Never again will I vote for a Democrat or Republican

Dave your freedom to gamble except in US govt approved places was taken away a loooong time ago. You were just sliding thru a loophole, which is being closed. To whine about losing your freedom to gamble now is not totally honest.
No, it would be dishonest for me to sit there and not complain when I thought it has been wrong from the beginning.

Where in all my posts do I even imply that I think it is a "new" thing to limit gambling?
Dave your freedom to gamble except in US govt approved places was taken away a loooong time ago. You were just sliding thru a loophole, which is being closed. To whine about losing your freedom to gamble now is not totally honest.

It was legal regardless, and I was having a good time doing it. Its bullshit that they limit it in the first place.
No, it would be dishonest for me to sit there and not complain when I thought it has been wrong from the beginning.

Where in all my posts do I even imply that I think it is a "new" thing to limit gambling?

Exactly! Like I said, I've been pissed about how the government controls the whole business for a few years now. Its hypocrisy!
That is a totally different issue. Our govt has stringently controlled gambling for many years. To act like this internet aspect of gambling control is a different issue is not correct.
To pretend that it is right because it isn't a new thing would be dishonest and hypocritical of me.

I don't even gamble and I think it is wrong to do this. Personal responsibility is the burden of freedom, to assume that nobody should do something because some are irresponsible is the opposite.

I will not idly stand by when other's freedoms are taken.
I'm not, I still think it is right to take most of those laws and shove them right where the sun don't shine. What is right means I think this is a new thing?

No, it would be dishonest for me to sit there and not complain when I thought it has been wrong from the beginning.

Where in all my posts do I even imply that I think it is a "new" thing to limit gambling?

You said.
"If we do not stand vigilant when others lose little freedoms, soon we will find nobody will stand for us when we lose ours."
You said.
"If we do not stand vigilant when others lose little freedoms, soon we will find nobody will stand for us when we lose ours."

So because they make it more restrictive and take away something MILLIONS of people play, we arn't really 'losing' freedoms? What the hell kind of logic is that!
To pretend that it is right because it isn't a new thing would be dishonest and hypocritical of me.

I don't even gamble and I think it is wrong to do this. Personal responsibility is the burden of freedom, to assume that nobody should do something because some are irresponsible is the opposite.

I will not idly stand by when other's freedoms are taken.

good backout job Damo ;)
You said.
"If we do not stand vigilant when others lose little freedoms, soon we will find nobody will stand for us when we lose ours."
And this means that I think it is new? It means that I believe that this is a little freedom that I should stand with others over...

I believe that the more I stand complacent because it isn't "new" the closer it gets to the freedoms that I enjoy.
Good misinterpretation job usc!

I dont think so Dave. (said in an Al Borland tone of voice) :)
the freedom to gamble when and where we want was long ago lost.
You guys had found a loophole for a brief time created by new technologies not covered under the gambling laws in wording, but covered by intent.
Whatever usc, Im not gonna sit here and debate you on what Damo meant. I know what he meant, and I doubt you care, but you lose a few 'common sense' points with me.
So every person that submits money to a partypoker account is evading taxes? Wish I knew this after I submitted my already taxed money that I earned into that account. Commie...
This is a MASTERED TACTIC of the Republicans of late Damo...this slipping in at the last minute, legislation that is controversial, in a MUST PASS BILL like POrt Security.

Would voting AGAINST port security have been the "right" thing to do Damo?

Or would the RIGHT thing to do ...should have been NOT slipping this casino legislation in to a MUST PASS for our safety, Port Security Bill...

What I am trying to say is that I believe YOUR attitude on this is WRONG, because it is the Republicans in power that NEEDS to STOP this kind of bullshit favoritism towards their big campaign donors with measures like this, slipped in to these must pass bills....

Republicans in power need to stop this CRAP....I am sick of it...this measure is NOTHING compared to the thousand other bullshit measures the republicans have slipped in to MUST PASS legislation over the past 6 years....

The Republican controlled congress is doing a HUGE DISSERVICE to the American people via the way they mishandle their responsibilities to ALL OF US....imho.

Vote Democratic or don't vote is my reccomendation, at this point... :D:D:D

Ted Kennedy is a master of this technique. It's not just an R thing.
So every person that submits money to a partypoker account is evading taxes? Wish I knew this after I submitted my already taxed money that I earned into that account. Commie...
Nope but if you won more than you lost, that is called profit and is taxable income to be reported.