Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

Wrong again, foreskin. I abhor all killing of innocents. But spare us the fucking whataboutism, cockbite. Is the US funding the aggressors?

I don’t give a flying fuck about the Jews. It’s Israel that is the world pariah here.
No you don't abhor it. You support abortion, defunding the police in minority neighborhoods, and using human shields, Achmed.
No you don't abhor it. You support abortion, defunding the police in minority neighborhoods, and using human shields, Achmed.
Really? Let’s try this, dicksucker. You go ahead and find those posts supporting your claim and I’ll wait.
The Palestinians are the descendants of those driven from their land and homes in 1947-48

The Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers, who literally built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism in a city Mohammed never visited.

That mosque is called "The Maximum".

Here's a handy map that shows the colonization stages of the Arab Muslim Caliphate that came out of the Arabian peninsula. As you can see, Palestinians are not from the Southern Levant, they are from the Arabian peninsula which DOES NOT include the Southern Levant. Palestinians aren't indigenous to Israel, Jews are. Palestinians are indigenous to the Arabian peninsula because they identify as Arab Muslims.

Let’s see. Why are there more people in the world than in 1948?
We're not talking generally about people, we are talking about your claims of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Arabs. Claims that are frivolous and nonsensical because there are more Arabs living in Israel today than there were in 1948. So if the Arabs were ethnically cleansed from a place they aren't indigenous, why are there more of them today?

Your ludicrous claims that Israel ethnically cleansed Arabs is debunked by the fact that there are more Arabs living in Israel today than at any other time in human history.
You have nothing to contribute. Just letting you know.
YOU are the one with nothing to contribute because you act in bad faith.

Arabs are not indigenous to Israel or the Southern Levant. Palestinians identify as Muslim Arabs, and Muslim Arabs come from Arabia.

The ancestors of today's Palestinians colonized the Southern Levant from the Arabian peninsula. Prior to that colonization, Arabs didn't appear in the Southern Levant until the caliphate.

So not only are you clueless to the history, but you are pretty racist too if you think everyone from the middle east shares the same ethnicity.

Arabs are from Arabia. They colonized the Southern Levant, then lost control to the Ottomans, who then lost control to the British. The Arab Muslims were colonizers because they built a mosque literally on top of the holiest site in Judaism, in a city Mohammed never visited.

The Palestinians have no historical claim to that land since they are the descendants of Arab Muslims who colonized it.

Now you contribute to the discussion, bitch.

Arabs came from the red and colonized the orange and yellow:

'The western media establishment has studiously averted their gaze from Israeli reports that a proportion of those killed on 7 October
were not victims of Hamas but of the Israeli army’s notorious “Hannibal procedure”, a protocol to kill fellow Israelis rather than let them
be taken captive.'
Anthropologist you ain't

No response from you because there's nothing there with you.

Like, nothing beyond your antisemtism. No strength of character, no counterarguments, no principles, nothing.

Just a mouthpiece no different from MAGA.

Beyond that, you have nothing to offer anyone.
'The western media establishment has studiously averted their gaze from Israeli reports that a proportion of those killed on 7 October
were not victims of Hamas but of the Israeli army’s notorious “Hannibal procedure”, a protocol to kill fellow Israelis rather than let them
be taken captive.'
"Oh we were taking great care of the hostages, didn't kill them or the way, all the hostages that died were killed by the IDF. No, we totally swear that's the truth. Yes we, the people who launched the worst pogrom since WWII, did not harm any of the hostages we took on the day we killed 1500 other Jews."

Anyone who buys that bullshit is just looking for an excuse to justify their antisemitism, or they're fucking stupid as shit.
No response from you because there's nothing there with you.

Like, nothing beyond your antisemtism. No strength of character, no counterarguments, no principles, nothing.

Just a mouthpiece no different from MAGA.

Beyond that, you have nothing to offer anyone.
You couldn't be more wrong. With the aid of a couple of other JPP politicians- which you certainly ain't- I've kept Zionist/Biden crimes on the front page of this forum for months. You...........not so much
Back on the mantlepiece for you.

Haw, haw.........................................haw.
You couldn't be more wrong. With the aid of a couple of other JPP politicians- which you certainly ain't- I've kept Zionist/Biden crimes on the front page of this forum for months. You...........not so much

What the fuck are you talking about? I seriously have no idea what you're saying here. It's just nonsense. It's like listening to Trump or reading a post by some right wing doofus.

Whether or not you've been posting antisemitic shit for 9 months or 9 years doesn't change the fact that it's antisemitism. That's literally what you said you are. You called me "pro-semite", you referred to "pro-semitic" derisively, which makes you a literal ANTI-semite.

Like I said, beyond your screeching, you have nothing to offer anyone here. You don't support a ceasefire. You don't support a 2SS. You don't support releasing the hostages. You don't support Israel's right to exist. So all that makes you a fuckin' antisemite.

That's how you describe yourself.
Back on the mantlepiece for you.
No idea what you're trying to do or say here.

It's more of that incoherent, inarticulate bullshit that is identical to the same incoherent, inarticulate bullshit that comes outta the mouths of MAGAts and the like.

Horseshoe Theory is proven 100% by you. Antisemites always seem to find each other like that...oh and they love to wear masks too. Obscuring their identity is a huge part of Horseshoe Theory politics.
Alaikum salaam, dumbass.
And now that someone with a brain has decided to tear your posts down, you naturally devolve, just as MAGA does, to impotent little posts like these that don't do anything for you or your argument.

In fact, they just make you look desperate.

You can't back up anything you post here because you don't believe in any of the shit you're saying.

You're just disingenuous and a liar, like every single Trumpist loser who said the election was stolen but didn't really believe it, which is why none of them showed up on 1/6.

Same energy outta you pro-Hamas folks.