NASA Administrator... "(My) Primary Charge Is To Reach Out To Muslims"...

That isn't what he said, his job is to make them feel better about themselves, not encourage cooperation.

Are you sure you watched the video?

1:40 into the video he explains the goal is to "get more people to contribute to the things we do".

Fifteen nations have contributed to the space station including Russia and Japan.

2:20 "drawing in the contributions possible from the Muslim nations"

He goes on to explain the "Constellation Project" (Mars and deep space) was scaled back until it became a lunar focused project. Reason: Lack of funds.
Substitute Bush for Obama and I bet you'd change your tune.

So it's cool for Obama to buddy up with oil nations, but when it Bush, it was corrupt Big Oil. Do have this correct?

What's cool is getting their cooperation and contributions (their MONEY) in order to expand NASA's missions. The first 15 minutes of the 21 minute video is all about funding missions. How can anyone possibly be against that?
Are you sure you watched the video?

1:40 into the video he explains the goal is to "get more people to contribute to the things we do".

Fifteen nations have contributed to the space station including Russia and Japan.

2:20 "drawing in the contributions possible from the Muslim nations"

He goes on to explain the "Constellation Project" (Mars and deep space) was scaled back until it became a lunar focused project. Reason: Lack of funds.
LOL. But he specifically stated his primary charge is to make them "feel good" about past contributions in math and engineering. How long ago was that? More than 10 centuries ago?

Oh, yes. I watched the video. Participation is not the "primary charge" it is "feel better"...
Hows that change working for ya?

This should fit right nice with AssHat:
Kind of like a Jew in 1939 Germany trying to get out of Germany. Or 38,40,?

What do you think AssHat?

WTf are you blabbering about numbnuts? I didn't vote for the changer.
And as for funding...

Obama is one of those "zero sum" fools. The reality is the return on just the patents and technology created through NASA missions makes every dollar we spend there worth it.

They've estimated that the return on just the Apollo missions was $7 to $1 spent, and today it is estimated that the return is even higher than that.

Admiral Richard Truly, NASA Administrator, concurs. He believes that no space program on Earth today has the kind of technology and capability that ours does. Our space program is an integral part of American education, our competitiveness, and the growth of U.S. technology. Compared with other forms of investment, the return is outstanding: A payback of $7 or 8 for every $1 invested over a period of a decade or so has been calculated for the Apollo Program, which at its peak accounted for a mere 4 percent of the Federal budget. It has been further estimated that, because of the potential for technology transfer and spinoff industries, every $1 spent on basic research in space today will generate $40 worth of economic growth on Earth.

Now that is stimulus. Obama is cutting off his nose to spite his face. It isn't fiscally sound policy to cut where there is a return and to spend where there is no return.
Thank God we don't still have a warmonger in office who's trying "to bring freedom and democracy" to the ME at the point of a gun.
Thank God we don't still have a warmonger in office who's trying "to bring freedom and democracy" to the ME at the point of a gun.
Yeah, that Afghanistan shooting thing going on isn't that. You know, the one that Obama called "the right war", and the one that he swore to complete including the capture of Bin Laden...

Yeah, that's cool, because it isn't at the point of a gun or anything. We use remote control airplanes to kill people there, not guns.

Selective accountability.
He charged him with making the Muslims feel better about math? Seriously. WTF? How condescending could we possibly be?
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Arabs invent numbers? At least the numbering system most of the world uses (1,2,3 etc)?

If remember correctly that also invented algebra and were for most of the middle ages most of the great mathematics scholars were Muslim.

That changed when Newton created calculus.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Arabs invent numbers? At least the numbering system most of the world uses (1,2,3 etc)?

If remember correctly that also invented algebra and were for most of the middle ages most of the great mathematics scholars were Muslim.

That changed when Newton created calculus.
Actually, this is a bit of incorrect assumption. The Hindus invented the "Arabic" numbering system in 500 B.C. And they didn't "invent" algebra, they simply continued to teach it during the European Dark Age. Anyway, if I were to convert to Islam, should I be proud if they actually did invent algebra? What did I contribute to that?
Actually, this is a bit of incorrect assumption. The Hindus invented the "Arabic" numbering system in 500 B.C. And they didn't "invent" algebra, they simply continued to teach it during the European Dark Age. Anyway, if I were to convert to Islam, should I be proud if they actually did invent algebra? What did I contribute to that?
What did you contribute? Probably significant anxiety for your 9th grade math teacher who'd gave up hope you'd ever learn the shit! ;)
What did you contribute? Probably significant anxiety for your 9th grade math teacher who'd gave up hope you'd ever learn the shit! ;)
In 9th Grade I was taking Math classes at the Community College as I had completed all of the offered courses at our HS. :D

But I know what you mean.

I'm still trying to absorb that the "Primary Charge" of our space program is to make Muslims feel good about how somebody they don't even know kept teaching Algebra during the Dark Age.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Arabs invent numbers? At least the numbering system most of the world uses (1,2,3 etc)?

If remember correctly that also invented algebra and were for most of the middle ages most of the great mathematics scholars were Muslim.

That changed when Newton created calculus.

Regardless of this, why is our natiaonal aeronautics and space administration devoting itself to arab reverie and remembrance?
Right. But it is their "primary charge"... Come on, dude. They might do other things, but their primary charge is to make Muslims feel good.

Get real, Damo:

Question: Are you in some sort of diplomatic role .. to win hearts and minds?

Bolden: NO NO, not at all. Its not a diplomatic anything. What it is – is that it is trying to expand our outreach so that we get more people who can contribute to the things that we do – the international Space Station is as great as it is because we have a conglomerate of about 15 plus nations who have contributed something to that partnership that has made it what it is today …”
Get real, Damo:
I am very real. It isn't a diplomatic role yet he is in foreign lands playing a diplomatic role? Get real, Nigel. They have him doing what the VP usually would do if he wasn't such a fool when he engages his mouth. The fricking administrator of our space program is in foreign lands playing diplomat.
Yeah, that Afghanistan shooting thing going on isn't that. You know, the one that Obama called "the right war", and the one that he swore to complete including the capture of Bin Laden...

Yeah, that's cool, because it isn't at the point of a gun or anything. We use remote control airplanes to kill people there, not guns.

Selective accountability.

I've written both here and to Obama directly that I do NOT support being in A'stan, and especially his bad (IMO) decision in sending over more troops.

That aside, I don't see the bush cowboy mentality and rhetoric evident in this administration.
I am very real. It isn't a diplomatic role yet he is in foreign lands playing a diplomatic role? Get real, Nigel. They have him doing what the VP usually would do if he wasn't such a fool when he engages his mouth. The fricking administrator of our space program is in foreign lands playing diplomat.

Yeah, trying to smooth over the damage done by eight years of bush is only a negative in conservative mindsets.
Yeah, trying to smooth over the damage done by eight years of bush is only a negative in conservative mindsets.
Inane, if NASA had participated in the "damage" you might have some reason to send them to make Muslims feel better about centuries old "contributions"....

Ugh. Send diplomats to be diplomats, let our scientists be scientists.

Fiscally stupid policy to cut the budget of one popular program that gives economic return... Then to charge the Administrator with diplomatic missions? *ugh*...

It doesn't matter what the man does, you will attempt to find some way to hacktacularly "reinvent" it.