Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

No- the European Zionist scum started the war in 1948.

On 14 May 1948 Israel became a state. In less than 12 hours after that happened, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan (Jordan today), and Iraq all declared war on Israel and invaded. The resulting war lasted about a year with several brief ceasefires. At the end of it, all of the Arab states had suffered losses of territory and battlefield defeat.

At the same time, a combination of the Arab states broadcasting on radio that Palestinians should flee Israeli territory, and Israeli internal operations to put down uprisings, resulted in about 750,000 Palestinians becoming refugees that when the war ended in an Arab defeat the Arab countries refused to help or allow resettlement of those refugees.

As usual, the various Arab states, militaries, and irregular forces couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper sack and got their collective dicks stomped in the dirt by Israel. Seems to me that the problem here isn't Israel, but rather the tribalism and backwards social construct of Arab society.
You cannot give land to a people that already own it, Crockmeister.
Palestinians don't own shit because they don't have a country, even though they've been offered one for 7 decades.

Palestinians are Arabs and Arabs are from Arabia.

So if we want to truly trace ancestry back, it turns out the people you say are indigenous to Palestine/Israel are in fact NOT INDIGENOUS since their ancestors came from Arabia. Palestinians are the decendents of colonizers. After all, it was the Arabian Caliphate that emerged from the Arabian peninsula to occupy the Southern Levant. Arab Muslims literally built a mosque on top of the holiest site in Judaism.

You boys are really begging for Shoa #2

First of all, FUCK YOU.

Secondly, threatening Jews because of the actions of Israel is antisemitic, but I suspect you don't care about being an antisemite since you're completely fucking shameless.

Thirdly, no one is going to destroy Israel. It has the best military in the region and NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Fourthly, if you don't support a two state solution then you support genocide of either the Palestinians or Israelis.

Finally, Jew hating cowards like yourself do not strike fear in the hearts of Jews. We feel profound sadness and pity for you.
First of all, FUCK YOU.

Secondly, threatening Jews because of the actions of Israel is antisemitic, but I suspect you don't care about being an antisemite since you're completely fucking shameless.

Thirdly, no one is going to destroy Israel. It has the best military in the region and NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

Fourthly, if you don't support a two state solution then you support genocide of either the Palestinians or Israelis.

Finally, Jew hating cowards like yourself do not strike fear in the hearts of Jews. We feel profound sadness and pity for you.
As I said - you boys are really begging for Shoa #2.

On 14 May 1948 Israel became a state. In less than 12 hours after that happened, Egypt, Syria, Transjordan (Jordan today), and Iraq all declared war on Israel and invaded.
During 1948- and before the Zionist terror gangs declared unilateral statehood- they had already destroyed over 400 Palestinian villages and displaced 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.
Somebody very stupid has been tearing pages out of your history book. You, probably.
During 1948- and before the Zionist terror gangs declared unilateral statehood- they had already destroyed over 400 Palestinian villages and displaced 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.
Somebody very stupid has been tearing pages out of your history book. You, probably.
No, the Arab nations told the Palestinians to evacuate so they could destroy the nascent state of Israel.

It's not Israel's fault that the Arabs are bad at war.
As I said - you boys are really begging for Shoa #2.
Palestinians aren't even indigenous to the Southern Levant because their ancestry is traced back to the Arab Muslim Caliphate that invaded and colonized the Southern Levant.

The Arabs even built a mosque right on top of the holiest site in Judaism.

Arabs building mosques on other religion's holy sites is a feature of the culture.

Palestinians are the descendants of colonizers and thus, have no legitimate claim to anything.
During 1948- and before the Zionist terror gangs declared unilateral statehood- they had already destroyed over 400 Palestinian villages and displaced 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.
Somebody very stupid has been tearing pages out of your history book. You, probably.
Before Israel became a nation, both sides and every faction in what became Israel were fighting each other and the British in a series of revolts, ongoing terrorism, and general mayhem. Again, I can't help it if the Jewish factions were far better organized and competent at combat than the Arab factions.

Would you still whine if it were the other way around?

The "Somebody very stupid" is you. Your overt antisemitic hatred for Israel and Jews jaundices you views on this subject. While there's plenty of blame to go around, the lion's share of the reason for all the violence in that region goes to the Arabs.
You cannot give land to a people that already own it, Crockmeister.
No, dumbass, the British controlled it; the UN partitioned it. The indigenous Arabs (what "Palestinians" were called then) asininely refused their land, and attacked Israel instead, and got their asses stomped. Jordan and Syria have their land now.
Palestinians aren't even indigenous to the Southern Levant because their ancestry is traced back to the Arab Muslim Caliphate that invaded and colonized the Southern Levant.

The Arabs even built a mosque right on top of the holiest site in Judaism.

Arabs building mosques on other religion's holy sites is a feature of the culture.

Palestinians are the descendants of colonizers and thus, have no legitimate claim to anything.
You're a descendant of colonizers yourself.
No, dumbass, the British controlled it; the UN partitioned it. The indigenous Arabs (what "Palestinians" were called then) asininely refused their land, and attacked Israel instead, and got their asses stomped. Jordan and Syria have their land now.
No- the British drew up the partition resolution and the UN adopted it. The British were ashamed of it themselves and abstained from the vote. The Palestinians- whose land was being offered to Jewish terror gangs- didn't even get a vote.
You are a moron, Crockmeister- and I suspect that that's your own fault.
Before Israel became a nation, both sides and every faction in what became Israel were fighting each other and the British in a series of revolts, ongoing terrorism, and general mayhem. Again, I can't help it if the Jewish factions were far better organized and competent at combat than the Arab factions.

Would you still whine if it were the other way around?

The "Somebody very stupid" is you. Your overt antisemitic hatred for Israel and Jews jaundices you views on this subject. While there's plenty of blame to go around, the lion's share of the reason for all the violence in that region goes to the Arabs.
Only in your own damaged history book. The Zionist terrorists started the war as soon as they arrived- even killing the British by blowing up a civilian hotel- and the murdering the UN peace envoy.
You are a flounderer- and I getting bored with your ignorant denials of fact.
Only in your own damaged history book. The Zionist terrorists started the war as soon as they arrived- even killing the British by blowing up a civilian hotel- and the murdering the UN peace envoy.
You are a flounderer- and I getting bored with your ignorant denials of fact.
The Palestinians started the shit because they never stopped doing it, long before the Jews started showing up in big numbers.




So don't give me that shit that it's all Israel's fault. There's plenty of blame to go around and the Palestinians deserve a heaping helping of it.
Nah- the robbed share no guilt with the robber.
Not my fault that Palestinians are a bunch of tribal, vindictive, racist, stupid fucks. That's their problem. They're like a 90 lbs. retard that just kicked sand in the face of a world-class MMA fighter on the beach after sucker punching him. They're getting the beatdown, once again, they fucking deserve for being too stupid to learn from their mistakes.