Never again will I vote for a Democrat or Republican


Sexy Beast!
Alright, I'm 100% sure I'm not voting for Democrats or Republicans ever again! Do they really think they are keeping us 'safer' by legislating bans on gambling?!?! I can't even deposit funds into my partypoker account anymore!?! Free Poker is BORING AS HELL! I'm just looking to have some fun with 50 bucks and get better at a game I enjoy. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, but I never play if I can't afford to lose it. This is just pure bullshit! I'm telling you, they are all the same, and don't give a shit about freedoms anymore.

Congress Chooses to Legislate Morality with Internet Gambling Ban

(Washington, D.C.) Over the past weekend, a bill was passed by Congress that essentially bans Internet gambling within the United States.

Tennessee Senator and supposed presidential hopeful, Bill Frist, snuck the legislation into a port security bill which passed with only two dissenting votes. The new regulations, which will go into effect when George W. Bush signs the bill, will ban wire transfers to online gaming companies.

Supporters of the legislation accuse online gaming companies of being involved in money laundering operations and, according to the Washington Post, even fronts for terrorist groups.

"This goes beyond the absurd," exclaimed Shane Cory, executive director of the Libertarian National Committee. "Using the supposed War on Terror in defense of this legislation designed to legislate morality is sickening. Using this same reasoning, Congress should close Vegas as 9/11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta made a least two trips to the 'Sin City' before setting out to murder thousands of Americans."

In addition to citing money laundering and terrorism as excuses for the new Internet restrictions championed by Republican politicians, proponents also state that online gambling targets children and gambling addicts.

"Once again, we see politicians in Washington attempting to protect us from what they see as wrong in this world. I have news for them: Americans are smart people who can take care of themselves AND their children," continued Cory. "In restricting Internet activities, I think it would make much more sense to ban instant messaging within Congressional offices rather than ban the online hobbies of millions of tax-paying citizens."

The Libertarian Party is working to stop poor legislation such as the ban on Internet gambling by electing principled and reasoned Libertarian leaders to public office at the local, state and federal levels of government.​

Can I put money in before bush signs, and then get it out?

This REALLY pisses me off, more so than I think anything else.

Fucking idiot government.
You wouldn't be able to get it out if you won and you waited until after he signed the bill. You'd have to use proxies that confuse it to believe that you were from somewhere else.
And yes, I do believe I understand how pissed you are. I don't like to gamble, but this is directly against what I believe.
Yeah, they'd still be effected. It limits banks from transferring money for US Adresses
If we do not stand vigilant when others lose little freedoms, soon we will find nobody will stand for us when we lose ours.
Oh well I will be dead before it gets too screwed up anyway ;)
It just makes me chuckle a bit that this seems to have heated a couple up more than all the deaths in Iraq on both sides ;)
I guess most of us are selfish voters.
Was the gambling thing put in with a wine security bill ?
Does not matter , this was just closing a loophole on the govt controlling gambling anyway. It is illegal in all places not govt approved.
Oh well I will be dead before it gets too screwed up anyway ;)
It just makes me chuckle a bit that this seems to have heated a couple up more than all the deaths in Iraq on both sides ;)
I guess most of us are selfish voters.

Honestly this does actually get me more mad than the entire iraq issue.
Oh well I will be dead before it gets too screwed up anyway ;)
It just makes me chuckle a bit that this seems to have heated a couple up more than all the deaths in Iraq on both sides ;)
I guess most of us are selfish voters.

Yeah, I had that same thought and was considering making a blistering post on it. But the last time I was here (the night before last I think?) I went off on Dano, and I like to mix it up, you know usc? Sometimes nasty, sometimes sweet. This way, you never know what you're going to get, and plus, I don't become the most hated poster on the board. :)
I've been mad at Iraq for a long, long time... I went off long ago about Undeclared wars and long ago people ignored me. *sigh*

Do you remember when Bush promised no "Nation Building." The whole "War Powers Act" and undeclared wars have put our asses in more trouble than any other messed up piece of unconstitutional pap that has ever been passed.
I have wanted us to be done with iraq for a very long time now, and I was one of the first people on the boards to agree with murtha.... But honestly, my life hasn't changed with regards to the iraq issue, I haven't been effected by it, it doesn't change my day to day life.. it's just something going on in a far away place.

This gambling thing though, directly effects me and my money and that makes me mad.