Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

So you are going to pretend you don't know what Sharia Law is. :rofl2:

Oh THAT Sharia law- no, I have heard of it- but I don't know anything about it. No doubt you are about to divulge all its positive aspects ?
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Oh THAT Sharia law- no, I have heard of it- but I don't know anything about it. No doubt you are about to divulge all its positive aspects ?
Like a pig in the mud, I will let you wallow in your own Islamic ignorance and denial, Moonie.
Compared to how many?

Goebbels exaggerated the deaths at Dresden by more than 10 fold to garner sympathy and support for National Socialism. How much will you exaggerate, nazi?

And, as I suspected, you are fine with muslims killing muslims. It is the Jews that you hate. You exposed your anti Semitic democrat double standard.
Wrong again, foreskin. I abhor all killing of innocents. But spare us the fucking whataboutism, cockbite. Is the US funding the aggressors?

I don’t give a flying fuck about the Jews. It’s Israel that is the world pariah here.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Ruh roh, Headless Earl at it again! The never ending lie.
Crockmeister, Gardner- and other blindly prosemitic people simply refuse to believe it. Despite it being historical fact- like North America being occupied before turned up...they just blot out reality and carry on regardless.
There were no native Americans, no native Australians, no native Canadians and no Palestinians. It's difficult to address that sort of ignorance. They're a form of sub-species that evolution left behind.
I want a winner.

As for your ignorance of history, it is glaringly obvious. Much of N. America when Europeans arrived was unoccupied land no one lived on. Claiming they were somehow invading someone's land, in those cases, is absurd. Once settled, there were political and social differences that created friction and led to war, just as it might occur anywhere.

Native Americas also regularly took sides in disputes (wars) between European powers, like the French and Indian wars for example.

Your ignorance of history is not unexpected. You learned the lies the Left wanted you to hear.
And that's how it goes in a war. You start one, either you can win it, or you get your ass kicked.

This time there will be no quarter given to the cowards in Hamas who be-headed and burned alive, Israeli infants.

And no two state solution for the terrorist group, Hamas, to repeat Oct. 7, "over and over and over."
I want a winner.

As for your ignorance of history, it is glaringly obvious. Much of N. America when Europeans arrived was unoccupied land no one lived on. Claiming they were somehow invading someone's land, in those cases, is absurd. Once settled, there were political and social differences that created friction and led to war, just as it might occur anywhere.

Native Americas also regularly took sides in disputes (wars) between European powers, like the French and Indian wars for example.

Your ignorance of history is not unexpected. You learned the lies the Left wanted you to hear.
Fool. Much of N. America today isn't ' lived on '.
Israel doesn't have a right to live in peace.

Everyone has a right to live in peace.

For its emulation of Nazism Israel has forfeited the moral right to exist at all.

Don't know what you're fucking talking about, but the real Nazis are the ones who launched a Nazi pogrom against Jews on 10/7.

That shouldn't come as a surprise given the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (A city Mohammed never visited) allied with Hitler to bring the Final Solution to the Mideast.

Now go lick your ass. You're better at that.

Not as good as your mom, though. She loves eating ass. Especially Jewish ass.
Naw, they didn’t start a war. They’ve been in a continuous one for 80 years. Oct 7 was merely a larger battle.

The Arabs most definitely started the war in 1947-48. Five Arab countries invaded and lost to a bunch of Holocaust survivors because the Arabs are just bad at war.

No Arabs were driven out of Israel because there are about 2M Israeli Arabs today.

The Arabs who left did so because the Arab nations told them to make way for the invading Arab armies.

If Israel ethnically cleansed the Arabs out of the Southern Levant, why are there more Arabs in the Southern Levant today than in 1948?
Wrong again, foreskin. I abhor all killing of innocents. But spare us the fucking whataboutism, cockbite. Is the US funding the aggressors?

I don’t give a flying fuck about the Jews. It’s Israel that is the world pariah here.

Here's how the whole "US is funding and supporting a genocide" thing is antisemitic:

In order to have this belief, you must ALSO believe that there is a cabal of Jews either in our government or adjacent to it, that are using means of manipulation in order to get the US to back their policy of spilling the blood of gentile children.


So you're not even being original with this shit, you're just regurgitating the same bullshit that antisemites have been saying for hundreds of years.
The Arabs most definitely started the war in 1947-48. Five Arab countries invaded and lost to a bunch of Holocaust survivors because the Arabs are just bad at war.

No Arabs were driven out of Israel because there are about 2M Israeli Arabs today.

The Arabs who left did so because the Arab nations told them to make way for the invading Arab armies.

If Israel ethnically cleansed the Arabs out of the Southern Levant, why are there more Arabs in the Southern Levant today than in 1948?
The Palestinians are the descendants of those driven from their land and homes in 1947-48.

Let’s see. Why are there more people in the world than in 1948?
Everyone has a right to live in peace.

Don't know what you're fucking talking about, but the real Nazis are the ones who launched a Nazi pogrom against Jews on 10/7.

That shouldn't come as a surprise given the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (A city Mohammed never visited) allied with Hitler to bring the Final Solution to the Mideast.

Not as good as your mom, though. She loves eating ass. Especially Jewish ass.
You have nothing to contribute. Just letting you know.