National Energy Plan by Boone Pickens

USGED, I"m fine with $140 oil the rest of you aren't.
We have enough oil in Florida and Alaska to lower the price to below $100 easy, but it's too early another year or two and I take extreem early retirement at 50. LOFL
"his "big oil propaganda" bullshit"

It is NOT bullshit, sympathizer. Over the past few decades, we're talking about tens, if not hundreds of millions, spent in Washington on lobbying efforts, think tanks, "studies" and other media campaigns to keep alternatives down, create an impression that they can never replace oil & otherwise keeping America dependent on oil.

Who is funding that: big oil, or "the little guy?" You tell me, smartie...
this is comical to me, moveon.oncelor makes me spit coffee laughing at my computer.
he beaks out the "my house has a windmill routine". I only drive 6 or 7 times a year. BAHHAHA $700 Billion to the middle east is not much 15 of us using wind can solve that.
And the cou de gras repeated by non other than USGED it won't help that fast. BHAHAH
Boone laid out the numbers, 25% imported when Carter started the cluster fuck. Now 70% what will it be in 10 yrs if we don't start drilling 80/90% how much is too much. LOL Anybody know where to get a high speed money counting machine
oncelor is funny he's a good SOLDIER for moveon.moron.
Wind and Solar are less than 2% and growing at 9% ish. Do the math oncelor, we can't afford continuing the largest wealth transfer in history. It's going to coninue unabaited without vastly more drilling domestically.
Also your talking thousands of high paying jobs with drilling.

Getting nervous, oil whore?
"his "big oil propaganda" bullshit"

It is NOT bullshit, sympathizer. Over the past few decades, we're talking about tens, if not hundreds of millions, spent in Washington on lobbying efforts, think tanks, "studies" and other media campaigns to keep alternatives down, create an impression that they can never replace oil & otherwise keeping America dependent on oil.

Who is funding that: big oil, or "the little guy?" You tell me, smartie...

"sympathizer"... right. Just keep tossing out your bullshit. Yes, the oil industry lobbies to protect themselves just as every other industry does.... and big oil is not the leader in that regard.

When is the last study you saw that "Big Oil" produced that said Solar/Wind wasn't viable?
"he beaks out the "my house has a windmill routine". I only drive 6 or 7 times a year. BAHHAHA $700 Billion to the middle east is not much 15 of us using wind can solve that."

Listen, midget; YOU were the one who brought personal energy use into the discussion. Personally, I don't think my conservation amounts to a hill of beans, but YOU brought it up, as you always do...and now you're backtracking from that?

You are easily the dumbest poster on here, tops. I can't keep up with your idiocy. Try to decide what the parameters of the debate are, and get back to me.

"he beaks out the "my house has a windmill routine". I only drive 6 or 7 times a year. BAHHAHA $700 Billion to the middle east is not much 15 of us using wind can solve that."

Listen, midget; YOU were the one who brought personal energy use into the discussion. Personally, I don't think my conservation amounts to a hill of beans, but YOU brought it up, as you always do...and now you're backtracking from that?

You are easily the dumbest poster on here, tops. I can't keep up with your idiocy. Try to decide what the parameters of the debate are, and get back to me.


you sorry piece of shit salesman.
I'll match my two degrees with the one piece of shit you got that has you begging people for a commission.
To spout leftist shit like its communist propaganda belittling my industry is assinine if not retarded. Dam straight I'm telling you to man up. Shit on my doorstep and then drive to the pump to get your cheap fuel, electricity.
Ya spineless moron. No principles whatsoever.:pke:
"To spout leftist shit like its communist propaganda belittling my industry is assinine if not retarded. Dam straight I'm telling you to man up. Shit on my doorstep and then drive to the pump to get your cheap fuel, electricity."

Can you say the following with a straight face:

The oil industry has NOT spent millions of dollars on lobbying, think tanks & propoganda to keep alternatives from reaching their potential and to keep America dependent on oil.

Say it.
Listen, midget; YOU were the one who brought personal energy use into the discussion. Personally, I don't think my conservation amounts to a hill of beans, but YOU brought it up, as you always do...and now you're backtracking from that?

Alone, it makes only a tiny difference. But if we all do something then it will be substantial. For instance, I've become even more conscious about organizing my driving so as to make all my needed stops in a single trip, and now I almost never drive on the weekends. This morning I saw an article suggesting that if you put a brick in your toilet tank, it displaces enough water per flush to make a difference in your usage. Imagine if we all did that, how much water we'd save! (Here in the high and dry where water is truly scarce, that's becoming increasingly important, too.)
Exxon may have.
Chevron owns half of the company that invented the hybrid battery. Ya moron
Chevron is the largest producer of Geothermal energy in the counrty. Ya moron
Chevron has at least one new biodiesel plant in texas. Ya moron.
Can you read and use facts instead of sheepish wackolefty talking points. ya moron
Exxon may have.
Chevron owns half of the company that invented the hybrid battery. Ya moron
Chevron is the largest producer of Geothermal energy in the counrty. Ya moron
Chevron has at least one new biodiesel plant in texas. Ya moron.
Can you read and use facts instead of sheepish wackolefty talking points. ya moron

Exxon is in "the oil industry."

Thanks for admitting you're wrong, female poster known as "topspin". I won't hold my breath waiting for an apology for the fact that what you just admitted is something you called "leftie moveon propoganda" just a few posts back.
Alone, it makes only a tiny difference. But if we all do something then it will be substantial. For instance, I've become even more conscious about organizing my driving so as to make all my needed stops in a single trip, and now I almost never drive on the weekends. This morning I saw an article suggesting that if you put a brick in your toilet tank, it displaces enough water per flush to make a difference in your usage. Imagine if we all did that, how much water we'd save! (Here in the high and dry where water is truly scarce, that's becoming increasingly important, too.)

true that thorn.

I have done the Gore thing with my home. Well except for the swimming pool :) but that is an emergency fire fighting water tank. It is registered with the local fire dept and they can suck it dry anytime they want. No fire hydrants our there in the sticks.

I only make maybe 2 trips to town a week.
My biggest waste is associated with the GC. I am taking them hiking and such this weekend. About 3 hours of driving for that.
And it is not because I can't afford to be wasteful.