Never again will I vote for a Democrat or Republican

Would we not have more drug problems if illegal drugs were more available ?

We wouldn't have three year old girls shot up in drive bys over drug turf wars I know that.
The news reported that she was not the victim of a stray round, but rather executed because one gang thought her dad was in the other gang. Yeah, somebody, please, show me how legalization is worse than this...
Drug dealers are often great entrepreneurs who given another outlet would accel. Read freakonomics about the economy of a drug dealing gang.
I have and, like any good pyramid, the top levels make the big bucks while the street dealers make less than minimum wage.
Yeah the disparity truly surprised me. In the hood though kids follow fantasies instead of realistic goals. Many either think they are going to be the next Pablo Escobar, 50 Cent, or Kobe Bryant.
Yeah I try to keep away from that stuff it depresses me. My wife is always sure to inform me. She's always on that court TV website. Don't know how she can read about one atrocity aftern another.
Nope I just have no use for anyone exploiting a loophole in the law and then whining when the looophole is closed. You should be glad you had it when you did. And if I have to pay my taxes like I should so should we all.

I really want you to die.
We were doing fine till you threw in the everything.
And as I told IHG, yes I do support govt control of gambling because people are too stupid as a rule to properly regulate themselves.
and innocent people get hurt as a result.

Tough shit.

I REALLLLLY want you to just die...
Why would I let someone on a board get my panties in a wad Darla ?
Life is too short to look for things to get upset about or get upset about something that does not matter. There are plenty of rocks in the road of life that we can't dodge anyway.
Why would I let someone on a board get my panties in a wad Darla ?
Life is too short to look for things to get upset about or get upset about something that does not matter. There are plenty of rocks in the road of life that we can't dodge anyway.

Very true usc. But I still like to hit them with a, why don't you go f yourself you sniveling little worm, from time to time. I can't help myself.

Do you know that Dusty Springfield song, Son of a Preacher Man? "It ain't easy being good, no matter how hard I try." That's me.
Yeah the disparity truly surprised me. In the hood though kids follow fantasies instead of realistic goals. Many either think they are going to be the next Pablo Escobar, 50 Cent, or Kobe Bryant.
Perhaps because the goals that seem "reasonable" in our world aren't in theirs . . . statistically speaking, that is. While many human responses aren't strictly rational they almost always procede from rationally describable causes.
Perhaps because the goals that seem "reasonable" in our world aren't in theirs . . . statistically speaking, that is. While many human responses aren't strictly rational they almost always procede from rationally describable causes.
It is more realistic to believe in the cultural aspects as well. Often when people make it the regular way they are called "oreos" or are said to be "race traitors" sometimes even worse euphemisms are used.

So, doing well in school, working hard and making it through regular means often nets people punishment rather than worship and being set as the goal to work toward.
It is more realistic to believe in the cultural aspects as well. Often when people make it the regular way they are called "oreos" or are said to be "race traitors" sometimes even worse euphemisms are used.

So, doing well in school, working hard and making it through regular means often nets people punishment rather than worship and being set as the goal to work toward.
I would argue that's more effect than cause. Certainly there is feedback but a secondary effect is still secondary.

The behavior you object to -- from your comfortable vantage -- while definitely a problem, is learned. It's an adaptation to pressures from without, not a mamanifestation of any defect in the population itself.
I would argue that's more effect than cause. Certainly there is feedback but a secondary effect is still secondary.

The behavior you object to -- from your comfortable vantage -- while definitely a problem, is learned. It's an adaptation to pressures from without, not a mamanifestation of any defect in the population itself.
From my comfortable vantage? LOL. You wouldn't say that if you knew where I grew up!
From my comfortable vantage? LOL. You wouldn't say that if you knew where I grew up!
Wanna trade horror stories? You wouldn't want to: trust me. ;)

Gratuitous minor flame-baiting aside, I stand by the basic analysis. You're looking at a cultural adaptation and casting a value judgment against it from outside. That's *always* a very risky proposition. I'll even grant that some aspects are indeed maladaptive, but the pressures that gave rise to the adaptation are still there.

In short, the only way to change it is two pronged. Commitment to change within the sub-culture and commitment to aleviating the economic and social pressures from without.
Wanna trade horror stories? You wouldn't want to: trust me. ;)

Gratuitous minor flame-baiting aside, I stand by the basic analysis. You're looking at a cultural adaptation and casting a value judgment against it from outside. That's *always* a very risky proposition. I'll even grant that some aspects are indeed maladaptive, but the pressures that gave rise to the adaptation are still there.

In short, the only way to change it is two pronged. Commitment to change within the sub-culture and commitment to aleviating the economic and social pressures from without.
I've never argued against that. I have been committed to education for a long, long time.

I have been clear. I believe that the cultural aspects are more significant than that. I don't need "horror" stories to back me up. Just memory. Shoot, even I was made fun of for being so "white". There was significant negative pressure on my friends. I knew that almost all of them could easily make it out of there if they'd just get past this...