Nelson Mandela


Ahorrado por Gracia
I often hear left-wingers offer praise to Nelson Mandela. This is the man who killed thousands of innocent White farmers, stole their land for his cause, and killed thousands Blacks who would not join his Communist organization. Mandella is a sick man and a brutal, racist dictator. He should have never been set free from prison. The only reason he should have been removed from his cell is to be lynched.

Such a sentimental word to use when you are discussing a man of color. Do you always try to be so sensitive to others feeling?

Immanuel said:

Such a sentimental word to use when you are discussing a man of color. Do you always try to be so sensitive to others feeling?


Oh. My. Lord.

Please assure me you are joking, Immanuel. :) Pretty please!

I do not care if he is lynched, shot, stoned, whatever - my point is, he is a mass-murderer who favored violence against innocent people in order to accomplish his twisted political goals. Lynching just seems most practical, because it does not cost anything.
Brent, you are advocating hanging to such an extent that i suspect you are either -

(a) an investor in a small rope manufacturing operation, or

(b) on the pipe.
Brent's claims to Christianity are an insult to real Christians.

The folks on the right wing wacko fringe think that Brent is a right wing wacko.

All heat... no light.
Brent said:
Oh. My. Lord.

Please assure me you are joking, Immanuel. :) Pretty please!

I do not care if he is lynched, shot, stoned, whatever - my point is, he is a mass-murderer who favored violence against innocent people in order to accomplish his twisted political goals. Lynching just seems most practical, because it does not cost anything.

Really? First off the term is highly inappropriate and maybe deliberately inflammatory but I'll let that slide.

I'm very interested in your Biblical justification for your views on this mostly your interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how this fits into the Grace that God has given us through the death of is son. Please show me Biblical references for this.

Immanuel said:
Really? First off the term is highly inappropriate and maybe deliberately inflammatory but I'll let that slide.

I'm very interested in your Biblical justification for your views on this mostly your interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how this fits into the Grace that God has given us through the death of is son. Please show me Biblical references for this.


you should have specified the New Testament!
and anyone who considers equality for the vast majority of people living in a country as a "twisted political goal" is sickeningly twisted themselves.
maineman said:
and anyone who considers equality for the vast majority of people living in a country as a "twisted political goal" is sickeningly twisted themselves.

Technically I did:

"mostly your interpretation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

And I mentioned the Gospel deliberately to separate it from the Old Testament and the out of context Levitical passages that I knew he would try to throw at us.


We (80%+ of Christians) interpret Exodus chapter twenty-one to support the death penalty with a clean conscience, as you once did. We do not ignore the fact that the death penalty was ordained of God before the Law of Moses in Genesis 9:6. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Nelson Mandela is guilty of such a crime, and is therefore worthy of death. He is a sick man who killed political opponents and their wives and their children. To hang him would be an act of righteousness.

Christ saves us from spiritual death, not physical death.
Or is YOUR body going to live forever, Immanuel?

Besides, I think you've flip-flopped on the death penalty enough that you no longer have any credibility on this issue as far as I am concerned. Clearly it is a matter of emotion for you and not a matter of conscience.

YOU have no right to judge me, Immanuel.
What I believe in regards to the death penalty is between the Lord and I.
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maineman said:
you should have specified the New Testament!

You should rip out your Old Testament from your Bible and cast it into the fire. Obviously you have no need for it, since you think it is worthless and archaic.
Brent said:

We (80%+ of Christians) interpret Exodus chapter twenty-one to support the death penalty with a clean conscience, as you once did. We do not ignore the fact that the death penalty was ordained of God before the Law of Moses in Genesis 9:6. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Nelson Mandela is guilty of such a crime, and is therefore worthy of death. He is a sick man who killed political opponents and their wives and their children. To hang him would be an act of righteousness.

Christ saves us from spiritual death, not physical death.
Or is YOUR body going to live forever, Immanuel?

Besides, I think you've flip-flopped on the death penalty enough that you no longer have any credibility on this issue as far as I am concerned. Clearly it is a matter of emotion for you and not a matter of conscience.

YOU have no right to judge me, Immanuel.
What I believe in regards to the death penalty is between the Lord and I.


Ye who judge people on hourly basis have no right to judge me. Maybe you should try reading the Book of Romans. I think Romans 2 would be a good place to start.

I must confess that I wonder if you are truly Christian. You viewpoints are much more in line with Adolf Hitler's who liked to quote the Bible but was no where near Christian than they are with Jesus Christ.

How many times have I flip flopped, Brent?

Once. I've changed from being very much pro-death penalty to one who has reservations based solely on the human use of it.

How many times have you flip flopped on your Christian beliefs? I can't count but you started as a RR Christian and have been a Christian Falangist and a Mormon and God knows how many other extremist view points in just the couple of years you have been on this site?

You think you have any credibility?

Brent said:
I often hear left-wingers offer praise to Nelson Mandela. This is the man who killed thousands of innocent White farmers, stole their land for his cause, and killed thousands Blacks who would not join his Communist organization. Mandella is a sick man and a brutal, racist dictator. He should have never been set free from prison. The only reason he should have been removed from his cell is to be lynched.

Cite? Or did you just make these allegations up? :confused:
I'm beginning to think, Brent, that maybe you are a tool of the devil attempting to destroy the credibility of people of faith.

Immanuel said:
I'm beginning to think, Brent, that maybe you are a tool of the devil attempting to destroy the credibility of people of faith.

I've been saying that for some time. Well, not that exactly, but something not too dissimilar.

Brent's just too bent to be believed. :cool:
Brent said:
You should rip out your Old Testament from your Bible and cast it into the fire. Obviously you have no need for it, since you think it is worthless and archaic.

For someone who claims to be a Christian, you seem awfully flippant about the teachings of Jesus..... perhaps you should rip out your New Testament since you seem to have no need for the compassionate teachings of the Christ.

Help me understand, here.

You say you are not opposed to the death penalty -- you simply have reservations about its use. In other words, you agree there might be SOME cases where it MAY be justified. Is that correct? Now, here I am saying a man who killed thousands of innocent farmers, and/or stole their land, and oppressed a large group of people based on the color of their skin, and killed Blacks who did not agree with him, should be executed; and then you have the nerve to suggest that I am not a Christian -- that I am "judging" Nelson Mandela, who is a genocidal maniac in the image of Adolf Hitler. Naturally, that leads to ask you the question: if Mandela does not deserve the death penalty, WHO DOES?

Also, per usual, you never forget to emphasize what a PERFECT Christian you are. You talk of Grace, but you do not show any Grace towards me. Did you ever stop to consider that, even if the death penalty is wrong, that GOD simply has not spoken to me regarding this matter?

I see nothing in the Bible condemning the death penalty. Nothing. And the Spirit has never convicted me to believe otherwise. So what the hell do you expect me to do?

If you want to talk, respond rationally. "You are not a Christian, you're from Satan" is not going to cut it. Look, I can respect that you have reservations about the death penaly, but don't you DARE suggest that I am not a Christian because I believe the death penalty is OK with God. Especially considering I have Biblical passages to support my beliefs.

So let's see who is rational now.

If you plan on responding as you've done thus far, don't even bother, because I do not plan on responding to you, and you'll immediately find yourself on my ignore list. That wouldn't be a very good testimony, now would it? But if you wish to discuss our beliefs, and explain your convictions, rather than judging me because I do not share your convictions, THEN we can talk.

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