Neighbors Rally Around a Cop Killer

Gee thanks, Once again, how many robberies are done by battering ram. I own plenty guns, and wouldn't recommend anyone knocking down my door either, however, I think I'd know it was the police when they identified themselves and starting ramming the door. Also don't presume to know my positions on anything, if this was only over pot, I think a no knock warrant is excessive to the nth degree, but where still only debating the matter of guilt of a Cop Killer, so far.

WRL doesn't know what a no-knock warrant is.
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So if someone comes into your house with a battering ram, you should know its the seekers of justice, and not bad people.

OK Larry, how's the weather up there in the clouds?

yes if someone enters your house with a battering ram screaming police it's best to assume they are before you fire.
WRL doesn't know what a no-knock warrant is.

And I was correct, they did not have a warrant on his address:

* Corey Maye is currently awaiting execution in Mississippi for the murder of Prentiss, MS police officer Ron Jones, after police entered his home under uncertain circumstances. Neither Maye, nor his address, was named in the warrant; his neighbor, a suspected drug dealer, was the target of the raid. In the pre-dawn hours of Dec. 26, 2001, Maye was awoken by pounding on his door. In a state of confusion and fear, he rushed to his daughter's bedroom with a handgun. When police burst into the home, Maye fired 3 shots, killing officer Jones. According to Maye, it was only then that he realized the intruders were police and gave himself up. Although he has expressed regret and sympathy for the Jones family, he maintains that he was only trying to protect his sleeping daughter from unknown intruders. His case is awaiting appeal.[2]

Listen here, before you attack me, get a f'ing clue, where not debating Corey Maye, read the thread before you respond.
WRL doesn't know what a no-knock warrant is.

And I was correct, they did not have a warrant on his address:

* Corey Maye is currently awaiting execution in Mississippi for the murder of Prentiss, MS police officer Ron Jones, after police entered his home under uncertain circumstances. Neither Maye, nor his address, was named in the warrant; his neighbor, a suspected drug dealer, was the target of the raid. In the pre-dawn hours of Dec. 26, 2001, Maye was awoken by pounding on his door. In a state of confusion and fear, he rushed to his daughter's bedroom with a handgun. When police burst into the home, Maye fired 3 shots, killing officer Jones. According to Maye, it was only then that he realized the intruders were police and gave himself up. Although he has expressed regret and sympathy for the Jones family, he maintains that he was only trying to protect his sleeping daughter from unknown intruders. His case is awaiting appeal.[2]

This thread is about Ryan Frederick, not Corey Maye.

Jesus Christ you can't even agree with people right. And you use "whenever" in the wrong context a lot.
In the US, a no knock warrant is a warrant issued by a judge that allows law enforcement officers to enter a property without knocking and without identifying themselves as police.

As has been stated before, the police do this at great risk, and I've never seen a raid that the police didn't announce their presence, glad to see you've got google active to keep up though. Still doesn't change the fact we're debating the degree of guilt of a cop killer.

You're not even on the right person, so...
Listen here, before you attack me, get a f'ing clue, where not debating Corey Maye, read the thread before you respond.

Watermark, asskicked by Larry.

Either way William, you have to understand something. When people come into your home pointing guns into your face, most people tend to go into survival mode, and if they can, they'll kill those people.

The cops are playing a stupid game here. More of them will get killed with this gestapo like shit. You don't serve a no knock warrant, especially on a guy you think might have a pot plant. He's merely suspected of committing an entirely victimless crime, and they home invade his ass and stick guns in his face?

Of course that's risky on the police's part, and what makes it wors is that it's entirely unnecessary and unjustified.
Either way William, you have to understand something. When people come into your home pointing guns into your face, most people tend to go into survival mode, and if they can, they'll kill those people.

The cops are playing a stupid game here. More of them will get killed with this gestapo like shit. You don't serve a no knock warrant, especially on a guy you think might have a pot plant. He's merely suspected of committing an entirely victimless crime, and they home invade his ass and stick guns in his face?

Of course that's risky on the police's part, and what makes it wors is that it's entirely unnecessary and unjustified.

Shit, what a stupid argument. You can't even agree with people right.
Watermark, asskicked by Larry.

Either way William, you have to understand something. When people come into your home pointing guns into your face, most people tend to go into survival mode, and if they can, they'll kill those people.

The cops are playing a stupid game here. More of them will get killed with this gestapo like shit. You don't serve a no knock warrant, especially on a guy you think might have a pot plant. He's merely suspected of committing an entirely victimless crime, and they home invade his ass and stick guns in his face?

Of course that's risky on the police's part, and what makes it wors is that it's entirely unnecessary and unjustified.

If we can confirm it's just pot, then I agree the degree of force was totally unjustified.
If we can confirm it's just pot, then I agree the degree of force was totally unjustified.
Because of no knock raids, rival gangs enter homes in the same manner "identifying" themselves as cops hoping to gain a moment's advantage. Believe me, it is the cops putting themselves in danger with no knock raids. They are stupid on so many levels.