Never again will I vote for a Democrat or Republican

but alcohol is legal and still costs this country more in dollars and trouble than all illegal drug use combined ?
I think we just need to let the mentally deficient people weed themselves from the gene pool, I just dont loike the idea of them taking innocent ones with them is my only concern.
Ohh similar stuff to what is happening now with illegal drugs Dave. But we have gotten too high and moral :) to react the way we did with prohibition.
Would we not have more drug problems if illegal drugs were more available ?
No, if we truly paid attention we would have less and people would be treated rather than pumped through the system that teaches them to become better criminals.
We were doing fine till you threw in the everything.
And as I told IHG, yes I do support govt control of gambling because people are too stupid as a rule to properly regulate themselves.
and innocent people get hurt as a result.
And no I did not realize everything just meant gambling. sigh...

Ugh. Government to the rescue to save us from ourselves. Maybe having to relocate to living in a cardboard box will convince someone gambling excessively is a bad idea.
Would we not have more drug problems if illegal drugs were more available ?

We wouldn't have three year old girls shot up in drive bys over drug turf wars I know that.
No, if we truly paid attention we would have less and people would be treated rather than pumped through the system that teaches them to become better criminals.

why do you think they would be treated properly Damo ?
Should we regulate their treatment ?
Ohh similar stuff to what is happening now with illegal drugs Dave. But we have gotten too high and moral :) to react the way we did with prohibition.

I highly doubt that. If they were to make alcohol illegal, there would be outrage again, just like before. Drugs have been illegal for quite some time and people are still pissed about it. Gangs are still being funded by drugs.
Would we not have more drug problems if illegal drugs were more available ?

We wouldn't have three year old girls shot up in drive bys over drug turf wars I know that.
there will always be some people that are trashy punks no matter what is legal or illegal.
We were doing fine till you threw in the everything.
And as I told IHG, yes I do support govt control of gambling because people are too stupid as a rule to properly regulate themselves.
and innocent people get hurt as a result.
And no I did not realize everything just meant gambling. sigh...

Ugh. Government to the rescue to save us from ourselves. Maybe having to relocate to living in a cardboard box will convince someone gambling excessively is a bad idea.

for me that would be acceptable, unlike Grind I do have some compassion for the innocent though. But none for the heroin junkie or the gambling addict or alkie.
Yeah, except the trashy punks make money selling illegal drugs instead of working a job and learning to live within society.
so you really think those types of humans would work at the insurance company with rob if drugs were legal ? come on get real, some people are just garbage and only deserve to be shot.
So what SHOULDN'T we regulate usc? Business? Moral Values? What do you think is something the government should just keep its nose out of?
why do you think they would be treated properly Damo ?
Should we regulate their treatment ?
No. But there would be far less issues with coming forward and admitting your problem. Nobody would be there with handcuffs. Those who supply them wouldn't be the local illegal standing on a corner not caring if they sell them to children or at a school...
so you really think those types of humans would work at the insurance company with rob if drugs were legal ? come on get real, some people are just garbage and only deserve to be shot.

I would not only bet that, I would GUARANTEE that at least 50% of the 'garbage' you speak of was not selling drugs illegally, they would be forced into working a real job. Whether it be McDonalds or as the CEO of Enron, they would need to make money somehow. Maybe they could be pharmacists!
there will always be some people that are trashy punks no matter what is legal or illegal.

Of course but one can't deny that less, much less is better
for me that would be acceptable, unlike Grind I do have some compassion for the innocent though. But none for the heroin junkie or the gambling addict or alkie.

Thats taking it to an extreme end. Are you suggesting that any behavior that can be detrimental to family members be curtailed? Drinking, drugs, gambling, skydiving, serving in the military? And what of those who don't have a family or familial obligations. Dave has no family yet he is prevented from gambling because he might harm his family? What family?

We cannot base law upon making sure children have good Daddies. It is the parents responsibility to be a good parent. Parents are to raise children not the government.
Drug dealers are often great entrepreneurs who given another outlet would accel. Read freakonomics about the economy of a drug dealing gang.