Never again will I vote for a Democrat or Republican

Nope I just have no use for anyone exploiting a loophole in the law and then whining when the looophole is closed. You should be glad you had it when you did. And if I have to pay my taxes like I should so should we all.

Officially Dave I am a Republican, that is what my voter registration says anyway ;)
Nope I just have no use for anyone exploiting a loophole in the law and then whining when the looophole is closed. You should be glad you had it when you did. And if I have to pay my taxes like I should so should we all.

Officially Dave I am a Republican, that is what my voter registration says anyway ;)

So you advocate government sponsored gambling, well, any gambling as long as the government says its ok. I know, you like the government to control everything. You also like the government to tax already taxed money so they can have more to fund wars and shit like that. Nevermind that all the money played on those sites is leftover from taxes. Even the people that lose the money were taxed and they played with whats left. That money ends up going to someone else who played with their already taxed money. Let's tax it again!
No dave I advocate following the laws our government makes.
All money is taxed multiple times, that is the way it is, you spend it someone else pays taxes on income derived from what you spent.
I don't personally like gambling because it can be a destructive addiction like alcohol and drugs and wreck lives. Done properly it is fine with me, but illegal in the USA unless done at a govt approved location/manner.
The entire qoute would be less deceptive Dave.
"No dave I advocate following the laws our government makes.
All money is taxed multiple times, that is the way it is, you spend it someone else pays taxes on income derived from what you spent.
I don't personally like gambling because it can be a destructive addiction like alcohol and drugs and wreck lives. Done properly it is fine with me, but illegal in the USA unless done at a govt approved location/manner."
How does that change the quote? You still believe government should control everything. What you said in your entire post does not change the meaning of your quote.
If you think that statement means I believe that the govt should control everything, well you local community college should have adult reading comprehension classes.
No dave I advocate following the laws our government makes

Done properly it is fine with me, but illegal in the USA unless done at a govt approved location/manner."

First you say you advocate following the laws of our government. Therefore, you advocate that the government control it all, since that is the law.
Yep, IHG I have, and do, but that is a far cry from saying I believe the government should support EVERYTHING ;)
usc, you knew the context of this thread and know what I meant when i said everything. It is refering to gambling.
We were doing fine till you threw in the everything.
And as I told IHG, yes I do support govt control of gambling because people are too stupid as a rule to properly regulate themselves.
and innocent people get hurt as a result.
And no I did not realize everything just meant gambling. sigh...
I do support govt control of gambling because people are too stupid as a rule to properly regulate themselves.
and innocent people get hurt as a result.

You are 'a people' too usc. So are all the people that make the laws and decide what is 'good' and 'bad', nice to know you are right up there with Hastert on this issue.
"innocent"? What is innocent? That poor sucker who just happens to be gambling their money away? Are they really innocent?

The truly addicted gambler will gamble their money away regardless of this silly law.
Of course, Hastert thinks that because he can't regulate himself, let alone his employees. Its unfortunate he trys to regulate the rest of America.
The poor fools family Damo.
I don't give a real big rats ass in either direction. But do understand why some things are regulated. Although if no regulations anarchy would result and after a time the weak ones would be weeded out and the gene pool would be stronger. Regulations allow the weak to survive and reproduce. dod eat dog weeds out the weak.
But as I stated before do have an allergy to prison so I tend to follow the law pretty well. I don't care for gambling personally because I hate to flush my hard earned money down the drain.
The poor fools family Damo.
I don't give a real big rats ass in either direction. But do understand why some things are regulated. Although if no regulations anarchy would result and after a time the weak ones would be weeded out and the gene pool would be stronger. Regulations allow the weak to survive and reproduce. dod eat dog weeds out the weak.
But as I stated before do have an allergy to prison so I tend to follow the law pretty well. I don't care for gambling personally because I hate to flush my hard earned money down the drain.
The poor fools family will suffer regardless of this law. That was my point. You cannot save them by making them find more black market ways to gamble. It simply doesn't work. Any more than the "War on Drugs" works.