Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

"Oh we were taking great care of the hostages, didn't kill them or the way, all the hostages that died were killed by the IDF. No, we totally swear that's the truth. Yes we, the people who launched the worst pogrom since WWII, did not harm any of the hostages we took on the day we killed 1500 other Jews."

Anyone who buys that bullshit is just looking for an excuse to justify their antisemitism, or they're fucking stupid as shit.
Nobody kills valuable hostages- except genocidal Jews in a death frenzy.
The genocidal Jews have killed a thousand times more indigenous Palestinians than indigenous Palestinians have killed invading Jews.
And now that someone with a brain has decided to tear your posts down, you naturally devolve, just as MAGA does, to impotent little posts like these that don't do anything for you or your argument.

In fact, they just make you look desperate.

You can't back up anything you post here because you don't believe in any of the shit you're saying.

You're just disingenuous and a liar, like every single Trumpist loser who said the election was stolen but didn't really believe it, which is why none of them showed up on 1/6.

Same energy outta you pro-Hamas folks.
My , my- one little Arabic phrase and you're totally triggered.

I expect you'd like a nice war against those Iranian Arabs, eh, ginger ?
What the fuck are you talking about? I seriously have no idea what you're saying here. It's just nonsense. It's like listening to Trump or reading a post by some right wing doofus.

Whether or not you've been posting antisemitic shit for 9 months or 9 years doesn't change the fact that it's antisemitism. That's literally what you said you are. You called me "pro-semite", you referred to "pro-semitic" derisively, which makes you a literal ANTI-semite.

Like I said, beyond your screeching, you have nothing to offer anyone here. You don't support a ceasefire. You don't support a 2SS. You don't support releasing the hostages. You don't support Israel's right to exist. So all that makes you a fuckin' antisemite.

That's how you describe yourself.
Weirdo. Have a splif. Change your mind.
You'll have to wait your turn on my troll list though. There are four of five before you.
Nobody kills valuable hostages- except genocidal Jews in a death frenzy.
The genocidal Jews have killed a thousand times more indigenous Palestinians than indigenous Palestinians have killed invading Jews.
The hostages have no value to Hamas.

The day Israel recovered the first hostages on their own was the same day Hamas lost all leverage.

Because NOW that Israel can rescue the hostages on its own, what value do they have for Hamas and why even negotiate with Hamas?

If Israel is willing to basically burn it all down just to get 4 people back, where does that leave Hamas?
The hostages have no value to Hamas.
You're clearly unable to engage the topic .

Dumbass, there are thousands upon thousands of Israeli protesters trying to get their hands on Netanyahu and his genocidal government. Israel is in turmoil. You are an ignorant oaf .

Stfu before you become more of a laughing stock.
The genocidal Jews have killed a thousand times more indigenous Palestinians than indigenous Palestinians have killed invading Jews.

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers who arrived in the region about 4000 years after the Jews did.

Palestinian ancestors colonized the Southern Levant and built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

That mosque is literally called "The Maximum".

Palestinians are indigenous TO ARABIA since they are Muslim Arabs and that's where Muslim Arabs come from.
I expect you'd like a nice war against those Iranian Arabs, eh, ginger ?

Iranians are Persian, or Fasri if you wanna get technical, you fucking idiot. They don't speak Arabic in Iran. They speak Farsi.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Like I said, you know nothing about the region. You're just empty. You got an empty head.

Thanks for proving me right once again.
Simple- the mantlepiece is where you like to lick your ass. Don't fall off, puss.

I don't know what you're talking about. You're doing what MAGA always does when their backs are to the wall; you regress, your posts get less articulate, and ultimately you seek a way out without having to defend any of the stupid shit you say.

Iranians are Persian, or Fasri if you wanna get technical, you fucking idiot. They don't speak Arabic in Iran. They speak Farsi.

Jesus fucking Christ.

Like I said, you know nothing about the region. You're just empty. You got an empty head.

Thanks for proving me right once again.
Not at all- you negotiated my trap just in time. It took you nine posts though. You just ain't so smart.
Weirdo. Have a splif. Change your mind.

Just like MAGA you don't defend anything you say, which is why I don't believe you.

I think you're disingenuous and a liar...and I think you act that way because you're an old-fashioned Jew hating coward.
You're clearly unable to engage the topic .

Now that Israel has shown what it will do to get its own citizens back, why bother negotiating a prisoner exchange with Hamas AT ALL?

Israel will burn it all down to get its people back...that's not a question anymore after the latest rescue.
Just like MAGA you don't defend anything you say, which is why I don't believe you.

I think you're disingenuous and a liar...and I think you act that way because you're an old-fashioned Jew hating coward.
You sound like every other prosemitic buffoon looking for a victim to smear.

For few bucks you'd be a kapo.
Dumbass, there are thousands upon thousands of Israeli protesters trying to get their hands on Netanyahu and his genocidal government. Israel is in turmoil. You are an ignorant oaf .

I support those protesters! I think Netanyahu is a war criminal. I think he needs to be arrested and put on trial, not just for this war but for the 15 years he supported Hamas!

You're not going to see any opposition from me when it comes to getting rid of Bibi.

But the difference between us is that you want Bibi gone but you don't want Hamas gone. The reason is because you and Hamas share the same goal; the genocide of Jews.
You say you want Bibi gone- yet you mouth his favorite slogan. Hamas simply want their country back. Get the fuck out of it.