National Energy Plan by Boone Pickens


Sexy Beast!

Boone states that we can produce 20% of our power gen by using wind. This could replace natural gas for power gen and that natural gas could then be used to power vehicles. If Natural gas is 22% of Power Gen, then that same amount of natural Gas could power 38% of our vehicles. Reducing our dependence on foreign oil by 300 Billion a year. It also allows a transition period to move towards electric and hydrogen.
VERY cool. It's big oil propoganda that sources like wind & solar "can't make a dent." They can; they can make a huge dent. The technologies are getting better & more efficient all the time.

Wind rocks. It's the future (cue conservative troll with comment about Kennedys opposing wind farm near Cape Cod).
I thought we had been on the Pickens energy plan for about 8 years now ?

big oil is really spending the bucks on feel good about your buddy big oil propaganda lately for some reason...
Yes, Natural Gas is already a proven alternative to Oil to power our vehicles, and its being used for powering our homes instead. We have many more ways of powering our homes than we have alternatives for Oil in our cars. We need to use our resources appropriatly!
Most of us burn more energy in our homes than in our cars.

Natural gas is not available to all homes.
I heard him talking about this on NPR this morning. This man has a Very interesting perspective and is putting his money where his mouth is. The dude is 80 years old.
Most of us burn more energy in our homes than in our cars.

Natural gas is not available to all homes.

No, but 22% of our power gen comes from Natural Gas. Not every home would be powered by wind either, but if we can get 20% covered by wind, we could potentially replace the need of natural gas for power gen.
I heard him talking about this on NPR this morning. This man has a Very interesting perspective and is putting his money where his mouth is. The dude is 80 years old.

Seems like he wants to see something done now, not 30 years from now, at least while he's still alive.
Seems like he wants to see something done now, not 30 years from now, at least while he's still alive.

It only makes sense to get it done now; $300 billion a year, not going to the Middle East & other countries, but staying here, in America.

For a "can do" nation, this topic has been too dominated by the "we can never get off foreign oil" crowd. We absolutely can, and much sooner than people think.
VERY cool. It's big oil propoganda that sources like wind & solar "can't make a dent." They can; they can make a huge dent. The technologies are getting better & more efficient all the time.

Wind rocks. It's the future (cue conservative troll with comment about Kennedys opposing wind farm near Cape Cod).

Just out of curiosity.... you do know who Pickens is do you not?
VERY cool. It's big oil propoganda that sources like wind & solar "can't make a dent." They can; they can make a huge dent. The technologies are getting better & more efficient all the time.

Wind rocks. It's the future (cue conservative troll with comment about Kennedys opposing wind farm near Cape Cod).

Kennedy is a selfish ass. that wind farm could power all of the cape and beyond.
we still need more domestic drilling to avioid the crisis.
wind does rock, solar rocks big time.

True... as Lorax pointed out, we should do everything we can to limit the dollars we send overseas for energy.

We need to expand every viable alt energy source of power. Obviously including the one Pickens mentioned. In addition we need to develop our own oil and nat gas resources to further reduce our foreign dependency.

*cue left wing nutjobs talking point #435.... 'but the oil companies have leases that aren't currently producing'.... crap*
So apparently Big Oil propaganda isn't quite attributable to all of big oil???

Because you do not get much bigger than Pickens.

Any intelligent person would have no trouble discerning what was meant by that comment; clearly, I am not talking about Pickens.