NASA Administrator... "(My) Primary Charge Is To Reach Out To Muslims"...


Staff member

He lists it as his "foremost" charge from Obama at 1:24...


When did they become diplomats rather than scientists. And when did we set it as the primary charge to make Muslims feel better about something they did over 1,000 years ago?
He charged him with making the Muslims feel better about math? Seriously. WTF? How condescending could we possibly be?
Power Line - Obama tasks NASA with building Muslim self-esteem

July 4, 2010 Posted by Paul at 7:53 PM

In the video below, Charles Bolden, head of NASA, tells Al Jazeera that the "foremost" task President Obama has given him is "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering." Thus, NASA's primary mission is no longer to enhance American science and engineering or to explore space, but to boost the self-esteem of "predominantly Muslim nations."

Exploring space didn't even make the top three things Obama wants Bolden to accomplish. The other two are "re-inspire children to want to get into science and math" and "expand our international relationships,"

This is more evidence, if any were needed, of Obama's lack of interest in American achievement or, indeed, American greatness. He seems to believe we've achieved enough (or perhaps too much) and that the trick now is to make nations that have achieved little for centuries feel like we couldn't have done it without them (in the video, Bolden goes on to talk about how much NASA owes the Russians and the Japanese).

Behind the bravado of the Muslim world there may well lie an inferiority complex. If so, Obama is a fool if he believes we can help Muslims overcome that complex by having the head of the agency that symbolizes our technical superiority make patronizing statements about ancient Muslim contributions to science.

Riehl World View: Corruption Alert For NASA Head Who Hearts al Jazerra

Corruption Alert For NASA Head Who Hearts al Jazerra

If you had any doubts whether or not NASA head Charles Bolden, who claims to be "very excited" about being on al Jazeera in this video and states: h/t Instapundit

One of the Foremost Tasks Obama Gave Me was to Make Muslims “Feel Good” About Themselves…

... is an Obama appointee, take a look at this. Corruption - check. Appeasement - check. He must be an Obama guy!

Charles Bolden, the first African American to head NASA, is under fire for wanting to cancel a $10 million biofuels project. Supporters of this project include his deputy, Lori Carver. Bolden is being investigated by the NASA inspector general because he consulted on the project's merits with Marathon Oil, where he served on the board of directors and still holds up to $1 million in company stock. Marathon Oil has competing biofuels technology under development, which some suggest is the reason Bolden quashed the project. Bolden's actions in light of his relationship to Marathon Oil triggered the investigation. This is not looking good for a man with a storied career.
Links at site.

WTF is going on?

He has completely repurposed NASA into a muslim outreach program?

I just .... I...... beep beep beep

I need to feel good about my contribution to math and science.

Americans First!

Fortress America 2012!

WTF is going on?

He has completely repurposed NASA into a muslim outreach program?

I just .... I...... beep beep beep

I need to feel good about my contribution to math and science.

Americans First!

Fortress America 2012!
Exactly my reaction. We've literally made it so the US will no longer have vehicles to take astronauts into space and will have to beg rides off the Russkis and Chinese. When he said "no nation that is elevated above another" he really meant it. Then we took some of the world's leading scientists and tasked them with making Muslims feel better about centuries old accomplishments they never participated in...

Please try to use your masonic influence if you can to stop this mad man from completely flushing us down the toilet. I mean. shit. this shit is crazy.

I always wanted to be wrong, damo.
Please try to use your masonic influence if you can to stop this mad man from completely flushing us down the toilet. I mean. shit. this shit is crazy.

I always wanted to be wrong, damo.
I really wish I had some. I fear the time when he gets his "civilian security force as well-funded as the military"... We're just F**ked!
I really wish I had some. I fear the time when he gets his "civilian security force as well-funded as the military"... We're just F**ked!

that. combined with an epa that is empowered to control all land usage. period. taxes on energy use. a vat tax. digital suveillance. governement takeover of the internet. national id. biochipping. Global theocracy..

all very sad.

WTF is going on?

He has completely repurposed NASA into a muslim outreach program?

I just .... I...... beep beep beep

I need to feel good about my contribution to math and science.

Americans First!

Fortress America 2012!

LOL what the fuck does any religion have to do with science?
I can't wait to see the apologists defend this waste of our science resources.

Democrats: How do they work?

Considering the oil money some of those countries have contributions and co-operation would be the smart thing to do.

For example, the UAE. Rather than building islands in the ocean ( how about building pods on the moon? (

Just think of the potential.
Considering the oil money some of those countries have contributions and co-operation would be the smart thing to do.

For example, the UAE. Rather than building islands in the ocean ( how about building pods on the moon? (

Just think of the potential.
That isn't what he said, his job is to make them feel better about themselves, not encourage cooperation.

WTF is going on?

He has completely repurposed NASA into a muslim outreach program?

I just .... I...... beep beep beep

I need to feel good about my contribution to math and science.

Americans First!

Fortress America 2012!

Hows that change working for ya?

This should fit right nice with AssHat:
Kind of like a Jew in 1939 Germany trying to get out of Germany. Or 38,40,?

What do you think AssHat?
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Considering the oil money some of those countries have contributions and co-operation would be the smart thing to do.

For example, the UAE. Rather than building islands in the ocean ( how about building pods on the moon? (

Just think of the potential.

Substitute Bush for Obama and I bet you'd change your tune.

So it's cool for Obama to buddy up with oil nations, but when it Bush, it was corrupt Big Oil. Do have this correct?