spin into some kind of mind game. When it's really just fucking ignorance that pours from that fountain of bullshit you call a mouth.

Palestinians are the descendants of colonizers, so therefore they have no legitimate claim to any land in the Southern Levant.
The legal borders of the Palestinian territory were delineated by UNGAR 181 in 1947.

Yeah, here's the thing about that...The Palestinians and the Arab nations rejected that partition.

That's why there was a war.

hat's why 5 Arab armies invaded.

That's why the Arabs told the Palestinians to leave.
Territory can never be legally acquired by means of occupation. The Palestinian state is illegally occupied by Zionist scum today.

Oh so territory can only be legally acquired by means of colonization?

Because that's what the Arabs did.

They colonized the Southern Levant.

Don't make me tap the map again:

How can you call a Jew ' mutilated ' if you only cut off two legs and an arm ?

So let me get this straight...the Jews ethnically cleansed the Arabs, but didn't FULLY ethnically cleanse them so that they could then make up 1/5 of Israel's population 80 years later?

How does that make sense?
How could they have been forced into an area Israel didn't control????

The only way that makes sense is if the Egyptian government colluded with Israel to do that...but they didn't because they were one of the 5 Arab armies that invaded and lost.

If Israel ethnically cleaned Arabs, why are there more than 2M Israeli Arabs today?

If what you're saying is true, and that Israel cleaned Arabs, then why is 20% of Israel's population Arab????

These are all the kinds of questions you will never answer and the reason is because you suck at life.
Are you really as ignorant as you portray or is it just an act for this forum?
Yeah, here's the thing about that...The Palestinians and the Arab nations rejected that partition.

That's why there was a war.

hat's why 5 Arab armies invaded.

That's why the Arabs told the Palestinians to leave.
They sure as shit rejected it. How’s this for a plan?

I’m going to take away all of your land, possessions, and businesses. Then, I’m going to let someone else have most of it and you can have just a portion of what was taken. Pretty fucking great deal, huh?