Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

Not my fault that Palestinians are a bunch of tribal, vindictive, racist, stupid fucks. That's their problem. They're like a 90 lbs. retard that just kicked sand in the face of a world-class MMA fighter on the beach after sucker punching him. They're getting the beatdown, once again, they fucking deserve for being too stupid to learn from their mistakes.
Maybe they're following your example, dotard.
Who's gonna do that, you?
You clearly haven't noticed the rise of the extreme Right around the world- or the birth of righteous antisemitism.
The more that genocidal Jews shout and scream and wave their American weapons the harder they're going to fall.

You'd be well advised to shut your objectionable mouth and keep a low profile.
I can only imagine what it looked like in 2005 when Israel turned it over to the Palestinians
August 31, 2005...

You clearly haven't noticed the rise of the extreme Right around the world- or the birth of righteous antisemitism.
The more that genocidal Jews shout and scream and wave their American weapons the harder they're going to fall.

You'd be well advised to shut your objectionable mouth and keep a low profile.
Bring it on Achmed

You clearly haven't noticed the rise of the extreme Right around the world- or the birth of righteous antisemitism.
The more that genocidal Jews shout and scream and wave their American weapons the harder they're going to fall.

You'd be well advised to shut your objectionable mouth and keep a low profile.
It isn't the "extreme Right" protesting on college campuses and in the streets of Europe over the absolute ass kicking Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza are deservedly getting.
During 1948- and before the Zionist terror gangs declared unilateral statehood- they had already destroyed over 400 Palestinian villages and displaced 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.
Somebody very stupid has been tearing pages out of your history book. You, probably.
No, most of those people cleared out because they thought the Arabs would win the war. They didn't. And instead of accepting that reality, they have spent the last 75 years lying to themselves that one day, praise allah or whatever, they will have "from the river to the sea".

We all know what that means. That they want to destroy the world's only Jewish country and genocide and ethnically cleanse half the world's Jews. IMO the Palestinians have an opportunity now to accept the 2SS and establish peace with Israel like Egypt and Jordan did.
You clearly haven't noticed the rise of the extreme Right around the world- or the birth of righteous antisemitism.
The more that genocidal Jews shout and scream and wave their American weapons the harder they're going to fall.

You'd be well advised to shut your objectionable mouth and keep a low profile.
Why don't you just call me a k*ke, if you're gonna say all that?
Why don't you just call me a k*ke, if you're gonna say all that?
You can call yourself whatever you fancy. I have nothing at all against you if you're a Jew. If you're a Zionist- you are the enemy of truth, justice and the rule of law. It's open season on those fuckers.

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.
Nakba Day, 2024.
There will be many thousands more killed, Jews and AQrabs, unless the US gets out of the way of the world-wide demand for full Palestinian statehood.



Don't let any bastard tell you that Muslims never attacked Jews until 1967, it's complete and utter bullshit perpetrated by hateful scum.

The Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, will go down as one of the worst terrorist attacks in history. Recognizing its impact, however, involves understanding the many dimensions of the attack, its consequences for a small state like Israel and a small area like the Gaza Strip, and its global ramifications.

In this commentary, CSIS researchers in the Transnational Threats Project present 10 figures to illustrate different dimensions of the attack. These include comparisons of the attack’s fatalities and the hostages taken with other such terrorist operations in other countries, comparisons between October 7 and past attacks on Israel, and images of Hamas’s tactics on October 7. Taken together, these visualizations and images can help illustrate why Israeli leaders felt compelled to launch a devastating response to the October 7 attacks, how the casualties Israel inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza compares with past operations, and the difficulties Israel faces regarding the hostages taken and other challenges.
The October 7 Attack in Historical Context

Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7 is the third-deadliest terrorist attack since data collection began in 1970, based on number of fatalities, with the 9/11 attacks representing the worst mass fatality terrorist attack. Islamic State attacks are three of the top nine deadliest attacks, with two attacks in the top five. Since the October 7 attack, Israeli officials compared Hamas’s tactics with the scale of the violence to the Islamic State’s campaign in Iraq and Syria. Although Hamas’s attack was brutal, the Islamic State undertook multiple mass casualty attacks across several years—a level of violence Hamas has not equaled. Estimates of fatalities from Islamic State terrorist attacks and military operations are greater than 33,000 people.
Lest we forget...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.