It's not about the CSA you stupid west coast NL faggot. It's about where Kentucky is geographically.

They used to call it a Western state. It was deemed a "border state" later on. But, yeah, southern states are those which formed the CSA and lost the Civil War. To be a southern state is to be a loser.
They used to call it a Western state. It was deemed a "border state" later on. But, yeah, southern states are those which formed the CSA and lost the Civil War. To be a southern state is to be a loser.

Learn geography you dumbass nigger.
You deny that Kentucky was once deemed a Western state, and then a border state? Learn history and geography, retard.

We're not talking about yesteryear. The thread is about the NCAA brackets in 2018. You brought up that there were no southern schools in the tournament this year to which I referenced the large number in just the recent years that have won the title. Play in the past if you want, boy, but the topic is in the present not 160+ years ago.

It's OK. The last western team to win it was 21 years ago. Since that time, 12 of the 21 have been won by schools occupying a geographically southern state. It must suck to watch basketball in the west knowing you can't compete with the southern schools. Same with football.
We're not talking about yesteryear. The thread is about the NCAA brackets in 2018. You brought up that there were no southern schools in the tournament this year to which I referenced the large number in just the recent years that have won the title. Play in the past if you want, boy, but the topic is in the present not 160+ years ago.

It's OK. The last western team to win it was 21 years ago. Since that time, 12 of the 21 have been won by schools occupying a geographically southern state. It must suck to watch basketball in the west knowing you can't compete with the southern schools. Same with football.

Gotta be a loser to be a southern state. That's the rule.
Gotta be a loser to be a southern state. That's the rule.

Yet the numbers on the topic of the thread say otherwise. Just another left coast loser that can't stand the southern states produce the best sports teams and people, in general. That's why you live on the west coast. You couldn't survive in the south.
Yet the numbers on the topic of the thread say otherwise. Just another left coast loser that can't stand the southern states produce the best sports teams and people, in general. That's why you live on the west coast. You couldn't survive in the south.

What best sports teams? I didn't realize that the Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, Packers, Steelers, Giants, Yankees, Red Sox, Blackhawks, etc. were southern teams. Or the UCLA Bruins.

Now, what's the south's record in civil wars?

It's easy to survive in the south. Just be able to run faster than the guy next to you, and the ravenous hordes of inbred hillbillies will eat him instead of you. Or just be white.
What best sports teams? I didn't realize that the Celtics, Lakers, Bulls, Packers, Steelers, Giants, Yankees, Red Sox, Blackhawks, etc. were southern teams. Or the UCLA Bruins.

Now, what's the south's record in civil wars?

The topic isn't pro sports or the civil war. Please try to keep up, retard.

23 years since UCLA won a title in basketball. Since that time, there have been 12 SOUTHERN schools that won the title. You just can't handle that west coast schools can't compete.
The topic isn't pro sports or the civil war. Please try to keep up, retard.

23 years since UCLA won a title in basketball. Since that time, there have been 12 SOUTHERN schools that won the title. You just can't handle that west coast schools can't compete.

Southern, as in coming from states that lost the civil war, or are we going with your definition? In America, south means loser. No slaves for you, lazy boy.
Southern, as in coming from states that lost the civil war, or are we going with your definition? In America, south means loser.

We're going with the geographic definition. If you're too stupid to understand it, it's quite obvious you're a product of a west coast education. Perhaps from a unworthy Division II school. Maybe they didn't teach you that a a school that lets anyone in that can sign their name or make an X
We're going with the geographic definition. If you're too stupid to understand it, it's quite obvious you're a product of a west coast education. Perhaps from a unworthy Division II school. Maybe they didn't teach you that a a school that lets anyone in that can sign their name or make an X

The geography of Kentucky is this:

Nope, I like living in a state that is more American than any of your defeated former CSA states.

You're living in a state full of pussie just like you. You couldn't survive in the south running that dick sucker like you do.
You're living in a state full of pussie just like you. You couldn't survive in the south running that dick sucker like you do.

Well, my state has the force of Amazon, Boeing, Costco, and Microsoft behind it (plus we put an obnoxious Starbucks on every street corner of America). Now that Google is moving into the neighbourhood, we basically have the ability to obliterate your local economies, and shoot down everything still left standing. After that, I might consider the south a truly uninhabitable region.
Well, my state has the force of Amazon, Boeing, Costco, and Microsoft behind it (plus we put an obnoxious Starbucks on every street corner of America). Now that Google is moving into the neighbourhood, we basically have the ability to obliterate your local economies, and shoot down everything still left standing. After that, I might consider the south a truly uninhabitable region.

We're talking about you, son. Stop being like the typical Liberal and relying on someone else. Do for yourself. That's why you wouldn't survive in the South. You can't do for yourself.