Nelson Mandela

lol, I said this:

Beefy said:
This sure sounds like the "with us or against us" bullshit that W was spouting while selling us this fucked up war.

Then maineman says this:

no doesn't.... the whites in South Africa were either part of the solution or part of the problem..

LOL, how is this different again? With us or against us, part of the problem or part of the solution? I just caught this. Maineman, good god, pull your head out your ass. You cant make this up.
Beefy said:
Admit it, you're just mad because he brought up Skinhead, and showed you the error of your ways.

Anyway, I'll be in Seattle next month, would you like to get some beers, hookers and pot? Well, a beer anyway?

Funny, just a couple weeks ago I was thinking of starting UNHF the United Nationalist Hooker Fund. I was going to propose that you escort Brent to a hooker and see if we could not get a collection going. I am willing to put $100. He really needs to get laid.
RStringfield said:
Funny, just a couple weeks ago I was thinking of starting UNHF the United Nationalist Hooker Fund. I was going to propose that you escort Brent to a hooker and see if we could not get a collection going. I am willing to put $100. He really needs to get laid.

I'm in for $100.
Beefy said:
lol, I said this:

Then maineman says this:

no doesn't.... the whites in South Africa were either part of the solution or part of the problem..

LOL, how is this different again? With us or against us, part of the problem or part of the solution? I just caught this. Maineman, good god, pull your head out your ass. You cant make this up.

What ARE you asking here? Are you suggesting that all either/or comparisons are equal? Pull your head out of YOUR ass. Either you walk to school, or you carry your lunch.... either you eat shit or you bark at the moon... either you are a vegetarian or you're not....either you live in Boston or you don't..... get real.

Are you suggesting that white South African farmers who are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of the Europeans that invaded, conquered and occupied south africa and who were a tiny minority of the total population but owned damned near every acre of land and totally subjugated the black population that vastly outnumbered them are somehow no more complicit in the inequity of life in south africa than - say - Italian immigrants living in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan - an island that was BOUGHT from native Americans over three centuries ago - are complicit in the mistreatment of native americans in this country?

Or, are you saying that blacks living in south africa did not have a right to fight against the oppression of apartheid?

What IS your fucking point besides the fact that George Bush saying "either you are with us or you're with the terrorists" uses the same grammatical construction as my statement about white south africans and their complicity with apartheid?

I can hardly wait for your next critique of my writing style, "teach"

fuck's that work for ya?
Mandella could do 20 yrs in prison.
He could take 3yrs with his wife upon release they got divorced. LOL
IHateGovernment said:
Looks like Maineman has a new Dixie.

Who? Beefy? no way...beefy is a good guy... he was a good guy on and he hasn't changed..... I am just cantakerous.... surely that is not a surprise.
maineman said:
Who? Beefy? no way...beefy is a good guy... he was a good guy on and he hasn't changed..... I am just cantakerous.... surely that is not a surprise.

You? Naaaaah..!

AnyOldIron said:
We (80%+ of Christians) interpret Exodus chapter twenty-one to support the death penalty with a clean conscience, as you once did. We do not ignore the fact that the death penalty was ordained of God before the Law of Moses in Genesis 9:6.

Silly little boy. Moses didn't even write the pentateuch, it had four seperate authors.

And your use of tatty rewritten-to-suit-political-aims myths and legends to justify your little-Hitler fantasies is no argument besides....